
Forever Soldier

Thomas was a immortal soldier that retired a year back, but his oh so lovely king seemed to of not gotten the memo and decided to send him on a mission to deliver a message to the Antarctic Empire. Maybe something good comes from this~

Snowfall0 · Derivados de juegos
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21 Chs

Song nerd

He woke up and stretched.

He had been doing far less physical labor and just work in general since he got here. Though he had been doing 'exercises' which Ranboo said had the same effects as doing a bunch of physical labor. It was quite strange but it appeared to work as he hadn't weakened.

He heard running and shot up from his bed, going to grab his sword for if it was a intruder.

"Thomas! Wilbur has finally arrived in the capital! Get your ass out here!" He heard Tubbo yell before his door was slammed open.

Tubbo had a wide smile on his face and his coat was half way on his shoulders anD his hair looked like it went through the mountain winds.

"Who even is this Wilbur? You never quite told me anything about him other then he hated the rich if my memory serves me right." He asked as he set down his sword.

"Oh yah, people from outside the castle only know up by our titles. Wilbur is the 'Siren Prince'." Tubbo explained.

He took in a gasp the sighed as he remembered all the other crazy shit that goes on in the hell hole of a place.

"Of course the 'Siren Prince' would have a shit name like Wilbur! He already had the weirdest sounding title of all the royals." He laughed as he walked over to Tubbo.

"You will get along with Wilbur just fine. Though I hope the walls the best of luck." Tubbo laughed as he dragged him along.

"Does he have something against walls too, or his he just chaotic?" He asked with a laugh.

"Knowing him he probably doesn't. He hates anteater's yet has never seen one in his life so hating walls isn't out of the question. But I was saying it because he has a knack for tnt." Tubbo explained as they neared the throne room.

"How did a simple question evolve into Wilbur's hate for anteater." He laughed as they entered the throne room.

He spotted Ran and ran over to him.

"Hey Ran! Tubbo told me that Wilbur is coming back and apparently hates anteaters!" He grinned and giggled.

"You should spray Wilbur with water when he walks in." Ran whispered with a mischievous grin.

"Your an evil genius!" He snickered as he turned his hands into water.

He kept his hands away from Ran, because even though he loved enderman blood he didn't think Ran had similar feelings.

A man walked in with brown fluffy hair and a poetic outfit.

"Welcome home hun." Kristin warmly smiled.

Now that he knew this was Wilbur he sprayed him till his suit was see through. Afterwards he put his hands back to normal.

"Ahhhh!" Wilbur screamed as he tried to cover his torso and face.

"How the siren falls!" Tubbo laughed.

"WHO sprayed me!" Wilbur whined.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was Eris?" Ran laughed as if it wasn't his plan.

"What business does Eris have here? I thought he was retired." Wilbur questioned, shaking to try to get some of the water off.

"Esspmie wants to make a treaty with us and for some reason wanted Eris to bring the message." Techno explained as he took out the scroll.

"Welcome home Wilbur." Phil laughed.

"I wasn't expecting all this drama to happen without me." Wilbur sighed, with a Shakespeare play defeated look.

"I wasn't planning on being pulled from retirement to make a treaty between the two strongest kingdoms yet here I am." He chimed in.

"What's with the child? Phil isn't adopting another kid, is he?" Wilbur questioned pointing in his direction.

"He's Eris." Ran answered.

"Why does Eris look like a child?" Wilbur screamed, fumbling back.

"Because he's my age!" Tubbo answered.

"But hasn't he been serving his kingdom for multiple years and retired for one?" Wilbur asked confused.

"I was in the army for thirteen years and retired for one. Also could you just refer to me as Thomas please. Eris isn't really a pleasant name." He sighed, leaning his head on Ran's shoulder.

Ran stiffened up a bit then relaxed back down.

"Well Thomas, it seems like you've become good friends with Ranboo." Wilbur laughed as he walked by him.

Wilbur patted his head before walking over to Phil and Techno.

He put a hand on his own head and rubbed it. He wasn't one that liked being touched by total strangers if it wasn't necessary.

"Sorry about all that. Wilbur is usually a lot more loud but you weren't really something anyone expected to happen. He'll be back to his normal stunts soon enough." Ran apologized as he patted his back.

Ran has really cold hands. He liked it, it felt right.

"I'm surprised he didn't mention that you are in Ranboo's cloths." Tubbo stated as he walked over to Ran and him.

"He must of not noticed considering all the other things happening." He shrugged.

"He could of also have noticed and it was one of the reasons he said me and Tom must of been good friends." Ran added.

"I guess that's true." He hummed.

"You sound like you wanted him to notice." Tubbo chuckled, winking at Ran.

"I was just expecting him to notice considering he's a prince after all." He sighed, taking his head off Ran's shoulder.

"Your an idiot." Tubbo stated bluntly.

"What did I do?" He asked in confusion.

"Be an idiot." Tubbo answered.

"That isn't a answer." He complained.

"Never mind that, what's your opinion on Wilbur?" Tubbo asked, changing the conversation.

"He's more whiny than a small child." He stated with a smirk.