
Force Love: Dangerous romance

Eyabunor_Miracle · Ciudad
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Promise

Under a dimly lit private room in one of s city most expensive bar

A silhouette of that of a teenage girl in a pair of leggings and a loose top made her look like a teen. shine brightly in the room with a jade pendant hang on her neck as it hid inside her top

Su wanxing stood up from the couch as she move toward the arrived guest

Her steps slowed down as she approach the guest

Su wanxing expression changes, her face was fill with worry as she close the gap between she and wu wenying

Wu wenying stay quiet with his head lowered to the floor. Su wanxing let him settle with what going on inside his head as she stay quiet.

After many minutes she broke the silence as it was killing her.

"Wenying what did your girlfriend said, did she agree?" Silence flow between them again as wu wenying didn't reply

"Wen wen tell me please am worried please"still no reply

The worried expression on her face became worst.

She hated seeing wenying in this state especially when his look like they have lost their colors

She have known wu wenying for 23 years and she hates seeing him like this.

There have been friends for years. There stick to each other like magnets and share everything 'no secrets' thats What they always say to each other. When they were young, people thought they were twin cause wenying has a cute face when he was young till now and always thought of as a girl

There families thought they love each other as a couple does and got them engaged to each other and their wedding is just to days from now

There both don't have a say in the marriage, there respect their family decision and don't want to them by disagreeing especially her while wu wenying is being force to by his step brother who eyed their family business and the only way to stop him is by marrying her to gain connection from her family

She was so messed up their wedding is just two days away and wu wenying is like this what was she gonna do

Wu wenying sobs softly in su wanxing arm as she hugged he tightly in her embrace

Wu wenying have always been a crybaby only in front of her and it hurt her and makes her happy the same time because he see shares all his feelings and emotions with her and it hurt her seeing him in pain. Wu wenying has always dated and he always ends up breaking up. Wu wenying alway say 'i feel attracted to them but never love them' and it hurt he Alot.

When there were 10years when wenying mom left his dad wenying locked himself in his bedroom not allowing anyone in even when his mom came back to check on him, she even begged him to. He just wore his headphones, folding himself and at 17 years wenying locked himself again in his room repeating the same thing 7 years ago this time he was called a monster for not been able to feel anything neither sympathy or love for anybody only her. Taking that as a sign the family thought since he only love her they should get married to increase the two families relationship and after those two accidents he will always put on a smile as if everything is fine but she knew it wasn't

She snapped out of her thoughts "wanxing I think am gonna go home first" wenying folded himself shaking with tears rolling down his eyes making him look like a Lost pup

Su wanxing couldn't bear this sight again she pulled the folded wenying into her embrace again locking him in "wenying you are not going anywhere I know what you do once you get home" she sob not being able to hold her tear longer"please wenying I need you please"

"Wanxing I can't think straight right now okay and our wedding is in two days from now so let me go I need to think" Wu wenying said escaping from her embrace

"Wenying I don't care about our wedding, I care about you, please wenying don't go please what about our friendship pl--ea-se" su wanxing said between breaths

"Wen wen don't worry I will call off our—"

"No wan you know that marrying you is the only way to stop Wu jing "

"We can find another way okay we always do and I don't want you in pains "

"Wan wan I just need a day and I will be fine ok"

"Wen I know you are just telling me that to comfort me ok"


"Wenying no but I can't see you suffer please I can still help you without getting married "

"No wan wan that not enough to I need you it's the only way to beat wu jing"

"No wen if you don't find a solution within a day then we will get married"

"If don't find a solution you will agree "

"Yes " she said nodding her head

'' promise" he said bringing out his pinkie finger

"Promise" she smiled as she crossed her pinkie with his " awwn don't look me with those eyes how can I say no, you know what I think God made a mistake you as a boy with this cute face" she holds his cheeks rubbing it, trying to ease the atmosphere filled tension .

this is my first time writing so please show me so LoveHave some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivationCreation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Eyabunor_Miraclecreators' thoughts