
Chapter 18: Rescue

“Hey! Clear the way! I know first aid, I’m a lifeguard!” Asher shouted at a full sprint, wet sand flying as he made his way to a pair of divers coming off the Wooten Resort Dive boat.

The copper-haired diver ran after him, holding down Asher’s cap so it wouldn’t fly off her head. She didn’t know how much she could help, or what exactly was wrong, but she had taken a few rescue diver courses.

Plus, seeing Asher instantly spurred into action called something deep within her to do the same, as if they were linked.

“Here! I think something’s wrong! She’s dizzy and can’t seem to catch her breath… She’s also having trouble staying awake,” the young, female diver explained in a panic.

The strong green-eyed lifeguard met the two divers, and immediately took the sick diver into his arms and began to carry her back to the beach. As Seeley caught up, she realized she recognized the diver who had called for help as she took off her mask.