
Forever A Child

[a/n: Hey guys author here. this is my first time taking a stab at writing. I’m not a professional it’s more of a hobby so I may not be the best when it comes to grammar and stuff but I will try as hard as I can. all I ask is that you be kind in the comments.] trouble is brewing in the world. after being physically regressed in age during the demon war by Zhao Yang, the Demon Emperor has finally reached the age of awakening once more and has begun to regain the strength that he lost. the most powerful cultivators during this time ascended to the god realm right after the conclusion of the final battle, including our heroes Zhao Yang and his angelics. after years of planning and experimenting Zhao who is the new god of youth comes up with a plan that might give the mortals the advantage that they need. for his plan to work, he needs the help of the primordial goddesses. beings that control the very fabric of time and space itself. together, they create beings of immense power and plant them in human hosts. For Mack and Vorick Evergreen, the princes of Evergreen kingdom, life was simple. Vorick was the fighter and strongest of the the twins while Mack was the book worm. this was due in part to the fact that Mack was born without a Mana core. this stunted his growth and prevented him from gaining any kind of strength. his life takes a turn when the wrong people find out about this issue and force him to leave the castle. the wheel of fate begins to turn when the God of youth gets involved and turns their lives upside down once more. join the twins as they use their new God-given talents and navigate their now complicated lives getting stronger as fast as possible before the demon realm attacks. will they be able to do it on their own? will they need help? how can their lives possibly get any more complicated than it already is? [a/n: I do have a full-time job so I may not be able to update a lot at one time but I will try to update as much as I possibly can when I can. I will however, see this through to the end regardless on how well it does. if you like it, add it to your library if you don’t like it, add it to your library anyway lol]

DC_Davis · Fantasía
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34 Chs

The Twins Cause a Ruckus

The upper district is where all the nobles live. It has its own marketplace where vendors can hawk their goods at an extreme price. In the center of the marketplace is an elaborate fountain with three figures in the center. They were made out of a material that is similar to white marble. Only this material will never age. It will always be white and pristine. The figure in the center was that a child that was so cute and innocent That you could tell he could get away with pretty much anything by just acting like the child he looked like. This particular statue was the depiction of Zhao Yang in his human form before he joined the realm of the gods. In his hands were his famous daggers that were capable of cutting down even the most strongest cultivators and beasts. The two winged boys on either side of him were his disciples, childhood friends that grew up with him. It was said that he turned them into Angelics which are mythical creatures that look like human children but with large white wings. People would call them angels Because they were known to help people that were close to death by making them younger and punishing bad folks by forcing them to be re-raised as babies. But the God of youths angelics were the only two known in the world so once they ascended to the god realm with Yang after the Demon war, humans erected fountains, depicting the three all over the world as a way to not forget them, kingdoms were formed around The fountains in order to protect them, but unfortunately, over the years, their stories had become but myth, bedtime stories that parents would tell their children to ease their fear of the dark.

Most days the folks around the market would ignore the Fountain. Most just considered it a beautiful water feature. But today was different, today they were about to draw a lot of attention. It was still very early in the morning not yet dawn but not particularly dark as it was. Venders were just opening their shops for the day so not many people were around quite yet. Merchant transports We're waiting outside some of the shops for workers to unload them. While a child of about 11 years of age, wearing nothing but a long thin thread bear tunic, stood beside a man and boy who was seated drinking cups of tea and eating a plate of breakfast. The boy looked at the food and his mouth watered. He had not eaten in two days because He was currently being punished for begging the man's son for food. He was malnourished and small for his age. He was purchased as a playmate for his his son by Jacob Evergreen who was the older brother of Thomas, the king of Evergreen kingdom and seated across from him was the boys owner Zach Jacobs 9 year old son Who was to turn 10 years old next month.

"Not thinking of begging again are you" said Zach

"N..no young master" he stuttered "I wasn't really staring at anything. I was just thinking"

"don't Lie, I saw you staring at father's meal. You know what the punishment is for lying. Turn around and face the fountain." Said Zach

Jacob smacked his own face at the stupidity of his own son. If the wrong people found out that he had purchased a slave, he'd be in big trouble. if they found out that he purchased a prepubescent slave, he'd be in even bigger trouble. Jacob had done everything he could to hide the runes that prevents him from cultivating. He had purchased the boy from the local brothel in the lower district which doubled as a pub. He was considered undesirable Due to his red eyes, red hair, and pale white skin. So they decided to cut their losses and sold him. "don't be so loud son" he said.

"There's nobody around father." The boy stated matter-of-factly

"Why are the two angel boys on the fountain eyes glowing" asked the slave boy

"Did I give you permission to speak" said Zach as he turned around to hit the boy but stopped dead in his tracks "father, look at the fountain"

"I see it son" he said as he stood up and walked to the fountain's edge and stared at the Two Angelic statues. The aura they were giving off seemed familiar to him but he couldn't quite place wear he had felt it before. Just then he saw the priest come running out of the temple that was located on the far said of the market place. "Zach I want you to stay put you understand me" he said "if I come back and your gone neither one of you will be able to sit for a week"

Zach watched his father go over to talk to the priest. He looked at the slave boy with wide eyes "what's going on young master" said the boy

"I don't know. It must be serious, father has never threatened to beat my butt for anything" said Zach

"I wonder if all the fountains with these gods are glowing" said the boy more to himself

"Wait…..these boys are gods and their are other fountains" said Zach with astonishment

"Yes young master" the boy confirmed "are you familiar with the stories about Zhao Yang and his friends"

"Of course I am, but Those are just stories my nanny would tell me at night. What do those myths have to do with the Fountain"

"Take a look at the daggers the one in the middle is holding young master" said the boy "do they look familiar to you"

"Do I seem like the type of guy who pays attention in mythology class" snarled Zach

"Those daggers are the same divine daggers owned by the Evergreen family since the kingdom was founded. The same ones that the Yama kingdom tried to steal 200 years ago. The ones that remain hidden in the castle grounds to this day. Those daggers belong to the god of youth before his Ascension to the realm of the gods"

"Don't tell me you actually believe in that crap" said Zach

"Of course I do, my parents were caretakers of a temple in Yama that was dedicated to these three" he said as he tried to control his voice "you should really look into it. You never know when history might repeat itself"

"If your trying to scare me, it won't work" said Zach

"So if I tell you the prophecy you won't pee your pants" said the slave boy

"How do you know a prophecy" asked Zach with skepticism

"I was a naughty boy and snuck into the inner chamber of the temple after hours and read the prophecy. It goes like this:

The daemon war ended with the enemy leaders, youthful dissension.

An era of peace was brought on by the victors Ascension

When the enemy leader enters adolescence. The victor will share his godly essence.

The chosen ones must grow their power as quickly as possible for if the enemy reaches adulthood he will be unstoppable.

"That makes absolutely no sense what so ever" said Zach "total rubbish if you ask me. What does it even mean"

"The enemy leader is the daemon emperor The victors are those three" said the boy pointing to the fountain "those three used their power to regress the emperor back to an infant but didn't insure that he couldn't grow back up again so now he has to choose new disciples because neither him or his angelic friends can directly interfere in this realm."

"But who are the chosen ones" asked Zach

"I would assume it would be someone in the Evergreen family" said the boy

"Why in heavens name would a god choose anyone in my Family to be his chosen ones"

"Do you not know your own family history" said the boy "your family has ties to the god of youth. I'm not sure how but you do"

"So are the chosen ones supposed to be powerful" he asked the boy

"Extremely" he said

"So what im hearing is theirs a chance I could be chosen since I'm an evergreen" he said with a smug smile

"That's what you got out of this… how clueless" he thought to himself "sure"

"Cool" he said as he noticed his father walking back over to them.

"Come…we must go, I need to warn the council of this development" with that they left the market place.

"But I'm not finished" Zach whined

"I won't ask again" said Jacob

"Do I get to come with you" he asked

"Absolutely not, you'll be going home immediately"

As they entered their front garden Jacob noticed that Paul was sitting on a bench under an oak tree. Paul was one of his spies that he placed in the royal guard to watch his brother. "Go inside and work on your studies your tutor should be inside waiting"

"Yes father" said Zach as he and the slave boy disappeared into the house.

Jacop walked over to Paul who immediately stood up and saluted. "This had better be good"

"Oh it is sir" he responded "they brought him back"

Jacob was momentarily confused by the statement "are you talking about Mack"

"Yes sir" response Paul "but that's not all. The stable man, well toddler now, showed him wear he hid The divine daggers after he was cursed"

"I knew he was hiding something. You don't get that young just out of the blue." He said "lucky bastard gets to be a little boy again"

"I don't think he's lucky at all sir" said Paul as he shivered "he's forgetting his entire life even his son"

"but why would he give them daggers to my nephew I wonder"

"he was gonna die, sir" said Paul

"and I wish he had because now it seems like there's a problem a foot" said Jacob

Pauls eyes widened at those words. He was aware of Jacob's plan to make his son the next king. But going as far as to Wishing for the death of his nephew was a bit more than he bargained for. "Mack is claiming that the daggers helped him create a mana core."

"so now the boys lying to get back what he lost" said Jacob

"I don't think he's lying, sir" said Paul " the boy is about four years younger than he was before. He claims that he had to sacrifice four years in order to create the mana core"

" First of all he's lying. For a boy that likes to read a lot he really is stupid. He should know not to touch divine weapons that are cursed. Second of all what he is claiming is physically impossible. There's not a magic in this world that can grow mana cores after one is born or after the one you have is destroyed. He was most likely cursed like that idiot Tony. I wouldn't worry about it too much no matter what they do that boy will never be a prince again. His status as a commoner will never change i'll make sure it doesn't."

"there's something else, sir" said Paul "Vorick is planning on abdicating due to his affinity"

"WHAT" he yelled out in surprise " why in the name of all that is holy, Would he willingly do that? What is is affinity?"


Jacob's eyes grew wide "what did you say"

"He has the affinity of youth and can no longer age physically past the age of 10 I think he said." Jacob was silent for awhile after hearing this. "is everything OK sir"

"Yes, I was just thinking" he responded as he stroked his white beard "did you hear about the excitement at the fountain earlier"

"Oh yes sir, quite an odd time for that to occur, don't you think. I mean with the prince awakening, his affinity and all." But as he said these words it dawned on him that maybe the two are connected somehow.

"i'm sure there are a lot of rumors flying around. And I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that there is a connection between my nephew and the statues lighting up. And I would say you'd be correct in that assumption."

"I don't know what you mean, sir" said Paul in confusion

"I spoke to the Temple priest today and he informed me that the statues lighting up like that means that the God of youth has chosen his minions. And if what you told me about Vorick is true then he could very well be one of the chosen. But who's the second?"

"But why would the god of youth choose more."

"I wouldn't really worry too much about it" said Jacob "it's most likely hogwash, however keep an eye on Vorick for me, let me know if you notice anything weird. But be careful the boy could be dangerous." He said as a new plan was forming in his head. They headed into the house and entered Jacob's office where he wrote a message on a piece of parchment detailing everything he's learned and sealed it with his seal "deliver this message to Veritas as soon as you get back to the castle. We must be quick about this"

"Yes sir" said Paul as he saluted and headed back to the castle


"Are those boys still in bed at this hour" said Thomas "their going to miss breakfast at this rate"

"I'm sure they will be along dear" said Mary as she took a bite of egg.

"Roy can you go make sure the boys are awake. And make sure that Tony and Mack get their diapers changed. I don't want them at my breakfast table with messy diapers"

"Yes your majesty I'll see to the boys" said Roy as he disappeared. He walked up the stairs to the princes room and knocked on the door. When he got no answer he entered the room. He walked over to the window la and opened the curtains letting in the light of the day. He then walked over to the bed and stopped in his tracks. Laying in the middle of the bed were two identical little boys that you couldn't tell apart even if you tried. "Now how did that happen" he thought to himself. He heard a sniffle coming from the big chair on the opposite side of the gigantic room so went to investigate. Low and behold the sniffle came from none other then little Tony. He was all curled up on the seat cushion crying softly to himself. "Hey Tony" he said softly

The boy looked up with his thumb in his mouth "hi mister" he said without removing his thumb

"What was that, I can't understand you if you talk with your fingers in your mouth buddy"

"I said hi mister" he responded

"Hi Tony is everything ok" he asked to which Tony shook his head "what's wrong"

"They pushed me out of bed"

"I'm sure they didn't mean to" said Roy as he picked up the boy and walked him over to the bed and layed him in diaper changing position and grabbed the supplies out off the bag at the foot of the bed and began to change the boys diaper.

"Yeah huh" he said "they didn't even say sorry"

"Are you sure they weren't sleeping. Maybe it was an accident" he said as he pinned the fresh diaper in place and stood him up. "Why don't you pick out a pair of shorts and a shirt while I wake up the twins" the boy nodded and jumped off the bed and started rummaging through the bag. "Hey boys it's time to wake up" he called out while gently rubbing their shoulders.

Both boys eyes flutter open and they both yawned at the same time. "Morning Mr.Roy" they said in unison as they staired up at him with their bright golden eyes. He was momentarily stunned unable to move even an inch. He was lost in those inoccent gazes but it only lasted a second "it's time to get up your parents are waiting for you to eat breakfast" he then grabbed the twin in diapers by the ankle and drug him to the end of the bed wear he proceeded to unpin his diaper.

"I don't need help changing my diaper Mr. Roy I can do it myself" Mack protested

"Eww you stink hehehehe" giggled Vorick

"Don't laugh at me Ricky or I'll beat you up" he said but Vorick continued to giggle while his brother reluctantly layed their and got his diaper changed.

"Keep it up Vorick and I'll diaper you as well" said Roy as he pinned up the fresh diaper and sat Mack on the floor to get dressed.

"I'll pass" he responded "but ummm what am I going to wear. None of my clothes fit anymore"

"That reminds me, why are you so young Vorick?" Asked Roy

How will Ricky explain his regression to folks that arnt in the know?

what’s Jacob’s plan? do you think he’s figured out our boys secret.

stay tuned and find out. as always if you Like it Add to library!

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