When Hazel finally turned adult, her father did not think twice before selling her to the emperor of a mysterious land. The man was famous for killing all her brides in less than a week but Hazel had a deep will to survive. From behaving crazy to a villainess, she would do anything that keeps her safe until she find a way to escape. But why is that the Evil Vampire Lord behaves so differently than the rumors she had heard. Did she even want to run away now?
Hazel noticed that a lot of carriages had already filled the entrance and the place was looking livelier than the morning when it was only maids and the count in the palace waiting for them.
"What if both the count and his daughter are missing?" Hazel stared at the laughing guests with a skeptical look.
They would not end up being the host since the party was for them. Would they?
"Even if they both are not there, the mistress of the house would still be able to welcome guests.
You should be more worried about your dress and how you will manage to go in without being noticed!" he pointed at her heels that had been dirtied after walking in the soft and wet soil when the witches had attacked them.
Even the lower part of her dress was dirty with mud that made her completely unpresentable.
As the empress she had to look the best and fancy to capture their hearts.