
Flowers and Petals (STOPPED)

Flowers and Petals is a vampire book that can teach a lesson in a sense, to love yourself and mostly be yourself. It's a story about three women, two of them being a vampire and one being a human. The human thinks being in love was a bunch of nonsense and was hard on herself. Life can be beautiful. Sometimes. (This book has now been stopped. It didn't go the way I actually wanted it to.)

DarkWater120 · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter 4 - A Week Later

Maria's POV

It's been one week since I've been basically forced to live with Sienna and Lucia. Maybe 'forced' was the wrong word to use in this situation. 'Invited' was the right word. My new room was everything that I have ever dreamed of, apart from the darkness and the shadows. There was no ghosts, no evil spirits, just Sienna and Lucia. Their new business was almost ready to be opened to the public, but they didn't give me any hints to what it could be. Their passion for each other was insane, like they couldn't keep their own hands to themselves and it was irritating me. I lost sleep because of them too.

I sat up on my bed, sighing to myself as I heard their muffled voices through the wall. They weren't doing anything intimate, they were just talking pretty loudly. It was time for me to get up anyway, seeing as I was still on a schedule. I was apart of a self-growing business, my business. I started it for a reason, to make money and to grow as a person. Those were my goals and with that extra money, I stashed it into my bank account for safe keeping. I wasn't ready to move houses, it was a difficult process.

Then, there was silence. Good, they stopped talking.

Just when I was about to get out of bed and get ready for the day, my phone bleeped. A text message. I reached over to the bed side table and grabbed my phone, and checked the message. The customer cancelled again. That was happening a lot. Looks like I had a whole day to myself.

I got up from my bed and walked over to the bathroom, getting undressed to have a shower so my muscles could relax.

Twenty minutes later, I got out of the walk-in shower and roughly dried myself off, before I put on my normal clothes instead of my cleaning clothes, then went to get some food until I found a pink card just laying on the floor by the door. Sienna or Lucia must have posted it through.

I picked up the pink card, sitting down on the edge of the bed as I read it to myself.

Apparently, they want to give me a special massage as a thank you for being an amazing guest at their new spa salon.

Accept or reject the invitation, that was the decision that I had to make.

Hold on...

Why would they want to do a massage to me at night time?