
Chapter 6:

"Kid, we need to talk!" Banks walks in and stops short. I'm sitting on the balcony floor, meditating. Luckily, I have the habit of going to sleep fully dressed. I open my eyes and look at Banks.

"Let's talk then." I stand and walk towards one of the couches. Banks slowly follows and sits as far away from me as possible without making it seem too obvious. Did something happen?

"You're mother was found to be too unstable even for the mental hospital we took her to. She's tried to kill three people so far and keeps waking everyone up at night. The nurses told me that she asks about you—If they know you or something. If they don't, she briefly explains who you are before running off. A curious nurse responded with yes." Oh no.

"She told her everything, didn't she?" I mutter.

"Uh?" He yells. "She attacked the nurse! They said they found her laughing and asking the nurse if she wanted to feel what you did while clawing at her. The nurse has been hospitalized and your mother has been restrained and isolated from the others. So, mind telling me what she was talking about?"

Suddenly, my mouth feels dry. I lower my head. She didn't say anything. It was only hinted. I'm not ready to talk. I don't want to talk. Memories flash through my mind. That night.

Kids expect their parents to love and embrace them. They expect kisses and cuddles before bed. Sometimes even their parents randomly checking at night to make sure they're asleep. I always hear stories of fathers, uncles, grandfathers, and other family members hurting their children the way I was. But I've never heard of mothers doing it. Am I the only one.

"I was hoping she would've forgotten." I mutter.

"Clearly not, since she attacked a nurse!" Banks yells at me. "What happened?"

"You don't need to know."

"I do actually. This is an investigation of its own. Besides those killings happening around the city, there's also this."

"If you'll excuse me, I need to get ready for work."

"Bullshit! You're not allowed to work for another week! Tell me what happened!"

"I have every right to remain silent!" I stand and storm towards the door. I open it and glare back at Banks. "Get the fuck out."

"Fine. I'll figure it out on my own." Banks seethes as he leaves. I slam the door shut and throw myself onto the bed. I stare up at the ceiling. How much worse can it get?

There's a soft knock on the door. Boss comes in, looking behind him as he enters. I motion towards the couch and place my hands on my chest. Boss sits, watching quietly. I sigh and throw my head back against the couch. I stare at the white ceiling.

"My mother's causing problems." I finally say. Boss grunts.

"That's not why John's mad. He knows you're hiding something. You're mom must've done something terrible for him to put so much pressure on you." I sneer, shaking my head.

"My mother has done a lot of things." There's some silence. "You're expecting me to tell you everything."

"Not necessarily."

"I'm not telling you anything. I don't even know your name!"

"The name's Dakota Murrin. We're about the same age, so I didn't want you know my name to get a bit of respect." Murrin says after some silence.

"You hired me as your bodyguard. I don't seek any closer relationship. You have my loyalty and respect as long as you pay and respect my own morals." I respond. Murrin nods.

"Fair enough. You still have a week until full recovery. I know you've been making sure to be at your best. There's going to be a family event next weekend. We go Friday and leave Monday. Your task is to keep everyone at a distance."

"Your granny hates you or something?" I joke.

"No." He laughs. "My sister's husband is my rival. His family has been on my back for months. Especially, recently. The marriage was supposed to end it, but the lack of heirs isn't helping."

"Sorry to play the world's smallest violin, but it sounds like shits and giggles." Murrin frowns.

"I need an heir." I sit up and scoot away from Murrin. He leans back, watching me in amusement.

"An heir?" I ask, my voice suddenly in an uncontrolled high pitch.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to touch you. I do need an heir. At least in the next two years or so. For now, I just need you to pose as my fiancé." I relax a bit.

"Won't it be a bit hard to hide in a year or so?"

"No. My sister and I plan to kill that nest of vipers before Saint Valentine's Day." I nod.

"Fine. How do you want me to act and dress for such an...'occasion'?" I can't tell if Murrin's smiling or not. But somehow, I get the feeling he is.

"I'll have some professionals come in tomorrow to help you out. For now, rest." Murrin says, and takes his leave.

For the next week, I get pounded into a "sophisticated lady". Whatever the hell that means. Murrin stays out of the way, claiming that he doesn't want to jinx anything. I'm getting paid double, making me shut up and do as told. I heard corsets are hell. But the one that I end up getting is quite comfortable. Restraining, but comfortable.

The lady in charge of me is apparently Murrin's childhood nanny. She also lives in the mansion with her two sons and granddaughter. Despite her old age, she's still quite beautiful and proper. Her elegance makes it seems as if she floats. She's turned out to be kind and caring.

"Stop staring off into space, dear." I snap out of my thoughts and press the "back trainer" into my back.

"Why exactly do I need to do this?" Lady Barbara takes the trainer and puts it aside. I shake out the stiffness and stretch a bit.

"Murrin's family is a bit old school–"

"Even more than you?" I interrupt.

"—which makes them very picky with people. And yes. Murrin's family has been around for centuries. You are already quite elegant. You just needed a few tweakings."

"Thanks." I grumble.

The next day is crazier with preparations and whatnot. Lady Barbara probably thought I was still asleep. She flipped the entire bed over just as I walked in from my shower. The two of us just stared at each other in silence before going into a roar of laughter.

"For an old lady, you're quite strong if you can flip a king sized bed without much effort." I comment as she helps me with my black and maroon dress. The brown corset goes on next, tightened by the golden string. I sit, allowing Lady Barbara to do my hair.

"Looking at you, I realize how beautiful and sad you look." I frown, looking into the mirror in front of me.

"Sad?" Lady Barbara stops what she's doing and places her fingers on my temples.

"The way your eyes are shaped, your eyes themselves, and the form of your lips have stories to tell. You used to cry a lot as a child. Your eyes have lost their shine, indicating that you carry a lot of trauma, resentment, and fear. And your lips are thick and cornered into a frown. You stopped smiling a long time ago."

"I've just made lemonade of the lemons thrown at me." I mutter.

"What about the scars all over your back and stomach?" I jerk around. Lady Barbara just steps back and watches me carefully.

"Have you been—"

"You've been hurt. Why did you—"

"Because who did it was supposed to love me!" I stand in turn. Lady Barbara stares at me until she comes to a conclusion.

"Have you had any past relationships? Abusive, maybe—"

"Not everything revolves around that! No! And before you bring my father into this, he's dead and faceless!" Lady Barbara stumbles and sits in disbelief.

"Your mo—" There's a knock on the door. Murrin enters and freezes. He stares at the two of us, confused.

"Did I walk into something?" I shake my head and start walking around, picking out knives and two guns.

"I'm nearly done." I strap the knives into place.

"You don't need all those weapons." Murrin points out.

"You never know." I respond and walk towards him. I look back at Lady Barbara who only watches me quietly. I close the door behind me, following Murrin down the stairs and into his big vehicle.

I allowed too much to get out. It's a mistake. I mistake I don't intend to let out.