
Forced To Be The Hokage

Born as the Youngest son of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sakata_Kakashi · Cómic
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13 Chs


"What am I doing here again? " asks Hashimoto with annoyance looking at Hiruzen after getting dragged into the Hokage tower very early in the morning by Iruka-Sensei.

"As soon as you are done explaining about yesterday we are free to get to the class and announce about their new team and instructor. " explained Iruka with a serious face since he doesn't want to waste much time here if he doesn't need to when he is getting late to notify his students about their new Jounin instructor.

"Fine. " says Hashimoto with a displeased face nonetheless he is forced to corporate for Naruto's good and his father's reputation and explained everything since it's part of the formality.

"Alright you are free to return to the Academy. " says Hiruzen with a sigh after he is done with the official recording in the presence of Naruto and Iruka, even if you after the Hokage the official formality is also applied to you.

"Then have a nice day Lord Third. " says Iruka with a bow before he prepares to leave with Naruto and Hashimoto when someone rushed into the Hokage office "Grandfather I am here to challenge you. "


"Damn Konohamaru, what the hell do you think you are doing first thing in the morning? " cried out Hahsimoto with anger before punching Konohamaru on the head when he gets hit by the door all of a sudden.


"Ahaaaa~ Elder brother Hashi? " asks Konohamaru his head in surprise and fear as he covers where Hashimoto hits him on the head and planted a potato which he is trying to erase by slowly rubbing his head before he tried to quickly escape his nemesis "Grandfather it looks like I have something important came up, so I am postponing the challenge for a later date. "

"Now where do you think you are going, Konohamaru? " asks Hashimoto with a sadistic smile holding Konohamaru by the collar and lifting him off the ground with ease.

"Let go of me you lowly Bandit King else I am going to punish once I become the Hokage. " cried out Konohamaru with fear and frustration when he has nowhere to escape.

"Who are you calling lowly you punk? " calls out Hashimoto with a sadistic smile before he again punches on Konohamaru and planted a few more potatoes with no mercy.

"Stop bullying the Honorable Grandson? " Ebisu cried out from outside the door of the Hokage office when he discovered someone is lifting Konohamaru and punching in the head 'Why the Lord 3rd silent when his grandson is getting bullied right in his office? '

"Or what are you going to complain to the Hokage?  " asks Hashimoto with an indifferent smile before losing his hold from Konohamaru and glancing at Ebisu who is scolding him.

"Hashimoto??? " hearing the indifferent tone and looking at the face Ebisu went silent for a moment before long saying with a smile "You carry on and pretend that I was never here, to begin with. "

"Ibisu-sensei~??? " cried out Konohamaru in disappear when there is no one coming to his aid.

"Stop crying and run 10 circles around the village before my return to the house as a punishment for running to challenge the old man instead of properly attending your training. " scolds Hashimoto with a serious face without any mercy for Konohamaru's misery.

"I am going to kick your ass someday. " cried out Konohamaru with a serious face before he escaped out of the Hokage Tower.

"You are welcome to try anytime. " announces Hashimoto with a smile looking Konohamaru escaping in fear.

"Can't you be a little nice to him, Konohamaru is still a kid you know. " advised Ituka with a sigh looking at Konohamaru and Ebisu escaping from the Hokage tower.

"Just because Konoha looks peaceful from outside, do you think I am unaware of the chaos hidden deep beneath and I think I don't need to explain the dangers outside the village to an expert Chunin as yourself. " reminds Hashimoto with a serious face before asking "Even if you want to remind me about our position and the protection we receive, don't forget about the incident from yesterday. "

"Guess being born in the big clan is really different than being a commoner. " laments Iruka with a sigh as he has nothing to refute the indefinite situations of the Shinobi.



"Everyone please pay attention. " says Iruka with a serious face opening the door of the classroom.

"Look it's Naruto. " 

"Why does Naruto have a Shinobi headband? "

"Look Hashimoto is also with them. "

"Maybe Hashimoto used his father's power to promote Naruto,  just like how he passed yesterday. "

"Hey be quiet or he might hear you. "

"Like I care. "

"Just because he is the Hokage's son I am not afraid of him. "

Dismissing the ridicule and mockeries from everyone Naruto and Hashimoto walk to the back of the classroom before taking an empty seat as Iruka started his explanation with a serious face before attracting attention from everyone "That's enough chatting and it's about time we move to the official announcement but that is only if we are done with your bullshit. "

Hearing Iruka's serious tone everyone went silent as he continues "Good.

All of you who made it into this room today are no longer normal civilians of Konoha but all of you are officially Shinobi of Konoha from the moment you passed the exam yesterday.

The journey for everyone till this moment wasn't that easy but you must also remember the life of a Shinobi is not something easy and from now on you are going to face greater hardships than ever.

Although the life of a Shinobi is full of ups and downs however you must always remember your identity as a Shinobi of Konoha and make sure you follow the codes of Shinobi from this day forth without a single mistake unless you want to be punished according to the rules.

As you all know today is the day you are all going to get assigned to your new team as well as get an introduction with your Jonin instructions.

You must know we have created every team based on your ability and made balance within them.

Now I am going to announce the name of your teammates and Jonin instructions, so pay attention and don't make a noise before I am done with announcement and ask you to submit your opinion.

Team One....






Team Seven- Sasuke Uchiha, 

                       Sakura Haruno,         


                      Naruto Uzumaki.

Team Eight- Aburame Shino,

                       Hinata Hyuga,         


                      Sarutobi Hashimoto..."

While Iruka was giving out speech he was taking short breaks to allow the students to understand everything before he will continue.

Kiba is kicked out of Team 8 till Hashimoto is promoted.

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