

Constance Williams is a former Kindle Scout participant who has gain numerous votes on Facebook and also support in the Kindle’s Scout Authors community which has encouraged her writing even greater. She is a prolific writer indeed – has written over 24 books, and is snooping around as we speak, gathering information for another amazing story, just to share with you; her loyal and wonderful audience. “Love Overdose” “Flesh” “Struggles of the Hear” Are, just a few of the books that she has written. Constance, has worked across the border of several industries such as operating a restaurant, working as a medical technician in a doctor’s office and hospital, to teaching Social Studies and English in a community college. She presently has a Youtube Channel where she teaches English at the CXC (Caribbean Examination Council) level. You may visit her website to read excerpts from her books and leave your comments as well. Here is the link for doing so: www.ladycbooks.simplesite.com This story titled "Flesh" depicts the life of a child, barely two years old, whose mother had gone to the grave, leaving her with no known relatives. Needless to say, after spending over two months in the care of the States, a stranger eventually shows up claiming to be her nest of kin, her flesh and blood; and then he began demanding that he wanted custody of her! After carefully verifying his credentials, the States decided to hand over the child to him. From the time that decision was finalized, it had been nothing, but a cold, callous and cruel journey in hell for that child!

Constance C. Williams · Terror
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

Thankful and quit overjoyed, Brown Sugar would show up at Max Pharmacy for her nine to five, six days a week cashier's position each morning! She was still under orientation there and would sometimes sit behind the counter in the absents of her customers, reflecting on how far she had come and how all her dreams were finally coming to a state of realization, even though, her flesh had to still end up playing apart!

Now, she only needed to work hard and save up every red cent, to go searching for another flesh known as, biological father!

He had been in the back of her skull for a very long time now and she had dreamt of the day when she would find him or any other relatives that were related to her from her father's side of the family because, she needed to get some background information about her roots - her origin!

Nevertheless, news had come by way of Edna, stating that Ms. Pamela had fallen severely ill again, and needed for Brown Sugar to come right away before she took her last breath and closed her eyes!

It was a predicament Brown Sugar did not want to find herself into right now, since she had just started her first job and was still under the testing period to make sure that she was a reliable worker who would show up for work!

However, she decided to tough it out until the weekend, and soon as she had signed off from work, she crab the first taxi that came along and went straight to see the only mother she had known who was now battering for life on her dying bed!

Brown Sugar was feeling strong and confident when she stepped up onto the verandah and into the house at Naseberry Lane where surprisingly, she saw Uncle Ben down on his knees praying with a bundle of beads in his hands, like he had been converted Muslimism or Catechism, while he periodically lifted up his hands above his head as if, he was having some real encounter with the big man ruling the third heavens!

Not wanting to disturb him, Brown Sugar quickly stepped passed him and headed for the bedroom where Ms. Pamela laid on the bed looking frail, and almost lifeless!

"Mama, Mama, Mama, I'm here!"

Brown Sugar exclaimed repeatedly with excitement, while rushing towards the bed to grab hold of her mother's hands!

It was around her fifth calling before Ms. Pamela actually responded...

"Ho, Brown Sugar, I knew you would come, but why have you taken so long to come and see me?"

Ms. Pamela spoke, in a very frail voice!

Surprise to still see her in a state of consciousness, Brown Sugar excitedly replied...

"I've just started a new job Mama; yes, I finally got a job and I just couldn't leave it right away because it took me a very good while before I got it; so I didn't want to disappoint my employers by asking them for anytime off so soon! Mama, I'm very sorry, ok!"

Brown Sugar expressed with deep sympathy as she softly brushed her mother's hair backwards from her face.

"Are you hungry, have you eaten anything yet?"

She asked her mother.

Weak and frail, Ms. Pamela shook her head, suggesting that she hadn't gotten anything to eat for a couple of days now while pointing at her husband in the corner, and whispering to Brown Sugar that he is a wicked and vicious dog!

Brown Sugar stepped over Uncle Ben's feet once again and hurried to the kitchen to start fixing soup for her mother and also some for herself!

There were not much ground provisions stocked up in the kitchen, like it used to be when she was there, so she decided to go strolling in the field to see what she could find and then added it to whatever she had brought with her from Edna and Paula's house in Borrow Heights.

On her way back from the field she saw a thin figure approaching the house drape in black from head to toe, and face covered with a mask only showing eyes and nostril like he or she was attending a Ninja Temple!

She had never seen anything like this before around these parts or even at Borrow Heights where many different cultures were being practiced... probable in a movie, a book, but never in the natural!

Frighten and somewhat afraid Brown Sugar asked nervously...

"What do you want, who do you want, can I help you?"

She was unsure of how to address the stranger because she did know if it was a man or a woman lurking under that big black garb, but it seemed to be a woman, covered up in all that blackness like she was in mourning, for both the living and the dead!

Still, the stranger just stood there with squinted eyes and folded hands as if ready to start a contention!

This was very strange, so Brown Sugar began reaching for the machete leaned up in one of the corners in the kitchen; readying to defend herself if this Ninja personality should ever attack her!

Once again, Brown Sugar decided to try and get some answers from the stranger, who was still standing silent and motionless like their tongue had been removed from their mouth or they had been shot with a tranquilizer gun!

Brown Sugar was getting agitated... she didn't know what to think of the alien being, the unfamiliar visitor taking up space on her parent's property and decided to take some drastic action!

Keenly taking note, that the stranger was much thinner than her, and considering herself to be strong enough to take her out, Brown Sugar began approaching her with the machete in her hands while shouting on the top of her voice...

"Tell me who you are, who sent you here, tell me right now!"

Hearing the loud commotion, Uncle Ben came to window and poked his head through the window looking at the stranger from head to toe, as if, he wanted to make sense of what was under all that folding darkness of black attire!

He then motion to the stranger to come inside the house while he looked at Brown Sugar with an evil stare, as if, she was being a nuisance to him by bothering his guest!

Brown Sugar's mind began racing with ideas and now she was thinking about the pros and the con and the various possibilities that could have brought this speechless stranger, at her mother's doorsteps!

"Did she have with her some form of weaponry, or anything on her body that could seriously cause harm to her, or was she one of Uncle Ben's concubine coming there to have a weekend fling with him, or to finish off Ms. Pamela and take her place as his common-law-wife?"

The inklings were serious and frightening, but, they also could be true, and Brown Sugar wondered what her next move would be now, if these frightening suspicions should ever become a reality!

As she stirred at the pot and began putting the ingredients inside of it, she began muscling up herself inside and out for whatever was to come...

"It is going to be a fight to the death!"

She told herself!

Walking to the yard gate, and standing there for a while Brown Sugar looked to see if there was anyone that could help her or that she could express her suspicions to, before it was too late!

If she should ever lose this battle, she wanted someone to know who was at fault for her or her mother's demise!

It was a long wait, before she had seen one of her school mate walking by and called out to her to come by for a second, but just as she was about to open her mouth, she heard the soup boiling over into the fire and raced to the kitchen to attend to it while beckoning to her school mate to wait for just a second, because she will be right back!

Upon her return, she invited her school mate inside the yard where the both of them sat under the mango tree and began chatting about the exams, the scores they had obtained, and what they were now doing; and also what they would be wearing for their graduation!

The pleasantries were now over, and it was now time to talk serious business!

Not wanting to knock her with the harsh suspicion or the frightening news all at once, Brown Sugar, began by letting her know how ill her mother has been and how her father's mistress wants to come there and take over the place, and how her mother has not even make her final shut eyes as yet and Uncle Ben is doing this to her!

"Really... that is terrible!"

Cynthia replied.

"Yes, she is inside the house right now, with him, and she wouldn't even say hello to me when I said hello to her! I really don't want them hurting my mother while she is asleep or when I am away; because I know, he is evil enough to do it! I just wish I had someone who could stop by the house once in a while and check out how she is dong when I am away, I would appreciate it very much!"

Brown Sugar poured out her concerns!

Before Cynthia could address any of her concerns, Brown Sugar asked;

"So how is your mother doing?"

"I haven't seen her pass this way in a very long time; she must be very happy that you are graduating from school, and will be working soon!"

Brown Sugar continued.

"She is doing quite well right now, and also very happy that I am finally finishing school, because now she can finally save some money, instead of buying school books, giving me lunch money and bus fare for school each day; she constantly says! You know I was wondering if she could come by and check on your mother for you, since most times she is at home doing nothing!"

Cynthia informed her.

"That, I would really appreciate... just to come by and say hello and make sure that she eats and take her pills, because her husband is a total Jackass and would prefer to sit there and watch her perish to death!"

Brown Sugar expressed.

"I'll be leaving off for work around seven o'clock in the morning, so please come by little before that time, and let me know what she says; I would be really thankful!"

Brown Sugar continued angrily!

Also being very much aware that encouragement sweetens labor, Brown Sugar expressed to Cynthia that she would be very willing to give some allowances to anyone willing to come by periodically and see about her mother's needs; making sure that she was fed and her medicine taken!

Cynthia agreed that she would certainly pass on the message to her mother and she would make sure that she receives a response from her before the clock strikes six-thirty in the morning!

With such promises made, Brown Sugar and Cynthia hugged, said their good-byes as they walked towards the yard gate together where Cynthia exited and continued on her journey!

The grub was done cooking and Brown Sugar shared out whatever she thought that Ms. Pamela was able to consume, and then dished out a bowl for herself, and left the rest in the pot, presuming that Uncle Ben and his gust could have the rest when and if, they were ready for it!

Entering the living room, Brown Sugar saw Uncle Ben and the stranger holding hands and carrying out what seemed to be fervent prayers, as they both knelt down on the large living room rug, holding hands and praying; while periodically rubbing each other's back in a circular and comforting manner as if, to take all their sins of yesteryears away!

Carefully passing them, Brown Sugar entered the bed-room where Ms. Pamela was still curled up on the bed, rapped-up in sheets, as if she was cold and freezing to death, while at the same time, suffering from hunger pain!

Resting the tray of food on the nightstand and then putting up her mother into a sitting position on the bed, Brown Sugar draped her neck with a small towel and began feeding her with a spoon, in which she completed what was given to her and then began asking for more!

Not touching her bowl as yet, Brown Sugar reached for it on the night stand and began feeding her mother with it, and couple of minutes later, that too was now finished; strengthening and allowing Ms. Pamela to be very satisfied while motivating her to get off the bed and stand on her feet for a brief while!

It now seemed as if, life was returning and Ms. Pamela could go on to see couple more days, weeks or probable even months, if only Cynthia's mother could grant her a favor by coming around and making sure that she has eaten each day and taken what the doctor had ordered for her to take!

Leaving her mother on the bed to rest, Brown Sugar hurried back to the kitchen to dish out another bowl of soup for herself, and then return to her mother's bedroom to sit and chat with her while she ate her meal.

Climbing up the stairs and on her way back to her mother's room a spontaneous inkling came upon her, and so she decided to disturb Uncle Ben and his visitor's prayers by conveying to him that soup was cooked and on the stove waiting for them if they wanted it!

Quickly, the visitors began to jump from her knees, like she was staving and ready to eat... but Uncle Ben pulled her back and pushed her back on her knees like he was cop pushing an unruly criminal back in line, after he had disobeyed judicial orders!

Obediently, the visitor resumed position, rapped the large brown beads around her hands and continued reciting and beseeching prayers to the unseen force who wouldn't miraculously save her from the crippling position that she was now in, and the brutal man whose plans or motives no one clearly understood!

Brown Sugar had grown somewhat nervous and wondered why Uncle Ben and this stranger was in the house praying all this time, and refuse from moving from their spot to get a meal as if they had been glued there by the spirit!

"What religion was he now a part of that he wanted to beseech his god in prayers all day long while refusing the chance or opportunity from nourishing his body while in the process of seeking divine intervention for whatever he was pleading to his god to offer him?"

Were the questions which had rolled across Brown Sugar's inquisitive mind while she watched the both of them down on their knees stroking the beads and mumbling words she couldn't understand!

Before she could ask her mother how long has this practice been going on, there was a loud knocking on the gate causing Brown Sugar to immediately peep her head through the window to investigate who was standing there and for what reasons they were there for!

Right away, she recognized the two as Cynthia and her mother, standing at the gate, and knew immediately that they had come there to inquire more about the issue of her wanting someone to oversee the care of her mother while she was away at Borrow Heights.

With her mother back still resting against the surface of the head-board, Brown Sugar assured her to be still while she went and attended to their questions.

After expressing to Ms. Connie about what she thought would be important in the whole matter, Brown Sugar brought them through the house and reintroduce Ms. Connie to Ms. Pamela, assuming that she might have forgotten who she is since she had not seen her for quite some time now.

Memory still sharp as a blade, Ms. Pamela expressed to her that she remembered quite well that she was the lady who raised and sell the pigs and had three children; with Cynthia being the elder of the two first ones.

Soon after acknowledgements were made, Brown Sugar explain to her mother that she has asked Ms. Connie to come by the house and check on her periodically; to make sure that she has eaten, washed, and taken her medication, especially, in the morning after having her first meal of the day.

With an agreement of forty pounds each week, the commitment was settled and the deal was sealed; so Ms. Pamela would never have to sit there for days without eating a meal when she felt too weak, or too tired to head on into the kitchen and prepare her own meals!

It was their exiting of the house that Uncle Ben ceased from his prayers, and acknowledged the presences of Ms. Connie and her daughter in the house, while his prayer partner still clutched to the large brown beads like she was the grasping of the beads she would find salvation to save her dear life!

Soon after the brief hello to Ms. Connie and she exited the house, and was eventually through the gate, Uncle Ben got up from his knee and ordered Brown Sugar to go and bring his portion of the soup to him; which she did without any hesitancy or discourteous actions!

In her eyes, he was still a part of her flesh and blood, and had kept her under his roof until recently when he had started seeing her as more than his flesh and blood, and more as a piece of object that he could destroy the very pieces of its fibers, that had made it very special and unique!

If he wasn't struggling with her for sex, sometimes, wanting to impregnate her at other times, and disfigure her body if she didn't comply with his request for sexual pleasures, then she still would be there under his roof, selling whatever agriculture produced that the land had yield for them!

"Here is the soup Uncle Ben!"

Brown Sugar stated, as she placed the large ceramic bowl on the table in front of him with the spoon stuck on the side of it.

There has been bad blood between them for a while now with her wounding his ear drum, and with him trying to wound her body, soul and spirit, and destroying her life with his actions and deep desire for incest - copulating with his own flesh!

"Would you like for me to dish out a bowl of soup for your guest also?" Brown Sugar asked politely.

Looking over at the skinny figure still kneeling against the chair, Uncle Ben replied...

"No, I'll do that later!"

With that being said, she concluded that that part of her work was done so she carefully mopped around the house after Uncle Ben had done eating his meal, and then she went to fetch some water so she could give her mother a sponge bath; before proceeding to have a shower herself, and then getting herself ready for bed and her trip for work in the morning!

Brown Sugar was now in the familiar spot where she had spent many sleepless nights and had many fights with Uncle Ben; because he wanted to get inside of her panties, and make it be known that he had stretch out her tightness and ruined both her spirit and flesh!

Needless-to-say, she was a bit wiser now and had prepare herself for him since she wasn't aware of what he would be up to next, although, she refrain from thinking that anything could actually happen, since he had a female guest staying at the house whom she had presumed was his lover!

Head on pillow and now fast asleep; resting peacefully, until the middle of the night when she was awoken by yearning and groping sounds that sounded too serious to ignore and go straight back to sleep!

In the initial moments Brown Sugar wondered if they were experiencing some spiritual ecstasy that had led them to speaking in tongues and climbing for highest steps for salvation but, they became rougher, louder, stranger... they were the strangest sounds she had ever heard!

It sounded noting like when she and her teacher and her teacher's best friend were having orgies... nothing about those sounds were girlish, or feminine!

In the middle of the night Brown Sugar raise herself from her bed and entered the dining room where she saw all the black clothing of the stranger thrown over Uncle Ben's chair and the stranger long skinny feet on top of Uncle Ben's shoulders while he was thrusting and groping into the sewage pipeline like something pleasurable was there to be felt!

At first, the whole reality of the matter wasn't at all clear to her but after looking a little further, Brown Sugar saw what appears to be a beard on the face area of the stranger and then she allowed her eyes to travel down lower where she undoubtedly saw what looks like another penis... he stare remain constant, hoping that what she was seeing wasn't at all true... but it was very true, because she had looked once, twice and three times, and she was now certain that she had seen another dick saluting the skies!

It wasn't a woman under that garb, it was man!

Her heart was drumming extremely fast, her hands were shaking and her eyes were popping wide open like they were about to be ejected from their sockets!

Although she had been sleeping with women, this was still too frightening for her, and her pulse began to race faster and faster... she felt as if she was about to faint, but she had to fight it; she just didn't want to be passed out from this shocking encounter!

She wanted to call her mother to witness what she was seeing under her roof but, she fear that this might just finish her off, and then send her to a much earlier grave!

She just wasn't ready to see her mother go six-feet under... she wanted to see her at her graduation and she wanted to treat her well before she became a dearly departed status and leaving her standing this earth alone!

Brown Sugar considered about screaming, but what would be their reaction if she began making noises and disrupting their pleasurable moments!

"They would probable finish me off for knowing their secret!"

She thought to herself!

Quenching the shock in her soul and the trauma in her eyes, Brown Sugar decided to return to her tiny cot and bear the awful masculine grunts and sexual screams until they were done irritating each other's flesh... if they should ever be over with it for the night!

However, on her return to her bed, the floor where she was standing on began squeaking, giving off a sound that had gotten the male lover's attention, causing Uncle Ben to stop from jerking, and pulling himself away from what seems like a deep sewage line!

Hastily, he came running after her with wild eyes, like he was a craze lunatic; cussing and swearing about what he was going to do with her if he ever laid his hands on her!

Now he was adamant, that he wanted her dead, and began heading for the other back door to grab the machete so he could finish her off; but thankfully, the stranger intervene and pushed her inside Ms. Pamela's bedroom and told her to get hiding under the bed or somewhere else, before he came back with the machete, and hack her up into pieces!

Upon returning from the kitchen Uncle Ben had the machete raised in his hand ready for action - ready to create a blood bath while dripping slime from his mouth and sweat protruding from his body like he was a wild mad dog who needed to be put down, while the stranger stood there naked and shouted...

"The bitch just ran through the back door!"

"You sure she did?"

Uncle Ben asked sternly!

"Yes I'm positive, you want us to go after her, or finish up where we left off?"

The stranger asked teasingly!

Dropping the machete to the floor; not caring to wake Ms. Pamela in the next room, Uncle Ben reached out for the stranger shoulders in a seducing manner trying to finish up a night of their same sex fleshly affair, but, the stranger broke free from his arms and exclaimed that he would prefer to have that bowl of soup now, instead!

Like Esau, the stranger received a bowl of soup for his pangs of hunger!

Still in the nude, Uncle Ben raced to kitchen, lit the stove and placed the pot of soup on the fire and waited for it to be reheated before returning to the room with it! While the kind stranger gathered up Brown Sugar belongings and covertly placed them inside Ms. Pamela's bedroom for her, so she wouldn't have to come back in the room and disturb them, or had her head eliminated from her body because she had seen and known their secret!

For the rest of the terrifying night, Brown Sugar slept with one eye open and the other shut while praying that day break would hurry up and come so she could get out of the house alive, or in in one piece!

Brown Sugar could now hear Uncle Ben returning to the dining room and telling the stranger that the soup was on the dining table ready and waiting for him; and she could also hear the stranger pulling the chair from underneath the table, plopping his thin body onto it, and then began gobbling down the soup like a starving pig who hadn't eaten for days!

Slush!!!! Slush!!!!! Slush!!!!!

Minutes later, noises were coming from the stranger's body that were so frighteningly loud, causing Brown Sugar to jump with fear at the sound of each explosion; that seemed to cause the house to shake, and have the furniture moving around!

But when she came to realize that they were only him blasting forte -flatulence, she became very amused and began giggling to herself in amazement while shaking her head in great disbelief!

This was her first time having this experience, and intuitively, she learnt that this is what will happen when one hasn't eaten for most of the day!

Because while he was there on his knees presumable praying, he was indeed feeling hunger pangs and when she had told Uncle Ben about the soup and he tried leaving his side to rush to the table, he was practically starving!

After all those butt noises had ceased, Brown Sugar finally fell asleep, but, she was awoken around six o'clock in the break of dawn when Uncle Ben found it fit to be down on his knees, not praying, but pulling at the stranger's dick with his mouth, the same way he was pulling and sapping at her clitoris a couple months ago, like it was indeed cooked and spicy flesh!

It was another morning of staggering shock, and shameful surprises for her when she quietly stepped through the living room and saw her big strapping and robust uncle, down on his knees pleasuring himself with another man's sexual organ in his mouth... she saw the machete on the floor... her bags and shoes were in her hands... she tried reaching for the back door without anyone of them seeing her but, once again, the wooden floors squeaked and she bounced right into the cabinet running towards the back door, once again getting their attention, and causing their action to stop for a brief moment!

Once more, the thin figure stranger whose face she will always remember was merciful to her!

As he pulled down Uncle Ben's head into his crouch, held it there, and began moaning and groaning with much excitement and grand pleasure; just as he was about to turn around to see who was walking past behind him, and there he held it, until Brown Sugar made her way through the back door and away from danger!

Brown Sugar was now utterly thankful!

She was very thankful for the homosexual stranger who had saved her from Uncle Ben vicious hands and she was also thankful for Ms. Connie who had come by the house yesterday to enquire about the job of keeping an eye on her mother for her!

Or else, she would have to stick around and wait for her to come this way Monday morning when so much turmoil was taking place in the household of Ms. Pamela and Uncle Ben! She only hope and prayed that they would be done with their sexual escapade so Ms. Connie wouldn't have to come there and be introduced to this flesh eating, butt grinding, male and man, homosexual activities whenever she came by to see about caring for Ms. Pamela!

It was way too early to be at work, however, Brown Sugar was at the Max Pharmacy way before opening hours since she had to leave Naseberry Lane long before planning on leaving there; Monday morning because of Uncle Ben's attack on her life!

Therefore, she stood there for around two hours and waited for the manger to come and open the premises and let her in, and while in her moment of waiting, she thought about Uncle Ben, and what she had encounter there at the house last night, and also the day before!

"Was Uncle Ben gay, starving for sex and attention, or was he a sex addict who would try and get it wherever he thought it possible to get some sexual action, being it a man or a woman?"

Brown Sugar questioned herself.

Her reflection now went to her own lifestyle and she didn't feel any difference from anyone else, or, had the desire for a man or a woman; but whatever Paula and Edna had been doing to her, had now creep into her soul and it would only take the loving affection of a man to take it out; because this was what she knew and have come to desire from them, but not from anyone else!

"I am not a lesbian; my flesh doesn't desire other women, I don't crave to grope, kiss, hug lick and pleasure other females between their legs or any other body parts; this is only with Edna and Paula!"

Brown Sugar reflected.

"So who am I?"

"What am I?"

"Am I bisexual?"

Brown Sugar asked herself.

As far as Brown Sugar was concern, she was enjoying what Ms. Edna and Paula had familiarized her with and acquainted her to, and at the present moment, she didn't see, felt or desire anyone from the opposite sex in her life; only the distant future would tell!

A full day's work was completed at Max Pharmacy and Brown Sugar couldn't wait to reach home, wash away the troubles of Naseberry Lane from off her body, and then have herself something sensible to eat; and also gossip about her day at Naseberry Lane to Paula and Edna!

She was meeting new people every day at the pharmacy and she was growing in wisdom and understanding, and she wanted to pose some questions to Edna and Paula the women she admired and who had been grooming her to a different way of life!

Monday evening after dark, Brown Sugar, Edna and Paula sat around the kitchen table where Brown Sugar strategically thought about her question before asking it!

"So why haven't you ladies gotten married?"

Brown Sugar asked.

Both Paula and Edna began looking at each other with surprise and questioning eyes!

Refraining from the question that was being asked, Edna asked...

"What happen to you at Naseberry Lane today, Brown Sugar?"

"All sorts of things happen there, but I just need to know why the both of you decided to live together, and be with each other and then drag me into it?"

Brown Sugar asked sternly!

Edna began clearing her throat and quizzically began looking at her partner as if to tell the truth or fabricate a story, but she came up with a surprising answer that had taken Brown Sugar by surprise!

"Well, we are with each other because we love each other and we drag you into this because we love you also; if you weren't loved by us, you would be out of here already... we love each other and we love and adore you too!"

Tears began streaming down Brown Sugar eyes as she thought about where would she have gone to if they hadn't loved her, and decided to put her out on the streets after bringing her from her district to stay with them at her and her mother's request!

"I don't know what went wrong with you at Naseberry Lane, but you know we have done everything here to make sure that you are happy and feel secure; so if you have met a man who told you he can do better for you; then by all means go ahead... go to him and let me see where that will lead you... let him find you a job, clothe you, feed you and give you a decent bed to rest your head on at nights, let me see him do it!"

Edna interjected before Brown Sugar could say a word!

Still sobbing Brown Sugar burst out...

"I just don't know who I am, what I am or even where I am from; I am so confused!"

Brown Sugar said weeping!

"And something very terrible happened to me at my mother's house yesterday and last night that is making me wonder...!"

Brown Sugar tried expressing.

"What was it, what happen to you over there, tell me what happened; right now!"

Ms. Edna stated eagerly!

"I saw my father having sex with another man, same place in the house with my mother! I woke up to the groping and grinding sound and when I went to intervene, I saw him with a man who was there at the house all day and dressed in total black like he was a monk! And then both of them were there on their knees praying with beads like they had found god himself or a new religion! I didn't want to disturb them while they were having sex, but the floor squeaked and they realized that I was there watching them, causing Uncle Ben to come running after me with the machete saying that he wants hack me up in pieces! But thankfully, the stranger pushed me in my mother's bedroom and then told Uncle Ben that I had gone through the back door already! I had to sleep on the floor for the rest of the night, and then I heard them going at it again this morning!"

Brown Sugar explained.

"I just can't understand why he hates me so; I'm his niece, his sister's daughter, his own flesh and blood, his only known blood relative and yet still, he hates me, viciously!"

Brown Sugar continued.

Edna was now out of her chair with her hands wrapped around Brown Sugar, comforting her from the awful traumatic experience she had encountered.

"I am so sorry that you had to go through such harsh ordeal last night my darling dare, you must be shaking inside and exhausted all day after experiencing such horrific actions!"

Edna expressed comfortingly.

"You know what Brown Sugar, I don't think your uncle really hates you, I think he wants to bang you; and it is pulling at his heart string that someone else is going to take you away from him someday soon! Plus, if he has been desiring to be with a man all his life and he hadn't done so; then certainly he has a whole lot of pined up frustration inside of him, and he only sees you the pure and innocent, the beautiful and the stunning young lady that you are, to take it out on!"

Edna tried consoling her.

Now the tears were almost gone, and Brown Sugar began chewing at her food again until it was almost done! Minutes later, Edna began kissing on Brown Sugar in a seductive way until she was in a place of complete relaxation and pecks of tickling sensation began to spread all over her swollen body as Edna asked her repeated if she was feeling any better!

Expectedly, her response was drawn out with hmmm... then, yes, yes, yes!!!

Now she was fully wet and practically out of her mind with pleasure, while Edna pleasured the lower half and Paula concentrated on the upper half until all three were completely climatically satisfied and bundle their bodies on top of each other on the living room sofa like they were expensive winter coats at a restaurant!

The following weekend came along and Brown Sugar had to make another visit to Naseberry Lane to see her mother and also pay Ms. Connie for whatever she had owed her for caring for her mother; and so she did!

However, she wouldn't be spending the rest of the night there, she would only be bringing whatever food she had bought for her mother, sit with her for a while and pay Ms. Connie what she had promised to pay her for her duties!

Upon arriving there Saturday evening, Brown Sugar saw her mother and Ms. Connie sitting under the mongo tree conversing. She was excited and overjoyed to see her outdoors and sitting up, and not clumsy and folded up on the bed as if she was some old rag like she had seen her the week before!

After a haughty greetings the three ladies hugged and Brown Sugar handed her mother the bag with all that she had brought for her while explaining to Ms. Connie about how the products are to be used and how often; so her mother skin could remain healthy looking and free from soars!

Thankfully, Uncle Ben wasn't there at the time but, there was a conversation - a rumor going around that he has another woman coming to the house and was also sleeping there with him, sometimes at nights!

Ms. Connie was the one who had heard the conversation on the street and brought it to Brown Sugar and Ms. Pamela attention who had already known the entire secret of the whole situation!

Because who persons had presumed to be a woman, was actually a man dressed up as a woman; and who they were seeing to be a saint spreading salvation to the bar-flies, was actually a starving sinner with same sex tendencies!

Nevertheless, it wasn't a topic Brown Sugar or her mother was ready or intended to reveal to the community fearing the retribution and terror it would cause in there small and peaceful community with mainly nuclear families and single parent homes, as far as everyone there was concerned.

For the mother and daughter duo, "hush-hush" would be the word for them, and if it was found out or exposed by anyone else, that would be between them and Uncle Ben's prerogative; and not theirs, because they were certain, it wasn't something that he wanted anyone to know about!

With the blackness of the night descending Brown Sugar gave her mother a snack, helped Ms. Connie cleaned her up for bed, and saw to it that she went to bed before any turmoil came down over the house at Naseberry Lane, and at the same time she wasn't forgetting the encouragement which sweetens labor, therefore, Brown Sugar handed Ms. Connie the forty pounds has promised; for attending to her mother's care during her absences!

Gradually, signs had begun to show that Ms. Pamela was finally feeling and looking much better for the next three months, as Brown Sugar and Ms. Connie cared for her needs, and constantly encouraged her to continue selling whatever produce she was able to gather from the farm; so she could make herself busy and keep herself from getting depressed or worried about what her husband was doing!

With her flesh eventually gathering strength, Ms. Pamela with the aid of Ms. Connie would arise each morning and comb through the field looking for a variety of food which she would oftentimes bring back to the front of the house, display on sheet of canvases for any customer who desire to purchase them! Therefore, she wouldn't have to constantly focus on her husband and his gay lover trafficking back and forth in her house and making out in front of her presences during the nights when he came by there!

Brown Sugar was now feeling better and even looking much better because she would be graduating soon, and she had also received a status of full-time employment at Max Pharmacy where she had now been working for four whole months, six days of the week! Adding to that, Brown Sugar would be also celebrating her sixteen birthday, a next two weeks from her graduation celebration, so it was a complete time filled with merriment and joyous occasions!

The first of December, at twelve noon would be graduation commencement and Ms. Pamela, Ms. Connie, and many other parents made their way to the Mount Carmel All-Age School with pride to witness their children receiving their certificates in their hands; with some obtaining honors, scholarships, trophies and other gifts recognizing their talents, their academic achievements and their display of excellent characteristics throughout their years of tenor at the learning institution!

Those who had obtain scholarship from the government names were called out first, and then walked up to the podium to received their two-fold of blessings, and soon after, those who had received very high marks but no scholarship names were called next, with this batch, the name Ann Cornelia Wilkins was called!

With much pride Brown Sugar stood up, walked towards the aisle and then march her way up to the podium to receive her certificate of academic achievements and a crystal trophy with her name carved at the bottom of it, for character excellence and tenacity while her mother, Edna and Paula cheered her on with great enthusiasms!

On her way back from the podium, Brown Sugar saw at a distance, a face which looked very familiar to her and she stared at it as she walked back to her seat hoping that the person would make some form of eye contact with her, but the person just wouldn't turn around to meet her, eye to eye!

She was dead certain that he was the young man Uncle Ben was grinding a few months a back, in her mother's house, even though, he wasn't attired in his full black garb and clutching to his big brown beads!

For a long while she stared at him, even missing the row of seats where she was supposed to return to!

"What was he doing here?"

"Was he a student of the school or had relatives attending the school, or was he just here to be entertained?"

Brown Sugar asked herself.

The sight of the stranger sitting amongst the crowded auditorium troubled Brown Sugar's mind immensely but, she tried to stay focus on the happy occasion and proceeded to cheered on her peers as they walked up to the podium to receive their certificates and various decorations of honor for time spent at Mount Carmel All-Age School!

At the very end of the graduation ceremony the school had provided various treats for the graduates and also for their parents, however, Brown Sugar decided to skip that part of the ceremonial affairs and considered bringing her mother, Paula, Edna and also Ms. Connie to a restaurant to eat, instead!

She was absolutely grateful that she had made it this far with all the obstacle and challenges that she had to overcome; and just wanted to show them her appreciation for helping her to reach this mile stone in her life!

Asking for, and collecting her week salary in advanced, Brown Sugar decided to spend most of it on the people who had played an important role in her life, helping and making sure that she would graduate from her school, obtain a job, furnish her with a place to live, and also taking her to the doctor and paying for her surgery!

Those burdens were over with and it was now time for a bright and prosperous future, once she worked hard and save her weekly salary, especially since Edna or Paula hadn't asked her for any rent payment as yet!

Everyone had testified that the meal was fantastic and very delicious; and how much they were glad to be there at the restaurant and had enjoyed themselves, with Ms. Pamela excitingly making mention that she hope her and daughter would spend much more days like this, in the near future!

It was a gesture that Brown Sugar had welcomed since she had been the only mother she had known her entire life!

Time was at hand to leave the restaurant and Brown Sugar reached for her purse to pay for the bill, but Edna stopped her, expressing wholehearted that she would be more than happy to oblige, and do the honors of covering for the restaurant tab!

"Sweetheart, it is you who we are celebrating, it is your joyous occasion, it is your graduation party, and it is also you who have been promoted at your work; so let me have the honors and foot this bill for you!"

Edna declared!

"But you have done so much already for me! I just want to show you all my appreciation!"

Brown Sugar said tearfully!

"No Brown Sugar, I said, I will do all the paying for this bill!"

Edna said firmly, then reaching for her hand-bag on the back of the chair behind her, pulling out her purse and then subtracting the cash from it, as she called over the waiter towards her and gave him the bills worth; and also tipping him handsomely for the services they had courteously experienced throughout the evening!

Brown Sugar was now overwhelmed with emotions and pushed her chair back from the table, hurried to the rest room and then began expressing her feelings through her tears, and when she was done going so, she cleaned up her face before heading back to the table!

She was in the rest room for a while, much longer than expected, as they waited at the table for her to return but, hadn't seen her come back just yet!

Therefore, Edna took it upon herself to go seeking after her and probably comfort her in the rest room; and just as she was about to enter the restroom, Brown Sugar was exiting the powder house with her eyes and nose all red, and swollen from blowing and rubbing at them with tissue paper!

Right away, Edna pulled her up against her body and began rocking her in her arms back and forth like she was rocking a baby as she granted her comfort!

Minutes later, they were in the hallway leading back to the eating area of the restaurant and Edna filled with lust, decided to stop in the hall way and kiss Brown Sugar passionately... a kiss that would allow her to push her tongue into Brown Sugar's mouth and spread and engulf her tiny lips into hers... she wanted it to be brief, to be quick before they return to the table and leave for home!

Nevertheless, Ms. Pamela also decided to go to the rest to see about her daughter, and probable catch a leak while she was there in the restroom; but, there in the hall-way of the restaurant, Ms. Pamela was shocked to see Ms. Edna Williams, Brown Sugar's teacher, kissing... forcing her tongue into her daughter's mouth... her tongue locked into her mouth and her long hands groping her daughter's crouches like she was a man handling some form of mechanic equipment!

There and then, Ms. Pamela's heart gave way, and so too, did all the other systems that had her body functioning well, and there in the hall-way she dropped down dead, right there on the restaurant floor leading up to the bathroom!

Once hearing the tumbling sound, Edna pulled her lips away immediately! Both turning their heads to the place from where the sound had just now came from! And in utterly amazement, there on the floor, they saw Ms. Pamela collapsed on the surface of the restaurant floor making her sunset into eternity!

Loud and thunderous sounds engulfed the eatery... repetitive screaming coming from Brown Sugar's voice box had everyone in the restaurant running towards the passage-way trying to help... trying to bring the dead flesh back, but it was all too late!

Inconsolable, devastatingly, and heartbrokenly Brown Sugar wept... yelling and moaning for the woman who had raised her ever since her eyes were at her knees; to come back to life!

But she wasn't budging!

There wasn't anything, a single person in the restaurant could do to consoled her at this time, and there she sat on the restaurant floor, weeping her soul away and pleading for her dead mother to return to life while the frantic crowed gathered around her, watching helplessly and sympathizing to see her like that crying and clutching the dead woman in her sweating and shaking arms!

The restaurant owner closed the doors to the restaurant so the police officers and the coroner could come in and examine the body, gather a report and conclude their investigation while the undertaker prepare themselves to take the body away!

It was only after the police began asking questions and stated that they all had eaten the same food and everyone else from their table were alright; so it was less likely that it was food poison, and something else!

Upon further investigation of the body, the coroner raised Ms. Pamela eyelids and saw the widening and stare of her pupil frozen into place and came to realized that she was knock out from being in a state of shocked by something she had seen or witness; but, it would only be Edna and Brown Sugar who had come to realize what she had seen; but their tongues and lips were tightly sealed, and cared not to say a word!

Edna thought her confessing wouldn't bring her back from the dead anyway; so stricken with guilt, she signal to Paula to come and whispered to Brown Sugar to let go off her dead mother's body and come along with them; but Brown Sugar wasn't hearing it, still in a state of shock, whooping and hollering, she flatly refused to leave the scene until her mother's body was wrapped up in white sheets, placed on a gurney, and then taken away!

When the coroner checked, Ms. Pamela's pulses were completely still -motionless; presently her flesh was ice-cold and freezing stiff; her body now needed to be housed somewhere for long-term preservation!