Foley was born, Folier Neptenu, on a sinister April Fool's day, in Albany, GA in 1973. Since birth, Foley could sense that his parents did not like him much as they almost left the hospital without him. Although, he was a handsome child, his parents simply did not want to have another boy or better yet, they were not allowed to have a third son or 'great loss would come upon them'.
JUNE 30, 1972
In the words of Smudge, "Love is a goddam motherfucker, hein?"
"It's done Lehcim," Josie announced in a sinister vibe.
"What? What is done? He was gone before I could tell him I only wanted a girl." Lehcim was thrown for a loop as she was inspecting every corner in the dungeon for a sign of Levid.
"He will never do anything that you cannot handle." Josie reassured her friend while holding Lehcim's shoulders.
"But what about my will, my wants?" Lehcim narrowed her beautiful orbs at her friend quizzically.
"You will be fine, Lehce. You have to accept what will come and all will reveal itself." Josie hugged Lehcim while patting her back.
Ellis was walking through the house looking for Lehcim. She did not mean to eavesdrop, but she heard everything that was being said inside the basement. She rushed down there to confront her daughter-in-law.
"Lehcim, what are you doing down here? What's that business about spellcasting?" Ellis exclaimed.
"Excuse me? Last time I checked, this was my house. I can do or say whatever I please whenever I feel like it." Lehcim was piercing holes in her mother-in-law with her eyes.
"I will not allow you to hurt my son nor my grandchildren. I heard about your plans. You already knew about the curse. Why would you willingly choose to be a part of our family, knowing what the future will hold?" Ellis was clasping her chest with one hand as she was out of breath and supporting herself against a wall with the other hand.
"Ellis, how come you are a part of this family?" Lehcim snapped.
"I did not know about this curse until the day I was going to get married. I was already in love. I did not know before that day. I did not marry Ymoryo for his wealth. I married him because I fell deeply in love with him. I trusted that he would do what was right when that time came." Ellis explained in between breaths.
"Well, to each, its own. Do not judge me. You do not know me." Lehcim rolled her eyes and pursed her lips.
"Lehcim only good can defeat evil. You cannot escape nor dupe this curse. You have to be pure of heart to survive it." Ellis offered.
"Josie, what is this old woman talking about? She truly does not know me nor where I come from." Lehcim acted as if Ellis was a speck of clay. Insignificant old woman. In truth, Ellis was her cryptonite.
"Maybe you should enlighten her." Josie cosigned.
"Ellis, you are the mother of my husband, the grand-mother of my children, but after this day I do not want you near my house. Do you understand? You do not know me. I am the daughter of Jack Leger, the great-grand-daughter of Jacob Leger. I grew up with stories of The Neptenus, this family that was so filthy rich but cursed to the bones. When I was 11, my father was so poor and shameless that he prostituted me out to all of his friends at the local bar." Lehcim did not break eye contact or lose her composure.
"Child, I am so sorry, but those days are gone. You can choose your own destiny. You do not have to choose evil." Ellis tried to reason, but fell on deaf ears.
"But the Devil has chosen me. He gave me a second chance. I am here because he helped me survive." Lehcim continued.
"My child, don't be naive. God and only God helped you survive. I understand your hatred. I understand your need to surpass everyone in wealth, because you do not want to ever revisit those dark times again. You do not have to force it, let it happen. Let God make it happen. God is with you." Ellis retorted with conviction.
"Ellis, God does not live here," Lehcim uttered with disdain.
"Does my son know this about you? Did you tell him that you were aware of the Neptenu family curse before you married him?" Ellis demanded unflinchingly.
"No, he told me the day before we were going to get married. I acted shocked. Ymor does not know all the details about my past. He does not know about my father, nor my former maiden name," Ellis stated flatly.
"Why? Why don't you tell him? Do you even love him?" Ellis sounded more irritated than ever before. She was pacing back and forth.
"It's a means to an end. Love is a motherfucker, Ellisbonne. I don't hate the guy if that's what you are asking." Ellis' shame fest was unsuccessful as Lehcim was unaffected, and brutally honest.
"How do you live with yourself?" Ellis was enraged but took deep breaths to relax instead, willing herself to calm down.
"I sleep like a baby at night knowing that all the men that have ever hurt me paid for it with their lives. I am standing in front of you today. A strong woman. Grateful to the dark master." Lehcim was having a ball being deliciously witchy.
"Ellis, I am sorry, but Lehcim has been through a lot and so did I. She helped me regain my confidence through our regular practices of the dark art. She believes in what she believes, because it saved her life and gave her a new passion in life. You may never understand, because you never had to endure what she has gone through. Now she is a tough woman, resilient, strong for her family." Josie was defending her friend.
"She is so cold, so unfeeling, so unloving," Ellis grimaced.
"Ellis, I want you out of my house now. You are no longer welcome here and will never be welcome here. Out! NOW!" Lehcim completely lost her cool. She was disheveled.
"As you wish. But this is my family. My son was my son before you came along and he will continue to be my son after you are long gone." Ellis smirked and walked away without another word.
Johnny Depp narrates
Gold Diggers are gold diggers. Lehcim is on a whole other level of digging. Precious gems digging. Just 100% heartless!