
Chapter 228: Unscrupulous Deed

Yang Yankang waved his hand, exhausted in body and soul. What could he do when Zhao Xiangde interfered?

Could he really afford to fall out with someone as important as Zhao Xiangde?

Seeing his father like this, Yang Qingshan knew what to do. He stood up, donned his suit, and went to the company to handle the situation.

For the sake of his son, Yang Qingshan had truly exhausted a great deal of effort. If he had a way, he would tear Ling Tianyu apart alive. Couldn't he see that Ling Tianyu shouldn't be meddling in affairs and should be living his life properly instead?

As someone with a criminal record, wherever he went, people would look at him differently. And yet he had the nerve to show his face. If he were Ling Tianyu, he would have long since smashed his head into tofu and died.

He was a disaster, who had caused the death of his family members. A rubbish who was cursed to death by his own family. He cursed that all the sons born to Ling Tianyu would turn out to be imbeciles.