
Letter five

Dear Draco,

It's been a few days sense we met at the black lake, it was wonderful, beautiful actually. I liked the way you had your hair, it was slicked back, perfectly. I admired your eyes, beautiful icy grey. They had a sparkle in it, it was gorgeous. I know I sound crazy right now and I looked crazy that day but, I just like you so much draco I couldn't stand it. That's why I kissed you. I couldn't resist it, the man of my dreams was standing in front of me and I risked the one thing I wanted, You to talk to me, and it be nice. I like you so much and I feel like an idiot for kissing you that day...I'm sorry. If you don't want to talk go me anymore because of it that's fine, I understand. You haven't talked to me at all anyways in school, you barely even looked at me. I walked up to you and you shooed me away like one of the second years mooning over you.

I'm sorry draco.
