
Letter eight

Dear Alora,

Why wouldn't you tell me earlier? Why wouldn't you tell me your a death eater? Your a bloody Ravenclaw why the hell would the dark lord chose you? I mean, he chose me too. but I'm a Slytherin! I'm meant to me bad! Your not, your meant to be good!

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't stand that your one of me. I can't handle it. If I lose you, to anything related to the dark lord, I'll never forgive myself, I'll feel like it's my fault. I mean. It is isn't it? You kissed me, I told my father, you told me your a death eater. I hate myself. I regret doing it, I regret talking to you, you make me feel thinks I don't want to feel. It's weird and I hate it, it feels to strange l. I'm sorry Alora

-Love Draco