

AFTER TEN YEARS As the teachers predicted Lucifer became the first ranker of the school this year also . He alo found himself a fullfilling job with a handsome sallary , half of which he donate to the orphanage in which he grew up. Everything is going well in his life as Allen also dropped the school due to fall of his father's business. No one knows where Allen was .But - BANG!! "ALL OF YOU HANDS UP!" there he met the bully from his school whose name is Allen. Allen was disowned son of fallen businessman . And he died by his hands but that was not the end of his journey. His soul travelled through space and reached the another world where unknowingly he shocked the supreme goddess of that world and caught her interest for better or worst , no one knows....... Lucifer who was born as the prince, had his everything snatched away from him even his parents. He couldn't even awaken which made his school life hell. So let's see how Lucifer will survive in this new MAGICAL world . ----------------------- Read EPISODE 0 in volume 0 or Auxiliary volume

Harsh_Harsh_8100 · Fantasía
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40 Chs


' Only Life element has this healing power but how could this happen as she was the only person who awakened Life element in that family but she had gone missing since that day '

Elda was thinking about Luna Lifestar who was the only one who had awakened the life element.

Elda personally knew Luna as their families had good relations. So she knew about the assassination attempt on Luna who had been missing since then with her maid Rose

Lifestar family had tried many times to search her as they knew she was alive somewhere due to the soul lamp of her which has her aura on it .

Soul lamp is a a magical artefact which contains the aura of the person and lit up. It would stay lit until the death of that person . Every big family has soul lamps of their important members.

And some days ago , she got the news from the Lifestar family that the soul lamp of Luna had been found broken which confirmed her death .

Luna was the dear princess of the Lifestar and everyone in her family loved her dearly due to which the news of her death had shaken the whole family .

Elda was also sad as her best friend is dead .

No one knew where she had been before she died so no one knew where her body is

Elda still remember their last conversation . Elda who was very curious about her friend had asked her about her deepest wish to which Luna said ,-

" I want to live a simple and normal life with my family, far away from this scheming noble world"

But as she was thinking about Luna , her thoughts again stopped at the question

" But how could she be there as Lucifer is the first and only prince of Deathstar Empire . They wouldn't take him to her . Or could it be ??"

While she was questioning herself , a wild thought came to her mind

And to confirm it she gazed at the sleeping cute face of Lucifer in her arms.

In her arms , lay a baby with black hair and cute face which shows the promising signs of becoming lady killer face . By now she had confirmed her suspicion as-

" His face face definitely have some similar features like Luna. Lucifer is definitely her son which makes him prince of two empires "

"But no one knows of his existence."

" I couldn't let anyone know of his real identity as without powers if he goes there , his life will become hell . No I can't let that happen to the son of Luna"

" From now on Lucifer , you will be known as the little brother of Elf Queen Elda , and I will take care of you as your big sister (✷‿✷)"Elda said to the sleeping prince in her arms.