
For You (ENG)

That night a storm comes crashing into the life of Arghi Baswara, where two robbers break into his house until he has to permanently lose his sense of sight. Arghi's universe collapsed in just a matter of hours. Everything was black with no color, even a beam of light could not be captured by his eyes. His hopes, dreams, ideals, and someone he had to protect and take care of. Everything disappeared in the blink of an eye. He felt he was the most useless person. Galant Virendra was destroyed in one week. His only dearest friend lost his sight. Then before long his father who was a medical worker was snatched from his life. Galant has no one else in his family, there is only Arghi his best friend as a focus in Galant's life in the present world that Arghi feels most useless and considers only to be a burden for Galant. Galant never expected that with him accidentally kissing Arghi on the night of the full moon it brought him into his somersaulting life change. When he realizes that he is not an ordinary human, but a wolf who loses control just by smelling the scent of his best friend, Arghi. What happened to Galant? Coupled with Galant who is very difficult to overcome the pull so strong than before to continue with Arghi who is completely unable to know the change from Galant to a wolf in the middle of the full night, because of the change he almost went crazy with a scent that choked him coming from his best friend who fired his scent in a craze. Who exactly is Galant?

White_Black033 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

Hormone 1

"So, you should probably start going out and looking for the girl that suits you, Galant. I'm sure it won't be hard for you," said Arghi, who he said, as he might ignore his rising heart rate.

He bit his lips involuntarily, with his body reacting nervously like this just because he said the sentences just now towards Galant.

"I'll do it."

Arghi winces several times, and in the end, he pulls every corner of his lips forming a smooth arch there.

Everything had to go normally and as it should for everyone else, it should bring a sense of pleasure when Galant walked the straight line that layout in front of him. However, Arghi with the skill that he has done for years pressed deep into his heart and closed tightly to a sense that would be impossible to scratch on to reality.

"That's good," Arghi said lightly. His head turned in the other direction that he thought was the direction towards his room. Arghi then stood up and said, "I have to go to the room, Galant."

"Arghi is sorry." Galant's low voice entered Arghi's sense of hearing and Arghi couldn't help but smile back perched on his lips.

"You are innocent, why apologize." Arghi didn't wait for a response from Galant he walked docked against the wall and began walking slowly through the wall towards his new room.

Arghi's condition now is very troublesome, but in the end, he does have to accept the reality of whatever befalls him. He just needs to get used to it.


"Arghi!" The sound of knocking on the door followed by a call of himself by Galant out there instantly resuscitated Galant from his long daydream on the mattress.

Arghi had no idea how many hours he had spent just lying down and letting the mind master his head at this moment.

The sound of the door opening suddenly caused Arghi to be startled and get up to sit down. He sometimes always forgot to lock the door, so always let Galant in suddenly like this now.

Arghi's head was held by both of Galant's hands and a warm breath blew in front of Arghi's face at a distance that Arghi hardly liked. Until the moment Galant roared and said, "Arghi, is something wrong? You didn't answer my call in the first place."

Arghi's forehead contorted with his question coming to the surface, with Galant's attitude so much changed it hadn't even counted days. As Galant does now, the tone and almost sentences used by Galant are almost the same as Arghi often does to Galant.

Arghi only shook his head a small head, he slowly stood away from Galant's dizzying range, and not only did he get there again to feel the heat from the back of his body where Arghi only realized that Galant had stood behind him.

It was very clear that something was wrong with Galant.

"Arghi, we have to have dinner together." Galant's voice inexplicably became heavier than before, the front of Galant's body touching Arghi's back. However, Arghi ignored what Galant was doing because they had been friends for years this kind of closeness was a common thing for both of them to do. It's just that what makes everything abnormal with the strangeness that is constantly attached to a Galant Virendra is that he attaches also part of his 'own' on the back of Arghi's body until Arghi himself feels his violence sticking there.

Arghi turned around and he wished he could see Galant's face now. He wanted to ask over what Galant had done just now, but he pulled it back and completely ignored it. It was probably just an accident done by Galant.

"What's wrong arghi?" asked Galant suddenly, grabbing Arghi's shoulder.

"Nothing," Arghi replied and walked, Arghi's hand raised touching the wall only to be reached and grasped by Galant's warm hand.

"I'm here, Arghi? Walls are not needed at all." Arghi's eyes widened as Galant spoke right next to his ear carrying a sense of heat crawling up to Arghi's face. Arghi's body became stiff as Galant's hand suddenly had coiled around Arghi's waist and guided him out of the room.


Arghi coughed and slowly grabbed the glass of water. However, it turns out Galant has thrust it right in front of Arghi's lips to cause wrinkles on Arghi's forehead again.

"Thank you," Arghi said he almost whispered. He immediately gulped down the water that instantly wet his dry throat, after the sign, he placed the glass on the side of the empty table with a sound created accidentally.

Arghi stiffened as Galant's fingers went down the edge of his lips and then descended on Arghi's throat as Galant began to speak, "Arghi, you wet yourself."

Arghi even lost his own words when Galant's hand sitting next to himself rubbed several times on the surface of Arghi's lips continuously with no apparent purpose.

This is wrong. What happened to Galant?

Arghi brushed off Galant's hand slowly then pretended something just now never happened so that awkwardness didn't come between them.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, Arghi. Sorry." Galant's low voice and tucked regret there brought feelings of guilt to Galant. It's possible that what Galant does is the influence of excessive hormones released by his body. Perhaps.

Arghi just smiled and hoped it didn't look fake in Galant's eyes at this moment. "No problem."

It's a problem.