

Cora got up the next morning in a good mood. It was nearly eleven, but it was still morning. She set to making coffee and breakfast burritos for her and Jared. He took his coffee gratefully then eyed Cora while she cooked.

"Why are you in such a good mood? Did you finally get some?" Jared asked with an eyebrow wiggle.

"No," Cora laughed. "I just feel lighter today."

Jared frowned, "What the hell's wrong with her. Do I need to give her a manual?" Cora swatted at him with the spatula and Jared laughed ducking as he moved out of the way.

"I assure you fledgling, I do not need a manual. I invented some of the things you use to show off." Margo said, walking into the room.

"Seriously, Jared not everyone needs to fuck like rabbits all the time." Cora scoffed and he raised both his eyebrows at her.

"Sweets, do me a favor. Say fuck again." Margo said leaning her chin on her hand above where her elbow rested on the counter.