

Margo lay on the bed for over an hour just staring at the ceiling enjoying the warmth of the new blood running through her system. The buzzing high that Cora's rich blood had given her was intense, especially for the limited amount of blood she had been willing to take from her mate. She hadn't wanted to feed from her at all but knew it was the only way to smell like she had fed from her to the other vampires below. This high she was experiencing right now was also difficult to fake.

Once in the second hour her normal feeder Missy stopped by to see if she needed anything at all as the bubbly brunette put it.

Margo popped her tongue against the roof of her mouth playing up her relaxed giddy state. "I am perfectly fine," Margo sighed.

"I figured but thought I would check in." Missy giggled shut the door as she left.

Missy was a human that wanted to be chosen to be turned and she would do literally anything to get what she wanted. This was great if the vampire was reaping the benefits but could be incredibly dangerous if the girl thought she might benefit more from turning on the vampire in question. Now that Margo didn't plan on using Missy's particular services anymore, she would need to watch her for treachery.

Margo had no compunction feeding from the woman, but it was the other things that Missy had provided that would cause issue. She would not understand that Margo wanted to wait for her mate for those things now. She bet Cora would have issues with her continuing to spend time with a woman she had been having sex with for a year. Margo needed a new feeder that wouldn't have such expectations or raise concerns of infidelity.

Missy would become jealous and dangerous simply for being set aside of that Margo was sure. She would likely take up with one of the clan members equally frustrated with Margo's handling of the clan. That could cause significant problems in the future, but it couldn't be helped.

Rolling off the bed, Margo walked into the bathroom. She checked her reflection in the mirror. She looked normal but felt so different. She had been simply going through the motions for so long but now that fate had seen fit to give her something as precious as a soulmate, she felt like her world had been tilted on its axis. Margo was struggling to right herself and figure out how to move forward.

The cards were stacked against them right now. Margo needed to be very careful but if the end result was that she never had to be alone again then the struggle would be worth it. If it weren't for the damn eclipse occurring right now things would be so very different already.

It was frustrating for Margo to know that if it weren't for the eclipse; she would be lying in a bed next to her mate waiting for Cora to awake anew. Instincts would take over and within a matter of days they would have been fully bonded. Inseparable, eternally.

Instead, she was supposed to completely stay away from Cora to keep her existence a secret and avoid the turn. Margo could feel the pull to be near her even as far apart as they were physically right now. It was like a constant tugging telling her to move closer to her mate. An incessant reminder that they were separated.

Margo knew that Cora couldn't feel it because she was human but how did she end up here in all the places in this city. Cora was here in her club. Was that the pull bringing her to her mate or sheer coincidence.

Margo washed her face and her hands then dried both on a towel. She zipped up her shirt and ran a brush through her hair deeming herself presentable. Still a bit unsteady, but able to face the masses. Margo walked down the steps and over to the bar ordering a couple shots. She downed one shot then another before calling out to Stephan. He sidled up to the bar with his normal smarmy charm.

With a grin Stephan leaned in a little too close. "Having a good night, Boss?"

"Not bad, I'm about to head out." Margo replied vaguely.

"I noticed you tucked that girl out of here in a hurry. She smells great on you though. Are you off to have dessert?" Stephan smirked. For the first time Margo really noticed how creepy and off-putting he was being. She felt the need to push him away from herself but resisted.

"Something like that." Margo affirmed. She headed toward the entrance. She never wanted Stephan anywhere near Cora again and especially not while she was human.

"Send me your leftovers." Stephan called.

"There won't be any." Margo muttered reaching the entrance. She knew he had heard her with his sensitive hearing when he laughed loudly in her wake.

Margo stepped out onto the sidewalk after asking the door attendant to call for her car. She wasn't surprised to see a line still waiting to get into the club even though they closed in a couple of hours. Margo walked away from the crowds reaching into her bag for her cigarette pack.

She fished out a cigarette and lit it exhaling a thick cloud of smoke. It felt good to be outside since the atmosphere in the club could be oppressive. All the noise, lights, and people grated on her frayed nerves right now.

Margo just wanted to go home and check on Cora. She wanted to talk to Antione and make sure everything had gone to plan. Not knowing where her mate was had been fraying at her nerves for months and now that she had finally found her, Margo couldn't bear the thought of losing her again.

She trusted Antione though, if something had gone wrong, he would have called. Maybe, she amended if he remembered he had a phone. Some vampires were resistant to technology and others like Antione hadn't figured out which century they were in.

Margo finished her smoke as her car pulled up outside the club. She climbed in without waiting for the driver and told him to take her home. The car pulled away from the curb and Margo watched a couple dozen people still vying for entrance to Chaos all eerily turn to watch her fancy chauffeured sedan drive past.

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AmeraWolf80creators' thoughts