
Chapter 4:

Around 18:30 or so, Banks picks me up again. I sit in the back this time, stretching out against the seats. The black leather seats feel nice. They're probably the best luxury I've had so far. Something hits my face.

"Put that on." Banks says as a black screen rolls up behind the front seats. I grab the clothes and start to change as fast as I can. A suit and a golden mask. I struggle a bit, putting on the black skirt after the black transparent leggings. I again have to pull the skirt down a bit to tuck in the white under shirt. I put on the black long sleeved shirt and fumble with the black tie with gold accents on it.

I button up the shirt up as far up as possible without choking and knock on the screen as I fumble with my heels. The screen rolls down, reveal Banks. He eyes me through the rearview mirror and nods.

"Did you have to button up that high?" He asks.

"Yeah. You have gel or anything for my hair?" Banks stops at a red light and reaches over to the glove compartment. He tosses me a small container of vaseline. I look at him and raise an eyebrow.

"Vaseline is good for more than that, kiddo." He says with a smile. I smirk and sit back. I shaved the sides of my head and more or less trimmed my long black hair. I could put it up in those spiky mohawks goths have if I wanted to. I use the rearview mirror to mess with my hair, applying the vaseline where needed.

"Thanks." I say and place the vaseline on the passenger seat.

"You were makeup?" Banks asks. I shake my head.

"It's not in the job description." Banks laughs and reaches into the glove compartment again. He grabs a cheetah patterned back and tosses at me.

"It is actually. At least put on some eyeliner. The boss won't be too happy about the unnecessary button-up as is." I groan and try my best to apply some eyeliner while the car moves. It takes multiple tries and I nearly toss the eyeliner out the window, but I manage to get it.

"Is this good?" I ask. Banks parks and looks at me. He laughs and grabs a wipe.

"Are you planning on flying off or something?" He says as he wipes my face. He applies the eyeliner for me.

"How would you know?" I ask as Banks grabs a brush and starts fumbling around with stuff I can't even identify.

"My wife wanted to look pretty even when she was sick and dying with cancer. She taught me how to apply makeup on her so that when she grew too weak to apply it on herself, I wouldn't make her look like a clown. I did it for my wife and the two girls she left me with after she died. They're grown now. One even got married recently." I hum, acknowledging what he did for his family.

"I guess you're not so bad..." I mutter. Banks smiles.

"I never was. Now, pucker out your lips like this." Banks puckers out his lips, sending the two of us into roars of laughter. He applies a clear kind of cream on my lips.

"Now, when you go in there, the boss will examine you. He can be harsh, but don't talk back. Understand?" I nod. Banks smiles and steps out, opening the door for me. We walk in and head to the office again. Banks knocks and a muffled voice yells us to walk in. I put on the golden mask as we walk in.

The same man from before immediately stands and surveys me. He comes up to me and unbuttons my shirt down to just above my breasts. He straightens my skirt and takes of my mask. He frowns.

"I wanted a bodyguard, not a whore. Take that off." I glance at Banks who silently grabs a few tissues and dampens them with the only liquid in the room. He hands the alcohol soaked tissues to me and steps back. I begin to wipe the makeup of slowly.

"Don't wear that stuff again." I nod, glaring at him quietly. As soon as I finish, the man shoved the mask on my face. I bite down the urge to yell out and straighten the mask instead. The man suddenly lifts up my skirt, causing me step back in fear and alarm. He only grabs me and straps something against my thigh. I quickly realize that he's strapping weapons to me. Another goes lower onto my calf. Yet another on my right upper arm. A strap containing multiple knives goes onto my other thigh. Finally, two small straps containing rows of needles go onto my wrists.

The man steps back for a second before unbuttoning my undershirt and slipping a phone into my bra. I close my eyes as he does, trying to drown out old flashbacks.

"Don't worry. I don't care about you body." The man says as he buttons up my under shirt. He finally puts and ear piece into my left ear. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him.

"Fuck up or betray me and I will personally 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 you over. Understood?" He hisses against my ear.

"Understood, sir." I respond. He pushes me away

"Good. John, go on ahead and leave. You won't have to pick her up until tomorrow at 8. Let's get the night started!" I follow after the man, glancing at Banks as I pass. He mouths his apology and follows behind.

I spend most of the night standing behind "the Boss" while he drank, flirted with women, and made deals with nearby gangs. Many jokes and insults get thrown at me, but I remain silent, watching. Every drink given to Boss, I test it. By midnight, Boss is drunk and ready to end the night.

"You! Come 'ere!" Boss yells as he points at me. I round the couch and stand a few inches away from him. Boss sits up and wraps his arms around my legs. In a swift move, he stands and throws me over his shoulder. His friends laugh and jeer as he takes me to his office. There, he throws me onto his desk and spreads my legs. Before he has the chance to do anything else, I stand and shove him against the door.

"Get your shit together!" I yell. Boss pushes me off and tries to pull my skirt down. I slap his hands away and grab him by the ear. I pull him around his desk and force him to sit. I sit on his lap like a child would to keep him from standing up.

The boss falls asleep, wrapping his arms against me and pulling me close against him. I quickly move away and move to stand by the door. I grab a bottle of wine as I go. I tear off the cork and throw it at the Boss's head angry. I drink a huge gulp of wine and try to get my bearings. I start crying and throwing things, trying to forget everything. I drank the whole bottle of wine by the time I calm down.

"Asshole." I mutter and stand next to the door, bottle in hand. I remain there, still as stone until the morning.

I hear a sound and open my eyes. I quickly pull out a knife and thrust it against someone's neck. I blink and realize I've placed the knife against my own boss's throat. Well, just fucking great. Begrudgingly, I put the knife away. After last night, I don't trust this guy at all.

"You know, the whole idea of hiring you was to protect myself. Not get myself killed." The boss jokes as he massages his throat.

"My... apologies." I respond. I take a deep breath. "Was rape part of your agenda?" The boss freezes, staring at me in shock.

"Did something happen?" I stare at him for a good minute. He went through an estimate of to big bottles worth of combinations of alcohol with his friends. He drank the most. Enough that I would think he would at least vomit.

"You got so drunk that you picked me up, brought me to your office, and—" I sigh. "I guess it doesn't matter considering that I work for you." Boss sits on his desk, frowning.

"Did I take off my mask?" I mask my disbelief and shake my head. His mask allows him eat and drink without anyone seeing his face. I don't know how exactly it works.

"Good. I'm sorry I got so blackout drunk that I treated you as a prostitute rather than as my bodyguard. It's just that..." He motions with his hand up and down. "...a bit...𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵."

"I can say the same for you." I grumble. The boss stands and approaches me. Suddenly, he grabs my throat and rips off my mask. He glares at me. He's probably figuring out if I was a good choice. I glare back. We glare at each other for what feels like decades until he finally lets go.

"I'm taking you home." He finally says.

"I prefer to walk." I say and open the door behind me. I try closing it, but the boss stops me. I just let go and turn away. I quickly walk towards the door. The boss is forced to run in front of me. He puts his hands on my shoulders and shakes me.

"I'm not letting you go out like that." I swat him away.

"Is that so? I quit!" I storm out the door and head back to another hell.