
Chapter Four

"Come down if you scream monsters will bite you, " he said. He pulled my clothes off my body as he told me never to tell anyone or else monsters will come after me. With my six-year-old mind I believed him. Then he did it. "Stop, stop, please stop it hurts, mommy, mommy please make him stop," I cried as my mind remembered that memory tears flowed without stopping. I couldn't believe I would be raped all over again. My heart became void of emotions as my chest started aching. When he got closer to me I heard, " Don't you lay a finger on her or you are dead!" He shouted. I turned to see my savior only to find it was the boy with the cute blue eyes. "What if I do?" the boy who was close to me said. All I saw was kicks here and there and I heard words laced with venom. I covered my ears and closed my eyes and wept like I did way back then when I discovered my innocence was taken away from me. I was certain that I hated the world and I felt sure it hated me too because every single step of my life it was filled with bad luck maybe I was jinxed. When the park became silent, I felt a warm hand touch me and my body froze with fear. "It's just me,"he said. I embraced him and I cried he held on to me never letting go he said soothing words which I couldn't hear but I didn't care.My head begun to feel fuzzy, and a wave of dizziness washed over me, and I saw black.


I stared at her embracing her to calm her down but I felt her going limp in my arms. She had fainted what was I going to do I didn't know her home. I contemplated taking her home we didn't have enough food to eat plus dad and I stayed in a shabby house. I weighed my options and decided it was better to take her to my home. I carried her on my back as I remembered how she looked scared and I got angry. Those bustards God knows what they might have done to her. I was grateful that I loved that park and I came there to unwind and do my music assignment. If not today I don't know what would have happened to Rica. I walked down the street into the alley and fumbled with my keys as I tried to open the door. I managed to successfully open the door and got in. I walked in to find my father sleeping on the couch I guess he was drinking again. I carefully placed Rica on the bed and took out her shoes .I checked if she had fever and I discovered she was burning up. I lifted her head as I took off her hood and was shocked at what I saw she only had a sports bra on. I stared at her from head to toe chastising myself not to look but one thing was certain she was truly beautiful but why did she put an act. She was vulnerable but she hid behind a mask to the world. I took a wet cloth and placed it on her forehead as I tried to regulate her temperature. Her body begun to cool down and I took the blanket and covered her up. I wondered how she would react if she woke up to our filthy house a daughter of a multi billionaire. I stared at her when she suddenly screamed and started saying, "Please stop it hurts mummy come and make him stop." I stood frozen in shock as tears streamed her face as she slept. My heart wept for her as I tried so hard not to pull her into my embrace knowing someone had hurt her before. She had once been raped with that realization a wave of sadness washed over me who would hurt her.


I woke up to find myself in a place I have never seen my whole life. It was a small room with a bed, a couch, a kitchen and a small door probably leading to the bathroom. Where was I then everything flashed before my eyes from the ordeal I had been through. He had saved me the gorgeous boy with blue eyes was I at his place. "You are awake, " I had a voice say. I had not noticed the presence of the man who looked to be in his forties he had dark circles under his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot I could tell it was from the alcohol he had been drinking. Who was he like he knew what I was thinking he said, "I am Sebastian's father." He had a warm genuine smile that warmed my heart. I smiled back at him and said, "I am Rica sir it's a pleasure to meet you." He surprised me by the words he said next, "You know Seb has never brought a girl home but by bringing you have to be of some importance to him." "I am Tevor by the way, " he said. I had a click on the door and was surprised to see who had come in. It was Angeline, "Mum I'm so glad to see you, " I said. She came and sat by me as she hugged me, "Are you ok?" She asked. I nodded my head and looked up to be met by the pair of blue eyes I liked so much ."Thank you so much for saving me Seb," I said." It was nothing, "he said. From there Angeline took me home as I just cried on her lap on our way back as we were drove home. She held me tight like every other time I had a breakdown. Angeline's presence in my life made my life tolerable she gave me the love and care a of a mother. Unlike my own other who never loved me.
