
chapter 1

my whole life I have been told to respect, obey, be a good girl, wear decent clothes, be happy with whatever I have, do this do that I am tired already.

I have been told to stay at home, don't go anywhere, u can't have everything u want and I am feed up with all that shit. u want to know what I want for my life? I always wanted to be famous and rich, I wanted to have every single thing I want in this life just so I can prove people who think they know everything wrong, I wanted to prove them wrong. Because growing up I knew I was going to be famous somehow, anyhow.

I believe in fate, I believe that the universe has something more for me. I believe that everything that happens is fate. I am a black girl who wants to be on the top. I want to be famous.

All my life I have been forced to live the way people want me to live, without asking me what exactly I wanted.

okay. I am 15 years old, I am beautiful and this is my story.

All my life I knew since from childhood that I was different from others because everyone was living in the same world everybody lived in.

but I was in my own world of everything I ever wanted.

I wanted to be a Doctor when I was five but as I grew up I knew that being a Doctor was not my thing anymore.

I wanted to be a famous writer, I wanted everyone to read my books, that was not all, I wanted to be a famous model, I wanted everyone to see me too. Like, hello I exist too, u know, but how the hell do u think I girl like me will get all that, right?

I wondered too, but don't forget FATE. but I also knew that I was not going to be sitting down doing nothing waiting for fate right? so I focused more on my studies. I wanted to be a writer, what the hell did u expect dude.

I loved writing and reading novels but my parents? they hated it

my dad wants me be a nurse and I have to go to school of nursing but that doesn't mean I will not write all the books I want to write.

well I will be going to nursing school this year but I will always write in secret. but that's the problem I want to be known for my writing

so anybody that's thinks this is good should plsss help me.