

the blond boy looked at him confused"what happens " shoto walked to the bed and looked down"I'm asked to go to the office in a bit " he let out a smirk and a bit of a giggle shoto looked at him and pinned him to the bed "it not funny you know"he said in a cocky tone trying to turn on the omega underneath him"it funny though coming from a top student "bakugou then put his hands on the alphas neck and kissed him

Shotuo kissed back the omega and passed his hand under bakugous shirt just to tease the omega by rubbing his buttons as done this the scent of spicy and lemon were all over the room and shouto something that he can't be mad at cuz he was in fact happy of having his omega scent on him , and on bakugou, the scent of apple and Canela was all over him as they broke the kiss bakugou said a joke making the other realize something "mark me "even though he did felt like he wanted to be marked by after hearing shouto and Aizawa fighting

These words made the alpha stop and think about what Aizawa told him this made the alpha push the omega and nod no repeatedly "i-i can't"he said has the face of the omega was sad but didn't let the sadness take over him even though it was a joke it hurt the omega "why? Don't you love me" bakugou ask "yes , yes I do love you but I don't think is the right moment "he said that he as he stood up and gave the boy goodbye and left he was desperate to in there but he couldn't he had to go now to the office now and the scent of bakugou was now out of control

The next day shoto had not been seen by anyone,after he left yesterday from the dorm to go tho the ofice he was told he was suspened for the next 24 hours so he had to stay at home ,he dicided not to go to the dorms where he knew bakugou would be there but he also didnt want to go home knowing his fathers temper , as the bell ran bakugou wasnt feeling himself snce he woke up it was already second piriod and it was already half way done but for some reason bakugou stood up making the theacher look back at him and ask him if he was ok or if he needed something but he moved his head saying no ,

making his bestfriend kirishima look at him he tehn stood up and said "teacher i think bakugou need to go to the restroom " kirishima quickly said making the the teacher again look at bakugou "is that so bakugou "he ask making bakugou nod the theacher sighed "sure come back quickly so you dont miss the work " bakugou stood up taking his bag leaving not before looking over at his friend who only smiled t him

Has he ran to the restroom and his scent was everywhere butit was diferent this time since the day before he had rub himself on todoroki his scent was mix , so this gave him some truoble in breathing ,witch he panicked for a second while splashing some water on his face his breathing calmed down but there was still that alpha scent on him

On the other side shouto was on a safe house when he was little he used to go there when he was bored and wanted to get away from his father , but now he was just running away from his problems he havent shower since yesterday so he wanted to look for a way to get his clothes , but it was easy knowing bakugou and the rest might be in class he would just go but it couldt be that easy if he didnt left the dorm quickly yesterday he would have had his key now but since he left the dorm in such a rush he was now with no key so he dicided to text midorya if could ask bakugou for hi s dorm key

- so uh midorya could you do me a favor - todoroki texted witch took a bit for midorya to see it since he was ofcurse in class but as soon as he saw the text he quickly reply

-oh yes sure todoroki kun - midorya texted todoroki was glade his firend didnt ask about anything so he just quickly processed to aks away

-the thing is i need bakugous key to the dorm -he texted ,as soon as izuku read this he looked at bakugous seat and looked back at his phone

-he is not in clas right now - midorya said making shouto a bit worry about it but he just thought maybe he was in the bathroom while thinkung this he resived another text

-though hes been in the bathroom for quite long - while reading the text he more worried now

-to the bathroom ? midorya go cheek up on him please -todoroki texted making midorya now worry about his childhood friend so he turn off his phone as he raised up his hand and quickly ask the teacher if he could go use the rest room witch the thecher said no at frist saying that there was still a student in the bathroom but Izuku kept on saying he couldnt hold it anymore so the teacher said to come back quickly as soon as izuku was out of the class room he texted todoroki saying e was on his way to the bathroom to cheek up on him witch shouto texted back saying a thank you with an apology for giving izuku to much trouble