
Forget Me Not

“Fuck, it just had to be one I’ve never read before!” Well, that won’t stop her from having fun. Original plot? Pfft don’t even know it, so let’s just screw around. Original pairings? What’s that? Let’s just pair the ones that look pleasing to the eyes together. As an outsider, she enjoys her popcorn and tea while watching the drama unfold. ... I will be posting the new story on a new novel with a new title. For now, I’ll upload every Tues, Thurs, and Sat KST time (Though, this will change if I receive enough love from all of you~). I know how unoriginal the premise is, and I do apologize for that. However, this is MY take on the whole transmigration thing!

smitkims · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Antagonist vs Second Male Lead

Lynne didn't even need to say anything to cause Amelia to start flapping her mouth again.

"I heard your parents made great contributions for the company overseas yesterday?" Amelia stopped clapping for her and flipped her hair as if it was her own accomplishment.

'What's antagonist suddenly trying to pull off? Aren't Lynne's parents dead?' Lynne's eyebrows slightly raised as she waited for the antagonist to talk more.

"Miss Amelia. Congratulating a scheming family shouldn't be worth any of your time," The useless lackey standing besides her snorted out.

"Of course it should be. Why should I not praise a fellow classmate?" Amelia asked innocently, making sure to cutely tilt her head to the side.

"The overseas offer was supposed to belong to Miss Amelia's family, so she's basically stealing all of the rewards that should belong to you!" Ruby crossed her arms and glared down at Lynne condescendingly.

'There's the tea finally. Took the useless follower long enough to get to her main point. So, how will our dear antagonist innocently fuel the flames?' Lynne started tapping her finger on her table impatiently. She came for the entertaining drama not a useless congratulating session.

"Ah, it's okay! My parents almost accepted the offer, but they didn't want to leave me behind to live by myself. Aren't they such loving parents?" A tear clung to her eyelashes as her eyes startled to glisten with tears.

"Miss Amelia!" Ruby also started to tear up dramatically.

"So the offer went down to a lower worker. That must be how Lynne's parents got access to such a great deal," Amelia wiped her tears and calmed Ruby down with a pat on the shoulder.

'Wow, antagonist is slowly but surely improving. She managed to fire two shots at Lynne in such a short amount of time!' Lynne gave her a nod of approval. Although it still didn't meet her high standards, it was still better than her passive attitude from yesterday. Naturally, it also meant that the tomorrow her would be even better no?


"Let's head back to our seats, Miss Amelia. The air here isn't good for our wellbeing," Ruby glared at Lynne before politely leading Amelia back to her seat.

'And I didn't even need to say anything. Great! They just keep putting on these performances by themselves and I don't need to expend unnecessary energy,' Lynne was living such a relaxing life after transmigrating into this book.

The door to the classroom suddenly opened and a girl popped her head in. A rather familiar scene?

"Hey! I heard that both Sir Crowley and Sir Ortiz was coming to school today!" The girl shouted out that ground breaking news and swiftly left the room, presumably to tell another class.

"No way!" All the girls started making a loud fuss in the classroom.

"Sir Crowley coming to school two days in a row? Such luck!" Lynne's seat mate covered her face in happiness and squealed.

On the other hand, Lynne sat in her seat with her hands crossed, frowning.

'Ortiz? Who was that again? Memorizing all these surnames and first names sure is tiring. Why do these characters insist on acting so respectfully?! Just use their first names so it won't be so goddamn confusing,' Lynne clicked her tongue in frustration.

The girls continued to squeal in happiness for the next few minutes. Even the smile on Amelia's face wasn't forced anymore and her lackey looked even more ecstatic.

However, Lynne was baffled by the plot.

'Didn't the bell ring? Where's the teacher? The teacher? Don't tell me the teacher isn't going to show up on time so the third male lead can have a dramatic entrance! Fuck, this is so cringey,' Lynne's eyebrows were furrowed as she glared in the direction of the classroom door. Hurry up and arrive already so the plot can advance!

Finally, the third male lead arrived and gently opened the door to the classroom. Unlike his arrival yesterday, today's was much more hyped. All the girls screamed in unison and stared in awe as he charismatically walked towards his seat, making sure to wave at the nearby girls.

Lynne rolled her eyes when she saw how second male lead acted. 'So, just because he has the all mighty Mr. Plot to back him up, he can act however he wants? What a naive little character.'

Before sitting down, second male lead looked up to see Lynne staring down at him. And then for no reason whatsoever, Zenon flashed a sweet smile at her.

"He smiled at me! At me!" A girl sitting near Lynne started to freak out.

"No! It was obviously directed at me!" Lynne's seat mate breathing grew unusually quick as a red blush took over her face.

"No me!" The rest of the girls started to argue with each other pointlessly.

The one who he did direct his smile to, AKA Lynne, had a blank look on her face as she focused on hearing the nearby characters fight.

'They sound like seagulls,' She listened to their chattering flow through one ear and out her other.

Amelia frowned when she saw Zenon smile towards Lynne. Of course she knew it was directed at Lynne since the girls surrounding her weren't even worthy of even his glance. When has Zenon ever been so friendly towards Lynne?

Feeling as if these events weren't right, Amelia spoke up, "Hello Sir Zenon. I'm pleasantly surprised that both you and Sir Enzo showed up today. Is there a particular reason why?"

"Ah, well we were both free from work today, surprisingly. How come there needs to be a reason? Are you unhappy with seeing me today?" He titled his head as he slightly pouted adorably.

All the girls almost fainted at seeing such a cute side from him. But they were also furious at Amelia. How dare Amelia make him question him being here! It's a miracle that he was even here in the first place! Her status is getting to her head!

They couldn't voice out their thoughts but they visibly grinded their teeth in frustration, giving small glances at Amelia every so often. Amelia saw the stares of these girls and panicked.

Afraid of facing retribution of his family and losing her gentle image, she quickly denied his words, "Of course not! How could I ever be worthy of disrepecting you? I was just asking the question that I'm sure all our other classmates were thinking about when we heard about your arrival. We're all pleased to see a busy classmate show up."

"Is that so?" An ambiguous smile appeared on his face as he sat down on his seat, subtly expressing that he was no longer in the mood to talk to anyone anymore. The girls cried internally when they felt him put up his invisible barrier and glared fiercely at Amelia. She offended him and now he's in a bad mood!

Amelia felt the glares of the students around her and scowled internally. They dared to stare directly at her noble self? They must have a second life to spare since they're doing it so obviously.

While all this action was occurring, Lynne (our dear main character) was yawning, keeping a watchful eye on the antagonist and the second male lead. She smiled when she saw the defeated antagonist and the distant second male lead.

'Second male lead vs. antagonist! And the winner turns out to be second male lead! Not a surprise considering how much the world favors main characters and hates on the villains. Poor antagonist here is trying to fight against the entire world~' Lynne snorted in amusement.

'Now when is that god damn teacher going to arrive! Mr. Plot, you're acting too unreasonable right now! Don't forget that we're still in a school setting, so don't derail from the important details,' Class should have started 10 minutes ago, but since the antagonist and second male lead needed to have their much needed interaction, class was pushed back.

Lynne was speechless by how illogical the plot became for a single interaction session.

'Mr. Plot is too powerful! I'm blinded by its strength!'


And the teacher finally walked in, carrying a large textbook in hand.

I updated the last chapter and changed A LOT of details. So rereading it is highly recommended! Hence, why the Thurs -> Fri chapter is late, so I apologize! I will still upload another chapter today!

I felt much more motivated after changing the last chapter. A few of the scenes really rubbed me the wrong way. I’ll be careful not to be careless in the future.

smitkimscreators' thoughts