
For you and only you

Lisa tries to forget her past and move on but, no sooner than her boyfriend is to be a man from his past who is to seek revenge from her. What does he want from her and what's Lisa's past

mr_pears · Ciudad
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Chap Prologue:

Lisa's heart raced in her chest as she struggled to make sense of the situation she found herself in. The dim, unfamiliar room she was trapped in contrasted sharply with the last memory she held—the comfort of Mike's house where they had spent countless happy moments together. But now, his actions were a stark departure from the kindness and care he had exhibited since they had begun dating.

With nails painfully torn from her own fingers and one hand ruthlessly nailed to the wall, Lisa's physical pain was rivaled only by her confusion. What had gone wrong? What had transformed Mike from a loving partner into this unrecognizable figure who seemed to relish in her suffering?

Her tear-filled eyes scanned the room, her voice shaking as she begged Mike for mercy. But his response was far from the understanding she sought. Instead of a comforting embrace, he struck her, the impact echoing in the air. And then, the sting of cold water on her face shattered any remnants of hope she had left. Each drop seemed to carry an unspoken message—she was a captive, and her captor was someone she thought she knew.

Mike's words cut through the tense silence. "You still don't know who I am, do you?" His voice was both haunting and familiar, like an echo from a past she hadn't yet deciphered. He thrust a diary at her, the weight of its secrets tangible even before it landed in her trembling hands. As it fell open, pages rustled, and Lisa's eyes locked onto the words scrawled within.

"You have a week to figure it out," he stated coldly, his eyes holding a mixture of anger and anticipation. The words seemed to hang in the air, both a challenge and a countdown to a revelation she couldn't yet comprehend.

As Lisa read through the pages of the diary, the narrative that unfolded was both chilling and bewildering. It spoke of a person deeply tormented, a life tainted by betrayal, heartache, and anguish. The handwriting was familiar, yet distant—a reflection of a mind warped by pain and resentment.

As the days passed, Lisa pieced together fragments of the diary's story, drawing connections to Mike's erratic behavior. Each revelation brought her closer to understanding the enigma that her captor had become. Memories flashed before her eyes, moments that had been carefully concealed beneath a façade of affection.

The diary became her lifeline, guiding her through the labyrinth of Mike's twisted past. It was a journey into darkness, one that challenged her perceptions of love, trust, and the masks that people wear. But it was a journey she was determined to undertake, for the sake of her own survival and for uncovering the truth that had been hidden beneath layers of deception.

In the heart of her confinement, Lisa realized that the answers she sought were more than just about unraveling Mike's identity. They were about confronting her own naivety, her own willingness to overlook the signs that had been there all along. The diary became a mirror, reflecting not only Mike's secrets but also her own complicity in the narrative.

With each passing day, Lisa's determination grew stronger. She embraced the challenge of understanding the man who had become her captor, even as she grappled with the pain he had inflicted. And as the week drew to a close, the pieces of the puzzle finally clicked into place, unveiling a truth she had never expected—one that would forever change the course of her life.

As you continue reading, Lisa's journey will take unexpected turns, leading her down a path of revelation, redemption, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity.