
The Noble Lobelia Family (2)

"Those who believe in the Supreme Power, then they will be blessed. That's what the Saint Irene stated to her people which all people have believed up till now, and will be in the future."

"No one had ever go against it?"

"No one would dare go against the messenger of the Gods, Milady."

"Hmm.. I see."

CHAPTER 6: The Noblr Lobelia Clan (2)

"..and the God of Heaven granted His people's wishes and let rain fall from the clouds above to the cracked soil to help regain its life."

She read the book that she have found in her father's study. She went to her Father for a favor of a teacher to teach her politics but then he have a meeting so she was instructed to wait in his study. Which she found many interesting books.

All her shelves only have law books and nothing more. She misses those novel books she have read when she was in highschool. Cliche romance was her top genre. She also likes fantasy.

The book she's reading now has a short title which was slowly explained in later chapters, Arthur. Arthur has 500 chapters when she took a peek from the last page and currently, she's in chapter 27.

"Thank you for waiting, Cecelia."

She look up to see her father entering the study so she has to put the book back and sit down to the seat across him.

"Should we call for tea? I'll call someone--"

"No need. I won't be long." She said.

"Oh? Okay. Let's hear you, my Daughter." She put up an awkward smile after hearing her father.

"Uhm... I just want to ask for a teacher. Its either an etiquette teacher or a history teacher. Just anyone who can teach me, anyone is okay." 'Especially when its about society and its rules.'

She wanted to fully adjust in a world different from the present world. She may have lived this life before, but unfortunately, she does not remember anything at all.

"A teacher? Do you still need a teacher?"

"What?" She saw him cough.

"What I mean is, don't you have plan of marrying?"


"Yes. Do you have anyone that you fancy? It doesn't matter which family he is, as long as he loves you and respects you just like how I do to your mother."

Cecelia was wondering what this man was saying. She? Marry? Wasn't she just too young for marriage? And from what she remembered, she's around 16 or 17 years old! How could she marry at that age?

In her second life, its considered a sin. A minor, age sixteen, is marrying, isn't that called a disgrace in society full of conservative and old-fashioned people?

And what's happening here? Her 'FATHER' wants her to get married? To whom? Goodness!

"No. No. No. No. I'm still young to get married. I'm practically sixteen years old. I don't have a lover or anyone. And lastly, I will study for as long as I want to. Either you give me a teacher, a governess or not I will find my own way to learn more. Thank you for your time, Father."

She made sure to emphasize the last word she have spoken before standing up out of frustration. Never did in her life did anyone say such thing as that. Its against her pride.

As she closes the door she saw Gabriel approaching with his usual poker face. She ignored him and walk pass him.

The next day, her Father sent a Baroness to teach her about what she wants to know. The Baroness was both history and etiquette teacher, so it was good.

"Good morning, Lady Lobelia. I am Baroness Georgina of Lockwood, nice meeting you." The Baroness of Lockwood curtsey as she was introducing herself.

"Ah! No need to do that, let's drop the honorifics..?"

The Baroness then look at her. "That is impossible, Lady. You are the daughter of the Count Lobelia, and I am just a Baroness, your title is much higher than me. I must bow before you." The Baroness explained creating more confusion in her head.


"Lesson one. As the daughter of a Count, the title lower than you must bow. Like a lady or a lord, a knight or a dame, a baron or a baroness, a viscount or a viscountess. Anyone who does not do such tradition, then it is considered disrespect of your title and will be punished accordingly."

Cecelia's mouth almost dropped to floor. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Bow? Curtsey to someone higher than you? Is that the trend?

"I've seen confusion in your eyes, Lady. Let me explain further. You are a daughter of a Count, which have done many honorable things. So even if you encounter someone higher than your title, they must bow. If its a Prince or a Princess, duke or the duchess, the archduke or the archduchess, the grand dukes and many more." The Baroness further explains.

"Why? Why must they bow, if my Father's title is much lower than theirs?"

"Because, your Father's title, Count, does not stop there. Its like, your rank is as the same as someone much higher than anyone else." Cecelia raised her eyebrow.

"The Royal Family?"

"No, milady. Not the Royal family, the Imperial family." She lets out a gasps with what she hears.

"It seems you almost knew nothing from your past teachers...."

"Hahahaha...." Just how powerful and noble this Lobelia Clan? For them to stand next to the Imperial Family, which is much higher than the Royal Family. Just who?


A/N: The Royal Family means the family of Queens and Kings. While the Imperial Family means the family of the Empress and Emperor.