
Forever Hers

mysterywriter7 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Who is “Her”?

Brayden's POV:

Most people meet in schools or at work, right? Not this time. I saw a gorgeous woman walking to her car from the grocery store. I had never seen such beauty before. Never in my life so far! I also had never seen her around my small town so she must have been new here. She looked like she could've been in high school, I thought. I will always remember her that day, every detail. From her messy bun to her mismatched socks. She carried such confidence, to which I envied. We made eye contact and I panicked! I ran as humanly possible to my truck. I would have used my vampire speed but I didn't want to frighten her. I felt a deep connection instantly. I had hoped that she felt it too. However, to find out if she did then I would have to talk to her. I just knew that I had to leave and call my best friend. So if you haven't noticed, I'm a vampire. I was born on June 7, 1459 but was turned on September 19, 1476. I was 17 years of age when enemy troops destroyed my family village. A tall, dark-toned man came up to me and took me away. I remember feeling like a prisoner but eventually, I didn't mind it. We became friends then and we're still friends. He told me about his true nature and his backstory on how he became a vampire. I had barely noticed that I had sustained serious injuries and would not last another night. No doctor could help me, we both knew that. He asked me if I wanted to live. Truly live. As to which, I replied with, "yes sir". He told me to call him by his first name, Marcos. That was when he turned me. As a new vampire, I had to learn their way of nature, their terminology, their ancestry, and even the supernatural creatures to avoid. Every century, I got to pick a new name and start over. For the 21st Century, I had decided to use my original name. It was very rare for a girl to have a boys name back then. However, my mother had insisted upon it. So hi, I'm Brayden and I'm a girl with a boys name.

Jade's POV:

I was being rushed out the door by my mother again. Why was she always rushing me out? I never know anymore. All I knew was that I needed to go to the store and according to Google maps, there is one right around the corner from my house. This town was all knew to me. I hated moving from house to house, but it was needed. I don't know what my mother is running from, but I know that whatever it is, it's bad. So I got in my car and drove slow to make sure that I wouldn't miss it. That's why I hated small towns. You could blink and you'd miss everything! It was nonsensical, in my opinion. So I walked into the store and got everything I needed… and then some extra stuff that I definitely didn't need. After I had everything, I went up to pay for my items. I saw a beautiful truck pull in, so of course I hurried up outside to check out whoever it was. Even though I look like a total mess, I was still curious! A tall woman stepped out of the truck and I have literally never seen anyone as stunning as her. Words couldn't even describe how amazing she looked. She looked over at me as I looked at her. F*ck, f*ck, f*ck eye contact, I thought. When we made direct eye contact, I felt small shoots of electricity running through my veins. I couldn't explain it. I didn't know how or where to even start. It wasn't like an "oh sh*t" kind of electricity, it was more of a "I've never felt more alive" kind of electricity. I seen her quickly look away after what felt like forever of eye contact. I didn't mind it. The way her emerald green eyes glowed in the sunset pouring through the tree line. I wondered if she felt the same. Did she?