

***next day***

Location::: Damon's mansion***

**Sasha P.O.V**

Sasha who couldn't sleep all through the night was entertaining her self with her phone before she heard a knock on the door causing her to groan and she answered grudgingly come in if your name doesn't start with a "d"..

Haha! Clever pants Damon wants me to tell you his schedule as his new personal maid Davis said as he walked in.

Huh? Sasha said shocked

Yes, your job is to serve master as his maid so he said I should tell you the house rules Davis said

Sasha groans and couldn't help but roll her eyes

Ok first rule please listen

You must not enter master's room without permission.


You must obey him blindly without asking for any particular reason.


You must stay away from master every full moon

Why? Sasha asks curiously

Erm, he goes on something related to period every full moon and must be avoided at all cost Davis said smiling secretly


If a day come and you don't see him as who he is please run, get far from him as possible Davis said expecting multiple questions but none came. He looked up to see Sasha with her eyes closed laying quietly on the bed.

Sasha he called the nth time but no response. He shook her still no movement. Shocked he ran out of the room in a hurry only to come back with Damon to meet the door locked.

You fool, couldn't you sense she's faking it. Damon said coldly

I couldn't I swear it Davis said defensively

You could have.. Damon said before realizing himself and slowly mutters you could have used your supernatural sense dummy

Ofcourse i did but I couldn't sense her heart beat or struggle it must be the blood. Davis said

Damon nods slowly before going back to his room door stops halfway and said when she opens up tell her to see me in my fire room and also seems like the wyvern soul beast is hungry get me the holy fountain water.

But master Davis tried speaking but Damon cuts him off

I need to put this demon on hold for now

Is it because of her? Davis asked but Damon walked in without answering.

He's changing faster than normal

Davis said before walking In.

****Sasha P.O.V******

Ugh, mum why did you leave me to stay with these idiots Sasha groans scattering her hair in frustration after hearing the knock on her door

What do you want? Sasha asked tiredly

It seems you don't want your monthly pay. Well master promise to increase it to $100 dollars if you behave. Davis said trying to coax her to open the door

Since, you won't open up am going, and forget about the pay. Davis said walking out.

Wait! Sasha said opening the door hurriedly

What does your master want me to do Sasha asked quietly

Now you're talking, here is the list of your work, master took the liberty of asking me to draft it for you. Davis said handing her a piece of paper.

Sasha grabbed the paper before screaming, is your damned master trying to overwork me huh? Sasha asked hands at akimbo

For such pay I think he was merciful to you, and I think he need you to make him coffee, and he also request your presence Davis said.

Ok Sasha said

Use the elevator last floor. Two doors to the right you can't miss it. Davis said before finally Walking out

Atleast with my monthly pay I can be able to leave this house without stress and maybe after a year I will resign and invest in a business of my own. Sasha said in confidence.

****DAMON P.O.V.*****

Location::: Fire place

Can she be my weakness, can she be my greatest strength? Can she kill me, no! She seems harmless, my senses are against me killing her, that damned prophecy. Damon mutters sipping the holy fountain water slowly causing smoke to erupt rapidly and intensely from his body.

A knock brought him back to earth

come in, Damon said using his 6th Sense to view her presence.

Your coffee she said placing it on the stool near him.

Damon nods slowly, before pouring the holy fountain water into the coffee mug.

How dare you? Sasha said in anger.

Damon didn't reply but stretch his hands to grab the mug.

Do you know how much time I spent making that coffee you just ruined with your stupid act Sasha shouted in fury.

Shout up! Damon shouted in confusion, my coffee, my money, my maid you have no right to reprimand me get that into your dumb skull.

Sasha grabbed the mug looking like a being possessed and poured the contents on him

Without warning, the wyvern inside Damon's body took control and in a blink of an eye he pinned Sasha to the wall.

Fangs elongating before they could reach its normal length, Damon tried taking back control causing his body to drop

Sasha confused about what she saw wanted to escape seeing the little chance she had, but she could feel her legs walking towards Damon body which appears to be convulsing.

Struggling to move the opposite direction, but couldn't Sasha finally gave up to her body and walked to Damon raised his head placing it on her laps and she gently place her palm on his forehead causing his body to jerk up.

What did you do? Damon said, as his eyelids widens in shock as he immediately took control of his body.

Erm, am sorry my body couldn't watch you in that condition, and am wondering why? Sasha said with a look of displeasure plastered all over her face

You're dismissed Damon said standing up and walking out

Bastard! Sasha said shouting loudly.

Before walking out.

****Unknown P.O.V******

Finally I can kill the alpha and the only destined love of his life without stress.. Dad, mum I take this revenge on your behalf. When the fruit is ripe, I shall strike and end this inequality for ever and that's a promise. We were once equal, and with that equality returned, we shall have a chance to dominate the world as we had always done.

Now swear on it with your blood you will not betray us as your brother did said the priest

as you wish he said nodding slowly

And I lock this sacred duty with a blood covenant any day I break this shall my blood spill on the surface of the earth he said as he reveals his claws and struck his palm with it producing a massive release of blood as the priest mutters some incoherent words.

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let love leads