
Chapter 12

One hill conquered a million more rise.

Upon getting home from the park, I see Kuroka playing Halo on the Xbox again. I really hope there isn't something like the Covenant here. The cat finished her game with the top score and then looked at me coming into the house.

"And nya?"

I sat next to her on the couch and stared at the TV screen of Kuroka's Spartan.

"I'm committed now. I have a new place I'll be moving into in two to three hours. You're welcome to live here and pay extremely cheap rent to me. Can you disguise yourself enough to hide from the strongest Queen and others when they visit here? I also have a new set of foes and a new problem. I need two more partners besides Rias for the law, and I will most likely get a peerage, too."

Kuroka brightened up at the mention of a place of her own. Nodded at the question and frowned at new foes. She was shrugging at the last two bits.

"I expected the law nya. You were screwed as soon as you learned your dad. The peerage is a good bonus, and I will keep considering the offer nya. I'll take the place and keep your mail coming. Having a bed and a place to myself will be so nice nya. What is fair rent?"

We haggled over that and finally decided on a cheaper price than the national average. Kuroka has money hidden away from her years on the run but will slowly start getting it together. We settled this with a handshake before I sighed.

"I'm not going to fleece you you're my friend. I just need to practice it when I get the heirship and start taking over the family books. I want to show them I'm not completely incompetent. I will use the money to get them to safety because the Phenex is willing to cause your sister to mutate to control the redhead."

Kuroka frowns deeply.

"He's a big pig, nya. I'd be happy to pay more, but you are stubborn. It's attractive and irritating, nya. Consider the first bounty shares for me as the down payment."

I'll take that, but get up after nodding to start getting things ready to move. I take the locks off the inside doors and then will the washer and dryer away. I started to remove most of the items from the basement. I get rid of everything but the teleporter, the Anvil of Knowledge, the vault, and the shrine. After two more jumps, I quickly prepared it to connect to a new thing once I get it recalibrated to accept another unit on the network. Upon reaching the vault, I put the items in my digital holder or into a pocket spell. Then I get rid of the vault before finally placing the shrine to the Machine God into the pocket spell with the Anvil.

I then quickly began to pack my stuff and make several trips. I'm not taking the anime poster. I'll probably give that to Issari because she enjoyed it, or I could give it to Rias. The plan is to show her the gene tomorrow or Wednesday. I'll step up my hunts to make that money and get them safely away from Riser. I also need to think of a way to kill the size scouter without hurting that stupid cat or getting Rias into trouble. Koriel suggested a poison that was nearly undetectable to the stuff they had in her time. It should be impossible for them to trace it back to improve, and he would die in incredible agony. It was easy to deploy and would be simple to use. A small needle that was nearly impossible to see and would disintegrate after use. It would make him appear to have suffered a heart attack and a stroke at the same time. That fact made the decision.

He escalated badly and will be in a place where he can do that shit easily. If his death keeps the school safer, then I will do it. I pity Shirone, and it's understandable why she hates us, but it's misdirected. I won't speak to her again, but she better not try that last look. Kuroka is fun. Shirone will never be fun. It's bad enough that Rias wants to try that one other thing and seems to be built that way.

I kept packing my clothes and picked up the box with Alex's past. He tells me something. He will become a machine spirit. To screw with his grandparents. To spite them with his continued existence. I ask him what machine he wants. He smirked and then whispered to me what he wanted. Fine, you can be in that. He smirked and promised me he would get vengeance for his catgirl, waifu. He practically demanded that I take Kuroka as the second. I tell him to shut up and not push his luck. He growls at me. I just tell him to shut up again because Kuroka seems determined for me, so why bitch at me about that. That got him to stop growling as he became pleased.

I shake my head in dismay. You horny fuck think about the Xenos, you dumb troglodyte! Thanks for that by the way sis. Koriel just grunted a you're welcome before she gets back into redesigning the reader. Alex called me the original troglodyte, as we were the same person, and I was older than him. We settled into insults with each other till Kuroka popped her head into the doorway. She frowned, seeing me struggling with a perfect insult that was directed at me and my second favorite thing after redheads. Alex called me ultra uncultured because his second favorite thing is better. I fired back that no, that makes him a very close degenerate.

Kuroka doesn't get the silent argument.

"I need to leave, yes, nya?"

I stop my next blow on the degenerate and set the box down. I went to the front door and let Kuroka transform. She scurried out of the house toward the woods, and I finished preparing everything. It's about time when there is a knock on the door. I had all the stuff I was taking to the new place. I opened the door, and Rias was there. She smiled at me and looked for permission, which I gave her. She entered, and I shut the door behind her. Rias asked.

"Portal or a walk?"

I replied.

"Portal, I want this done soon so I can be ready for tomorrow's lessons. After that, I hunt. When does the contract go into full effect?"

Rias opened the portal and replied as we entered.

"Not till the end of next year formally, but Riser has pushed hard for this year. You and your first step helped push it back to next year."

That's good news, and I can get more done than first thought. My train of thought stopped as I gaped, seeing how big the house was. The room we entered was the front room hall, and there was a massive white marble staircase on the left side of the hall that led up to the second floor. A glass chandelier and a few soft motifs of the Gremory's on the doorways to the other rooms. The walls were a pleasant beige, and there was expensive furniture here. Fuck is it big. There is so much room here that it will be awkward to live here alone. Rias blushed but said while pleased.

"It's a vacation home. Heniya wanted me to be able to hide because she, too, doesn't like Riser. No one does, but my folks still think it will help give me the best life possible. You really are the best Gregor-kun."

Given Riser is a prick here, I can get it. I followed Rias up the stairs, and the second floor was big, too. There are multiple rooms here. This is too big of a house, but it's nobles, and they are crazy. Rias said as we went down the hallway on the left.

"There should be plenty of space here for you. If you want, I can move in with you along with the peerage. They like the building we use, but Akeno loves the baths here."

Maybe in two weeks.

"Eventually. I'm worried that people will portal here uninvited. I want to meet your family eventually. I want to make a good impression."

Rias beaming at the promise of the eventually and the desire for me to make her family relaxed with me. She stopped at a room near a window with a stained-glass depiction of a redhead woman and opened the door on the right. It was a bedroom with a massive bed, crisp crimson sheets, a large closet, and a large bathroom. It's well furnished with rich brown oak furniture. The walls held several ornate murals on them, and I shook my head at the extravagance. Rias shakes her head in return.

"All homes are like this for the nobility. As for uninvited portals, I'm the only one keyed here for now. I'll get Grayfia keyed in, and I won't intrude. I do like the other place, but this is better. There is enough room for your peerage and mine plus guests. I know you're adamant about paying rent and earning this, but please accept this as my first dowery present."

I feel better knowing it's just Rias. I'm not happy about her not getting it. I don't like handouts, but it takes two to tango. I reply while taking my clothes and laptop to the closet to store away.

"OK. I'll take this as that, but I will buy the property from you when I have the money. I am like this Rias because I don't like handouts, and it's because of the hospital. I'll try to tone that down for you."

I was storing the suitcase in the closet, the laptop on a shelf next to the door, and a mirror when Rias spoke up again. I saw her face in the mirror and understood why I was like this in her mind.

"I'll accept the money. I don't get so much of up here. I have always had plenty of money, and I don't understand why Akeno budgets hard despite the fact we have plenty of it. Kiba is also like that, so it must be a human thing, while Koneko accepts the money without complaining. I'm sorry if I'm not getting that."

Akeno does that probably because she spent time on the streets Rias. She looks down at that confession. I turned to her and picked up her hand, making her look into my eyes.

"We both are going through cultural shock, Rias. I don't think less of you. It's like the other thing I'm still in shock over. I don't get that because it's not common in human society. Money worries are not common in your life. I will never treat you badly. I will explain my feelings and views. You do the same. Equals is what you and I will be."

She smiled and looked at me with a look that made this moment between the two of us okay. I reluctantly break it but offer.

"I could use help moving a few things, and I want to get to know you better. I won't do dates or anything until the contract has shifted to me from Riser, but I'm willing to do other things with you. What's your favorite book, and do you really like camels?"

Rias beams at me, and we move to the portal to keep moving stuff. She told me about her favorite book, which was, of course, an anime book. She does love camels because when she was often trying to hide from the nobles and their shit in her family's stable of camels. Mr. Humpy, who was her favorite camel, is her support animal. She blushed at that, but I told her that was cute because it was funny thinking that a giant ornery camel was that. She asked me about my favorite book, and I told her it was a split between Lord of the Rings and Dune. She had never read either book before, so I made a game for us. I'll read her favorite books, and she reads mine. The one who likes the other's preferences more gets a free date of the winner's choice.

Rias liked that idea and agreed to the bet. It's what Kate and I had done when we started dating. We both won as I learned I liked to read her favorite genre of nonfiction crime while she learned that she liked science fiction. Rias helped move my weightlifting machine by shrinking it and then enlarging it in a nearby room on the first floor that was mostly empty. The only thing in the room was an old jukebox. I asked if there was a basement, and Rias, on our last trip back, said yes, there is one. After descending the stairs into the basement, I gaped again, seeing how huge it was, almost entirely an empty space. I can make a forge here and have plenty of extra space for a sword sparring area and a space for an armory in an old storage room, along with a very out-of-the-way room for the Anvil. Rias just watched me, and she was amused at my calculated looks.

Koriel is right. I get whacked again by her, getting I told you so, moron. Rias smiled, seeing me oof and giggled. Koriel tells me to stop being a rat and listen to her more. Rias surprised me by asking.

"You know how to use a sword? Please teach me that. I want to get stronger in every way possible to be your equal. I want to help you hunt eventually, too. I'm the weakest in the peerage."

That last part was a whisper. I moved to her and put my arm around her. I softly say.

"My way of fighting is grim and I am not kind in my way of war. It's heartless and can leave you screwed up. Are you sure, absolutely sure you want to learn that? You will think less of me upon seeing what I do."

Rias heard the certainty of my voice. I think of the intestines flying, and I thankfully don't feel ready to hurl. This isn't the ratings games where you can hold back enough to make it pretty. It's the shit of real war. I'll eventually need to make gear for games designed not to kill brutally. As for my possible first piece, I know who I want, but she is extremely well hidden. I could start with Issari and instantly have two Longinus users in the peerage, but I'm worried that if I do that, I'll use all my pawns. Get an extremely strong piece, but Ddraig doesn't like devils, and Issari wants to be a perpetual. Rias answered me after hearing that confession.

"I will never think less of the man who is doing this for me. Who is trying to get me out of that bastard's grip. Who seems to want people safe first and foremost. You don't like Koneko, yet you're willing to kill her tormentor for her. I saw it was not to get in with her or me. It was because you truly believed in the wrongness of that act. You want my peerage not to mutate. You want me to be happy before yourself, and you worry about your friend, who I know has gear. Yet despite my history with you and how I abused your cousin and your relationship, you're still helping me. Noble and a real Lord who doesn't play the part. You really mean it. Please teach me and share your worries and ills when you are ready. I want to know why you are this way."

I don't want to destroy this world and make it worse for people. I need to destroy so much potential darkness here on Earth and then between the stars. I will start to trust Rias because I was wrong about so much. I need to believe in people again.

"I worry for our world. I worry about things that scare me deeply. I worry because I fear the unknown. I am ruled by fear."

Rias can see I genuinely mean that, and the moment of weakness I shared. She put her arm around my back and leaned against me. She just provided a comfort that I had long lost. Rias finally says after three minutes of comfort and silence.

"You really are a real Lord like my brother. I will help this fear go away like how you gave me the courage to try and to get stronger. I believe in you fully."

Rias is not her other self to me fully at that moment. The other Rias wouldn't be here till later. She means it, and I'll believe in her, too. We are, after all, stuck in this mess together. I checked the time, and I needed to get to sleep. Rias surprised me, however.

"Fia says that the first lesson will be on Thursday. She is busy tomorrow with my brother on a new project they started. She told me to tell you that she is sorry for that. I forgot to mention it earlier because I was so excited to be with you again."

Oh fuck. Please don't let her kill Suzaku! I opened my mouth there because I didn't want my other cousin killed because of me.

"Rias, please tell Grayfia not to kill my cousin Suzaku if she does confirm it! I have a few good memories of her, and she never did anything to hurt me or Akeno."

Rias heard the desperation in my voice at thinking that Grayfia would kill my cousin. She squeezed me again in comfort and replied.

"I'll let Grayfia know that. The project was not that Gregor-kun. I'm sorry I gave you that impression. It's to try and get support for another bill my brother is trying to pass. It's politics, and I'm not the best at them, so I can't tell you what it is."

Oh, Machine God damnit. I will probably not be good at politics either for a very long time. Rias squeezed my arm again in silent support, understanding we are not good at things. I'll have to get good and fast. I need to make the locks for the house and a teleportation room. I can't share everything about my gear yet with Rias.

"I'm sorry for freaking out. I don't want the only member of my family besides Akeno who actually cared to die if it really was their fault for the crash. Do you want to meet again tomorrow and can you teach me how to make portals? I want to be able to rent the old place to someone eventually and have that be where I get my mail."

Rias grew very understanding at my apology. She beams at meeting me again and nods her head at teaching portals.

"Of course, Gregor-kun, I'd be happy to teach you. I'll teach you a common one as you're not a Gremory, and I don't know the Astaroth one. I'd love to hang out with you tomorrow. What time?"

She and I went back upstairs, and I replied as we hit the main hall.

"How about around ten? I'm kind of a night owl."

She smiled and nodded.

"I can do ten. Akeno wants to talk to you, too. She said that you need to make progress on your gear, too. You will need it if your hunting strays."

She started teaching me a portal spell, and it's easy to understand: point A to point B with a visual look on both ends. I learned it fast and will put that up to being half devil, I tell her with a small smile.

"I will talk with her tomorrow too. I have made a bit of progress on it, but I'm not sure. I will be fine, Rias, please believe me."

She does. It's clear that she does, totally. It's a nice feeling to have again. Issari is a big idiot and believes in everyone totally. I am trying, and that seems to be working. Rias hugged me and then kissed my cheek again before she opened a portal to the ORC club room. She waved to me before bidding me a good night and stepping through.

"Good night, Gregor-kun. I will see you tomorrow."

I smile slightly.

"Good night, Rias. Thank you for today. I promise I will let you in starting tomorrow."

She beams, and then she closes the portal before I go downstairs and then summoned the anvil. Koriel stands on the other side of it, and I ask.

"Can you hide tomorrow? I'd rather not scare them with your cybernetics."

Koriel shrugged.

"I can. I do have good news for the reader. I have cut down the power usage requirements by ten percent. However, we will need to compensate for some material not being readily available or discovered yet. I will do what I can, and the gear is actually helping me in my work. It's symbiotic, and this god was an incredible master of his work. I am disappointed he is dead."

I am sad he's dead, too. Koriel began explaining her new ideas for the next prototype, and I used that time to make several new locks. After that, I made the teleportation pad and power sources for it. Before recalibrating the pad, I connected it to the station pad and made the vault again. Then stuff things in it again. I make extra bolter shells for my future fights against the tengus, then the rook and bishop. When I'm done, it's about eleven, and I unsummon the anvil before I make a portal to the old house. Kuroka is still up, and she is getting ready to sleep.

"Sorry. I'm letting you know that I'm settled and will visit to make sure you're ok. Just tell me good times I can pop over so you can feed your sin."

Kuroka shrugged.

"Will do nya. Have fun in your new home, sexy. I want to sleep all day tomorrow, nya. I'll tell Chestnut to piss off and leave me alone."

We laughed at that.

"Go right ahead. She will be busy with sword work tomorrow, but if she does show up, let me know, and I'll grab her for the new place. I'm going hunting tomorrow. Good night and sweet dreams."

She yawned and then went off to her new bed. She waved her tails at me in goodbye before saying with a massive yawn.

"You too nya. Now piss off as Kitty has a date with a bed."

I chuckled and then closed the portal before going to my new room to sleep. My dreams were a little better that night, and I only woke once from a nightmare.

The rays of sunshine entered through the window. I checked the clock, around 8.45, and prepared to prepare for my guests. Like all parts of the new place, the bathroom is massive, with a shower and bathtub. I take a shower, and the water is nice, being hotter than in my old place. Once I'm done and dressed in what is becoming my go-to outfit of a red button-up shirt and blue jeans. I go to find the kitchen and see the massive size of it. It's too big, and I dread to think about how much money it takes to fill this place up fully. Food was made, and it was simple eggs again. I cleaned up the plates and prepared to start the process of letting Akeno and Rias in fully.

I make a few more locks and then place the Anvil of Knowledge in that well-hidden room in the basement. Before I lock all the rooms in said basement, I place a lock on the doors leading into and out of the house. By the time I'm done, it's almost ten, and I prepare for my evil cousin and my future betrothed. I was walking up the stairs after a few last-minute things when the portal opened.

Out of it stepped Rias and Akeno, wearing the Kuoh uniform. Along with them is one more person I'm not happy to see. It's Shirone, also in the school uniform. She was hiding behind Akeno but peeked out and focused on me like her sister does, and I'm not impressed. A single look of my eyes on her sent her head back behind Akeno, which amused my cousin. Rias is also amused, her eyes twinkling.

"Koneko has something to say to you, Gregor-kun. Koneko."

The white cat kept hiding and then poked her head out again. Her eyes looked down in shame, and there was still a large amount of hate in them for me. She finally said without looking into my eyes.

"I am sorry for my behavior, Heir Astaroth."

She doesn't mean it, and I can tell. She's only doing this because of prim manners, and I technically outrank her. I raised an eyebrow at her, and she didn't back down. Rias caught that her rook continues to be a spoiled lying brat as did Akeno. My cousin shocked the cat, and Shirone eeps, jumping slightly into the air. Akeno's face promised pain on Shirone when she landed.

"You're not sorry in the least, Koneko. It's obvious to all of us."

Koneko glared at me in open hate, and now her lying face of apology broke.

"Halfbreed filth."

Rias got extremely pissed, as did Akeno, but I just brought forth my axe, roaring because I was done with the cat. The movement and light were so fast, plus the sudden roar of the axe made Shirone and the others jump. Shirone backed up the stairs in fear, and I gestured my axe to her while assuming a stance. Rias and Akeno are in pure shock, looking at my roaring axe as I spat.

"That's a stupid thing to say for someone in axe range. Shut up, and if you ever call me that again, I will use this on you. I have three under my belt, and while you are my betrothed's piece, I can demand you gone. Never think you are above me. I despise racists, and you are not winning sympathy from me for lying so blatantly and then saying that shit."

The axe kept roaring, and the teeth spun eagerly. Akeno looked at the axe, and then she smiled at my confession. Rias remembered our words from last night and now understands why I wasn't intimidated by the strays. She watched the axe teeth spin, and she grew brave. She approached me, reached for my hand, took it, and deactivated the axe. The roars stop, and I glare down at Shirone, who is watching me in a new light. She still hates me, but the other look is now stronger. Why is she attracted to that? Akeno kept smiling and then chuckled darkly.

"You will be disciplined again, Koneko. Rias, we have let her develop this attitude, and it's the same crap as the GKF and the OSF. Where did you get the axe? There was no magic build-up."

Rias looked at her rook in disappointment and very much open disgust. Shirone grew very ashamed seeing her king look at her that way. I answered with a bland voice.

"It's a secret. I'll tell you and Rias, but this one is unwelcome in my house again until there is a real apology. Cat, I will kill your tormentor, and you will never have to worry about him again. You have not seen me when I fight. I don't hold back, and I make them scream. My friend was almost murdered by a stray who was going to do the same thing to her that you almost had. Your kind have absolutely no right, nor do mine, to do that to you or to other regular humans. If you ever imply again that my friend and people like her should take your shit abuse, I won't let Rias stop me. Understand."

Shirone went pale white, as did Rias. Akeno was not as disturbed, but Shirone looked sick. She started shaking, and she looked at me with true shame along with true understanding now for Saturday. She doesn't apologize while Akeno gets mad for her sadistic kin.

"I'll get this one gone. Koneko, you will not try to hide from me when I get back. Your behavior is disgusting, and the fact you said my new friend deserves that is now another reason I will shock you into reality."

Shirone shivers, expecting the pain.

"Yes, Akeno-sama. I understand."

Rias opened a portal to the ORC, and then, as Shirone was entering it, Rias said something into the cat's ear. It made the white-haired girl flinch badly. She then tears up, and her eyes beg for forgiveness. Rias didn't say anything and pointed to the other side. Shirone looked at me one last time with genuine and utter regret. I don't forgive her either. Shirone has her ears flop out from her illusion and then flatten in sadness. Tears entered her eyes, and she entered the portal with Rias behind her with the redhead saying to me.

"I'll be back. I will crush this permanently. I'm so sorry, Gregor-kun."

I took the apology, and then the portal closed. It was silent for a minute before Akeno asked me with a small bit of sadism showing.

"You have three you said. What pieces and have you claimed the bounties on them? I am very interested in how you have the axe as I have never seen anything like it before. It also that symbol like your ring."

I put the axe to my keychain, and it flashed briefly before disappearing.

"Yes, I do have three, with the pieces all being pawns. When you hear of a person in strange armor calling themselves the Gorgan, that is me. As for the axe, I made it with my gear. I focused on trying to unlock my gear and got it to work. The symbol is something I embraced in the hospital, and it represents my own private faith. You will laugh at me when I tell you it, but it brings me comfort with how I am most likely that thing from the crash."

Akeno is deeply interested in the title, and she looks at me, then the symbol. She asked her next thing with naked curiosity.

"What faith, Lex? I can't do it because of what I am, but you really think that you are?"

I reply with certainty.

"The machine is immortal as I am. It's a faith I made in the hospital, lying in that bed during the nights, and it's helped me with the situation. My gear must have taken it on, and now it's on everything I make. Can gear do that evolve?"

Akeno's eyes widened again when she fully recognized the open confession. She came over to me and hugged my right arm. She answered as we sat on the stairs together.

"It can evolve. I heard of the Gorgan. Heniya wants to meet them because she is being pressured by Heiress Agares to find them. You said you made the axe. I have never heard of a gear that makes things like your axe. What are the limits?"

I am about to answer when the portal returns and Rias comes back through. She doesn't say anything. Just sitting on my left and burrows her head into my neck. She began to cry and then begged me with a voice that was rough from screaming.

"Please don't renege on me. I promise she will be good, please believe me. I'll trade her if that is what you want."

That last part was said so reluctantly. I wrapped my arm around her, and Akeno closed her eyes, hearing that Shirone was still sabotaging them. I shake my head there.

"Don't trade her. I will never demand that of you, Ria. I won't back out, so please don't cry. Ria, we are equals, and I want us to be that forever."

Rias wept in relief. Her face, hearing me call her Ria, was one that I will never forget. She was so happy that I was really this and explained why she was reluctant.

"She is my first piece and will die if nearly anyone else takes her. Her sister is an S-class criminal, and the person she killed to earn that was a powerful GKF member. Koneko was made into a devil to leash her to me. She knows I saved her life and is loyal. I will, however, give her up if it means keeping you."

I can start the process for Kuroka, but I don't want to be near the cat right now. I will kill her if she is here. It's time to start the show.

"Rias. Keno. I'll show you my gear. Rias, I will never back out of this thing we have. For you and everyone else here."

Akeno is ready to see my gear. Rias was no longer crying and instead looked at me with interest. Koriel tells me she has hidden herself, and I stand up from the stairs. They stand up with me, and I close my eyes when I reach the middle of the room before willing the anvil into existence. Akeno and Rias looked at the ghostly thing in amazement. Akeno put it together a bit more, and Rias poked the anvil. Her hand passed through unharmed as I started to explain.

"I can make things with this Rias. Like my axe and my holder that carries around my armor and my weapons. I can make more than just weapons and armor, though. I believe my soul powers it, and I have not yet found a limit on the number of constructs I can make. I can will things away when I'm done with something."

Rias studies the anvil, as does Akeno. They can't seem to place the class of my gear yet. The two look at it trying to identify the gear origin. Rias finally, after an extended period of studying, says.

"I have never seen a description or heard of a gear like this before. This is completely new. You made the axe from it and some armor? What armor?"

I got my helm out of the digital holder, and Rias looked at it in amazement, as did Akeno. Rias widened her eyes and said that Akeno now believed me entirely about my code name.

"You're the Gorgan. My sister has been very keen on finding you."

I shrugged.

"I'll meet her when I have the money fully. I'm going to earn you all freedom from him. I have some money already and will horde it as fast as possible. I don't plan to stop."

Rias looked at the helm, then the anvil. It amazes her, and I will get my hunt going soon. Akeno just said with an eager tone.

"I would like to go with you."

Akeno probably has the stomach for this, but I don't know. Rias gets ready to volunteer, too. I, however, shake my head no.

"I will let you in when I can. My first fight saved Issari, but I was incredibly lucky with total surprise. I fought two in my second fight, and I won, but they were not very strong or worth much. The next group I'm going after are tengus and I need to test everything including that Akeno. I need to be able to do things well, especially if I am to be a king. I'm not like the other devils, and I need to catch up. I will be doing this till I can cover others."

Akeno gets the desire to grow as does Rias. They know I'm facing an uphill everything. They both reluctantly agreed, but Rias grew determined.

"I will learn from you. Show me how to help. We are in this together, and I will not let my husband be alone."

Akeno looked impressed at Rias and teased.

"Horny girl. You always say strong, intelligent warriors are your kink. Lex, I'm going with you eventually. Backup is good, and you don't have to be alone. Issari-chan wants to help, and the name of your duo could be a good peerage name. The Warriors of Mars. You said you're considering her I'd take her before someone else does. Sona is hunting for people, and you can't always watch her."

Rias blushed pretty there at the tease while I sighed.

"She is interested, but I want her to be absolutely sure and have no regrets. I hate them, and given everything I heard about reincarnated status, I don't think she should have that."

Akeno sighed, not able to defend the reincarnated. Rias, however, surprised me.

"His first piece should be the swordswoman. She has potential and has gear, too."

Murayama is no slave and not a thing, Rias. Besides, the person I want for the first is in trouble, and this can save her, but I have no idea where she is. Akeno shrugged.

"Lex is not like that, Rias. He wants to help people and has always been like that. Power is good but not everyone is like your sister and her peerage. They are powerhouses, and they are dangerous."

Rias looked abashed at the scolding, but her eyes grew dreamy, and then she hugged my right arm tightly. Akeno is fufufuing at the action, and I have noted another thing Rias shares with her base self as Rias sighed.

"He is a hero. Mine and this Issari's. No wonder you two are such good friends despite her nature and yours being so different. I believe in a hero."

Akeno kept fufufuing, and I sighed. Tsuda chimes in, telling me I am her hero and her Omnissiah. I'm not that or a hero. I check the clock, and it's almost eleven before Akeno asks something.

"Can you show us you making something Lex? I want to see this and formulate what gear class it fits into."

I can. I ask.

"What do you want to see?"

Rias spoke up, and her look at me was deep.

"A sword. One like your axe. I will not jump again when it comes out. I want to be brave like my hero."

Rias, I jumped at it, too, but one chainsword coming up. I picked up my hammer and imagined a chainsword before swinging as the light is seen. Then I picked up the newly made sword and handed it to Rias. She looked at it in awe, as did Akeno. I helped Rias hold it and gently corrected her grip, as she would have lost a thumb there. I then show her the activation button, which she touches, and the sword roars to life. Rias didn't jump this time; instead, she watched the spinning teeth and softened her eyes towards me. Akeno looked at the teeth, too.

"Enough there, as I said, and with your sin, you get it fed well. This gear is incredibly dangerous and will be an advantage that they can't replicate. I might eventually like a sword, but lightning is where I excel. Lex, this could be up there and will sell the idea of you to Rias's parents more. They respect strength, and this plus more means you will have it."

Rias watched the teeth slowly spin, and she deactivated the sword. I took it and set it on the anvil. Rias then surprised me and hugged me, knocking me back and making the anvil disappear. The sword hit the floor with a clang as the redhead whispered in my ear, and Akeno grinned like a loon.

"I will never think less of you. My brave hero who willingly is using those weapons to help us. You will never have me think less of you. I still want to learn this and help you in everything."

I will need help when I start the enhancements. I'll move the medicine wing here and use the station as a backup armory along with miscellaneous things. I finally let my new forever partner know things more.

"I may need your help in a few days. I have an idea to help make me stronger, and I will be in a bad state during the process. You can help me there, Ria. I'll show you something that proves I will never back out with you. I will hide no secrets from you and eventually the others."

Rias didn't let up on her hug.

"Just tell me when. Together."

Akeno smiled at me.

"I'll help my baby cousin who makes my sister of choice so happy and who is the best thing that has happened to me in a decade. I'm here too, Lex, and I won't ever let you be like that day with them again. With how things are going, we could get vengeance on them."

I want Suzaku safe, and Akeno saw the reluctance there.

"Not her or her parents. They never tried anything with us. They accepted us and didn't want us hurt even though it could have screwed them badly. I know you're worried about her, and I told Grayfia the same thing. What is this thing you're going to do?"

Rias picked me up from the floor, and then she picked up her sword. I explained this to my cousin.

"I can make something to increase my reaction time, making me move faster than a regular human and even out my way to other devils. It might require multiple sessions if it works. I will be unable to move effectively for a day or two. Please help me on those days, and I will have Issari help out, too."

Akeno looked intrigued as Rias committed instantly.

"I'll help my husband with this. Just tell me when so we can prepare for it."

I thank my eventual betrothed.

"I will Ria. I plan to do multiple hunts this week, one or two today and then more later. I want to have you all freed by the time they find my dad. So, Would you, Akeno, and Kiba like to have dinner here tonight? I can probably get Issari here, and we can get to know each other together."

Rias beams while Akeno is fufufuing at the offer.

"I'd love to be here. I can cook and teach my cousin how to make tea. You are uncultured, not drinking it."

I snark back at my cousin.

"I'm American Keno, and I'm extremely cultured. The uncultured ones are the British they talk funny."

That set us off snickering, and Rias joined in with a humph.

"Everyone but the Japanese are uncultured."

She was completely serious, and Akeno barked out, laughing while I fake get mad at her with a twinkle in my eye.

"We are not all weebs like you."

Akeno and I snicker together in ultra support. Rias squawked in mock anger, apparently used to Akeno teasing her on this.

"I will spread culture to my husband! I will win our bet! I want the best food in Japan!"

I snicker while Akeno looks at me with her trademark tease smile.

"If I win, I want the best American or German food, Ria. I'm ready for my victory and will convert you to real culture eventually."

We enjoyed the mood and teased and or shot barbs at each other. Rias enjoyed the time and was nothing but smiles. However, I needed to hunt, and Akeno saw that fact. She pulled the conversation towards a goodbye, and Rias still wanted to go with me regardless. I need this done. She prepared to leave, but her smile was real and not fake. As they stepped through the new portal, I bid them goodbye. Akeno gets her sadistic grin, and I feel just slightly bad for Shirone. I catch said cat looking at me from the corner of the room well-hidden, and she is miserable. Akeno saw that and powered up her lightning, making Shirone run, and I heard a cry of pain go up before the portal closed. Despite the second of sympathy there, I headed downstairs to prepare for my next hunt.

Hello everyone. This is just a quick thank you for this getting over 400 collections. For that I will release two chapters today. Really thank you for this.

Magos_Ceduscreators' thoughts