
Forever My Love...

He didn't believe in love... But the old woman said" when you see her, you will definitely fall for her"..... Let's see, who possess that kind of magic ....He said with full of confidence. Little did he know that, he was going to turn down the entire world for her...... For her love, he sacrificed everything.. The story between the two begin here........ The first time he saw her, his heart betrayed him.....Yes.... Love is blind... No one can predict when it happens....Just follow your heart.....He did the same......But she was different......She was hurt because of love....He swore to wait for her to accept his love untill his end and after that...... Let's see how the story goes..........

Divya_Steven · Fantasía
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53 Chs

Her Vision.....

Cassandra heard terrible screaming.. She saw someone was begging for his life. He looked like a villager. The soldier held the sword and placed it on his neck..

" please save me your grace". The man was looking at her....

" Nobody is going to save you. Your queen was long gone. I can save you from this endless agony... I promise you a painless death. You can meet your queen after that".

The man looked straight into Cassandra 's eyes as if he was asking her to save him..

" Please stop. You can't do that" Cassandra screamed..Her scream fell into deaf ears...

The next scene was a decapitated head of the villager....

" No.... " She closed her eyes tightly... Tears began to roll down from her cheek...

She ran through the field like a mad woman to stop the war... But , she couldn't....

" My beloved queen ,Where are you??? Why you abandoned your people????"

Suddenly , a small hand clutched to her clothes like a last straw of help...

" Will you please save my mother...I don't want her to die, after all she is the only family left for me".

She saw a small boy with brown eyes..He was pleading Infront of her.

Cassandra went along with the boy..

She saw a woman lying down in the battle field. She was bleeding.A sword was pierced through her chest..

Cassandra removed the sword, but couldn't save the woman. The little boy looked at her with full of hatred in his eyes; "You were supposed to save her, infact you were supposed to save everybody..Where have you been my queen??? You let my mother die, you let your people die. You abandoned your people ...Why did you come back now??? Are you satisfied now???"

Cassandra couldn't believe her ears....

" What are you talking about ?? Who is your queen??? I don't know anything".

" You are the...". The boy couldn't complete his words as an arrow was shot straight to his chest....

" No....." Cassandra screamed ... She saw a vague image of a man from a far ... She felt him somewhat familiar... The man was approaching her like a predator....

Before he could catch her, she heard someone calling her name ' Cassandra,Please go back . It's not your time yet'..The owner of the voice pushed her into other realm....

She woke up suddenly and was sweating profusely....

' What was that??? Was it a vision??? it felt like I was really in a battle field... What's the meaning of all of this???'

She lost her sleep...

Cassandra wore her warrior suite and went to her secret place..

She sat down at the bank of the river, listening to the sound of water flowing... The moon was so bright, so as the moon goddess ; Cassandra....

Someone forgot to blink his eyes after seeing the beautiful fairy Infront of him..

Arthur was about to go back to his kingdom as there was an emergency situation with the neighbouring kingdom Faria... So, before going back, he wanted to see the place where

he met his mysterious beauty.....

Thanks to his lucky stars; he got the precious chance to meet his dream girl before going back to his kingdom...

The night was beautiful so was Cassandra....

" We met again my siren... Stop dreaming about me . Look at your man ,I am here Infront of you.".

Cassandra was startled after hearing the familiar voice.. She saw a handsome face very close to her ...

" It's you again.... "

" Yes, it will be always me . I think we share a special bond my siren.. You possess the magic to call the most eligible and handsome man in the kingdom, when he was very busy to deal with urgent matters of his kingdom". Arthur said the last few words in his mind...

" Huh!!! Do you really think that you are the most handsome man in our kingdom???? ".

" Have you seen any man handsome than me; your future husband, My love????".

Cassandra was lost at her words..'

She looked at him with her almond eyes..

This man is very handsome in all means... His angular face, thick eye brows, blue ocean like orbs, thin lips .. She remembered the softness of his lips .....and his broad shoulders ... He looked like a Greek god descended to earth....

"Ahem".. Arthur cleared his throat....

Cassandra felt embarrassed ...

" Don't stop yourself dear.. You can check it all if you want... I am already yours when I met you for the first time my witch". He placed her hands on his face....The moonlight showed on his face.... His eyes were sparkling, his gaze was tender as if he will melt her with his tremendous love... She felt a sudden pull towards him.....