
Flight-ingly Scary

Hiro was a simple kid, all he wants in life is to live as silently as possible but when life uno reverse carded his parents his silent life was destroyed. Now he wants to be a hero I guess.

Insomniaddict · Cómic
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16 Chs

Testing Testing 1-2-3 | Ch. 3

Hiro POV

When I woke up Dazawa and Dadmada were not there but they left a note saying they had to leave early. I went about my morning as usual. I combed my white to purple hair and tied it back with a hair tie. Then I groomed my white, purple tipped wings. After that I put on one of my specialized shirts so I can use my wings. Oh, and did I mention Aizawa sponsered my recomendation. So I am actually taking the recomendation exam.

3rd POV

Hiro thought the written exam was fairly easy and breezed through it with small hiccups. While living with Shota and Yamada, Hiro studied a lot when he couldn't sleep at first. He has pills for insomnia now but he still studied often. Then it was the practical. A guy with white and red hair, a girl with black hair and a few others were there. The practical was a small rescue operation. They had to use their quirks to rescue as many people (they are actually just Training dummys) as possible in the set amount of time. There were small robots that were worth a point but they were basically there to be obsticals.

The black haired girl made everyone a communication device and we set off. He pointed out people on the ground to save and alerted them from the skys about robots. Hiro also picked up people from higher up places and took them to the medic stand.

After the exam Hiro went home and waited for his letter.

Now you may be thinking "Why did he have to take an exam if he was recomended" it's to weed out the recomendation students so only the best remained (Its my AU back off - Author OvO). Hiro got 80 points and got a spot in class 1-A.The letter had a hologram thing and All Might was on it and don't get it twisted Hiro likes the hero. All Might just is his least favorite because he built such a pillar to lean on that if it were to crumble it would mess up a lot. Now back to the letter it said the uniform will be sent to the house. Shota and Yamada were happy for him. Though Shota didn't express it as outwardly like Yamada. School will start in two weeks and Hiro is scared to meet the other hero course students. So while we wait on the whole two weeks thing how about I explain what Hiro, Shota and Yamada do all day!

Hiro is up before Shota a lot because even with his pills he just doesnt sleep for long. Shota usually wakes up and gets his multiple cups of coffee at 6 am. Yamada gets up at around 7 am when Shota is almost done with food. I say he gets up at 7 but really he has been getting ready for the day since 6. Hiro usually ties his hair into a low ponytail and lets Yamada braid it if he wants. When Yamada doesn't have hero duties they all stay home and watch movies and plays games. Or Hiro goes the abandoned ship yard to train under the supervision of Shota or Yamada. Shota has to go on patrol at 9 pm so that leaves Yamada and Hiro alone. Hiro and Yamada will either play games or talk about Hiro's quirk throwing around ideas for what he can do with the life energy.

Now after that short filler paragraph onto his first day at U.A.

Hiro's POV

Why is 1-A's door so huge? Am I gonna have classmates that big? I am here an hour early so I can nap. Oh god I am scared to interact. Maybe I can blend in. Who am I kidding I have white, purple tipped long hair and white eyes. Not to mention my quirk. [ Did I ever name his quirk? - Insomnia Attack (Aka Author OvO) ] I could always mess with my very little life energy. That doesn't sound healthy and Aizawa will literally kill me. 'Not if you kill yourself first' Stfu little voice in my head. Oh god I just spent 30 minutes spaced out talking to myself in my head looking at the door. Oh won't those be fun camera feeds to see. Yeah I am just gonna head to my desk now.

Okay now that I am suffering at my desk I can maybe stop freaking out.


Or not. Okay fine brain thought we were chill now but fine. Oh god I need a therapist. Actually I need to be put in an asylum, jesus christ on a cross I need mental help. Oh look at that a blue haired student came in.


3rd POV

Blue Boy (Tenya Iida): "Hello! I am Tenya Iida! I must say you are a wonderful example for other students!" The blueberry says while karate chopping the air.

Hiro nods.

Iida: "What's your name?" Iida asks.

Hiro: "Hiro." He states quietly.

Iida: "That sounds like a first name?" Iida questions.

Hiro waves his hand dissmisivly.

Iida heads to his seat and around 5 minutes later the students start coming in. Iida gets up to scold a bad tempered blonde kid and then a green haired boy comes in. The same bad tempered chihuahua yells at the green boy about 'how did you even get in the course'. Then Aizawa came in and did his whole 'if you are here to make friends fuck off if you are serious sit down and let me explain'. Now the class is going out to the field to do a 'quirk apprehension test'.

Aizawa: "Hey Bakugo what was your score in middle school?" He probes.

Bakuhoe said some number [ I don't remember his score without his quirk - Insomnia (Aka Author OvO) ]

Aizawa: "Now throw it with your quirk." Aizawa deadpands.

Bakuhoe threw it and yelled die. He got the score of 705.8 meters and was told to go back to the group. Some dumbass called it fun and Aizawa threatened that whoever comes last will be expelled.

Hiro's POV

First was the 50 meter dash and I was up against some cute spikey haired red head. It's not a crush, it's a fact. Anyway I pulled out my wings, which my gym uniform has been modified to do so without ripping, and I used the wind pressure to boost myself forward. To do this I stood a bit behind spikey red boy so I didn't hit him with my wings. I got 5.46 seconds and spikey red boy got 7.02 seconds.

Next was the grip test which I had to think about how to use my quirk for this. I just took a little bit of life energy from the people with a ton of it. Speaking of the green mess had a lot of life energy. Well back on topic I used the life energy to press down on my hand to make the grip thing go to 300 kgs. Some other guy got 500 kgs so I think I did alright. The green mess looked scared for some reason.

Now it's the standing long jump and I just used a little of my life energy to make my jump stronger so I made it all the way across. Some guy lasered his way over and chihuahua blasted his way over. The green mess's jump was kinda wimpy but ey power to him.

After that it is the repeated side steps which I kinda sucked at. The purple grape boy used his weird ass hair to do a lot of them by bouncing in between.

My favorite part is now. The ball throw. The gravity girly got infinity and I have to say that is pretty impressive. The rest of the class got called up one by one and then it was my turn. Just before the green mess. I walked up to the circle and took some of my life energy to push the ball farther. Which sent it 701 meters. Just a bit below chihuahua. Then green mess's turn was here and Aizawa erased his quirk and from what my ears heard he told him to get a handle on his quirk and to stop breaking his body but you know waaaaaay harsher. You go Dadzawa, tell the mess off.

The mess is smart though. He even impressed Dadzawa. The rest of the tests went well and I got in around 15th place. The green mess got last place. My condolances dude.

Aizawa: "It was a logical ruse" He says with his creepy ass smile.

The fuck? You fully planned to expel last place. I guess he saw something in the boy. Whatever it doesn't involve me.

Oh. My vision is going black, my ears are ringing and I am dizzy. Dadzawa looks worried. Oh here we go. Ahah looks like Green Mess isn't the only one going to Recovery Girl. Whatever I have to ask her something anyway.

[ :D - Insomniaddict ]