Dazzling and daring with unmatched beauty is Princess Zaria of Olympia. Promised at birth to wed King Vincent of Tario, a promise she has no intentions of honouring. Why should she when she did not make it? Hellbent, rebellious and risking starting a war with the most powerful kingdom, she will try to free herself from the treaty. Arrogant and mighty, with every kingdom at his mercy, King Vincent has never taken disobedience lightly. Moving heavens and earth, no stone left unturned, he will relentlessly ensure that the rebellious princess ends up his queen. Royal alliance and decrees will lead to passionate heartbreaks, plotting, betrayals and furry…..who will win?
At the kingdom of Olympia, Princess Zaria picked up her phone on the first ring.
"Oscar," she whispered, doing her best to suppress her excitement.
"Is that how you answer your man's call?" he asked, not impressed.
She giggled, her heart already dancing. His husky voice had a way of soothing all her fears.
"How am I supposed to answer you?"
"My love, my present, my future, man of my dreams," he suggested wittily, already knowing what her response would be. He longed to see her glossy cheeks burn but could bet on his life that she was blushing.
"You are really…"
"I love you Zaria," he said tenderly, ending her objection.
"I love you too," she said with a gasp. The way he said it pulled all her heartstrings. "I can't call you my future because I might not live long enough," she added, strangely at peace with that.
She did not know what her life would be, that is if she would even be alive after losing her virtue. One thing that was certain was her life would never be the same again. He had completely changed her. Her heart long desired to love and be loved. She was content with whatever happened afterwards but marrying her enemy was not an option.
He cursed under his breath, the idea of her not alive sending chills down his spine. He made a conscious decision to focus on the present.
"What if you live Zaria? Would I be your future and everlasting?"
She shook her head as if he could see her. She had decided that if she got to live, she would move far away, to another continent if possible.
"I will be banned. Being with me would definitely destroy you," she reminded him of the consequences of her decision.
"I don't care, Zaria. I will follow you wherever you go," he said sincerely, meaning every word. There were secrets he was keeping from her, secrets that could completely destroy their blossoming love, but that was the honest truth.
"You will incur the most powerful enemy," she said with certainty. Although she never meet her so called fiancé in person, she knew of his authority and dominance.
"I am prepared to.."
"No," she interjected.
"I was not asking for your permission," he said decisively before changing the subject. "I have the perfect gift for you. It should be there by morning."
"What is it?" she asked, his mysterious tone piquing her curiosity.
"It's something I will enjoy peeling off that sensual body of yours," he said mischievously before ending the call, leaving her all flushed.
The princess sighed before closing her eyes only to meet him in her dreams.
The following morning, Princess Zaria looked at herself in the mirror with awe. The baby blue gown was simple perfect. Adorned with diamond scraps that glittered over her shoulders. The flawless material stuck like a glove over her bosom, hugging tightly around her waist before opening up like an incredible umbrella all the way to her feet and sweeping the floor. The pure silk moved in sync with her, diamonds glittering on it like thousand stars. It was the most beautiful gown she ever owed.
"You are stunning, Your Grace!" Daisy beamed with sparkling eyes. There was no one she found more beautiful than her princess, but that day her friend looked exceptional. The exquisite gown brought out all her friend's beautiful features.
Princess Zaria giggled, unable to help herself."Thank you, Daisy. I absolutely love it!"
Princess Zaria could not stop smiling and looking at her reflection. She initially felt bad for abandoning the gown her royal designer spent weeks making for her. Looking at herself now, she knew that there was no way she would choose it over the masterpiece she now had on no matter how bad she felt.
"King Vincent…" Daisy hesitated while styling her princess's hair and clipping it with a diamond clip. She did not want to spoil her princess's joyful spirit but had been very confused lately.
"What about him?"the princess asked, her eyes still glued on her own reflection and her unrealistically perfect gown.
"He is not so bad then? He seems to know your taste very well," Daisy suggested.
She knew all about how despicable King Vincent was because her princess told her all about it. She despised him too because of all the pain he was causing her princess, but things were proving not to be as black and white as she originally thought. The more she heard about her princess's betrothed was the more undecided she was becoming about him. Him saving their kingdom even before the wedding was a sign of good faith and kindness. Majority of the maids and maidservants were already won over by King Vincent for that, even those who had reservations previously. Daisy was not yet won over because her princess confided in her and knew why she hated him. Looking at the exquisite dress he sent for her princess, Daisy was certain that he had it tailor made for her. That shade of blue was her princess's favourite colour. That to her was another romantic gesture, like the banner he had his soldiers carry when they defeated Ranic.
Princess Zaria rolled her eyes at her friend but understood her softening up to King Vincent. Only she knew that Oscar was in fact the person who fought Ranic for them and only she knew that he was also the one who sent that perfect gown for her.
Thinking about Oscar made her cheeks burn. His midnight calls were becoming the highlight of her day and probably her life. They both could not wait for that evening when they get to spend the night together. He, off course did not spare her any details about what he was planning to do to her. He jokingly told her the night before that his gift would sweep her off her feet. She could not believe her eyes when she opened the package that morning. The secret note between its delicate layers left her blushing. Oscar was just too reckless and his charisma unrestrained.
"You are glowing," Daisy pointed out. "Are you perhaps falling for him again?"
Princess Zaria flashed her friend with a smile. Falling in love she had. It was the best feeling in the world, but it was not with King Vincent. She would, however never divulge that to anyone.
Just like the war, it was easier and safer to let everyone think King Vincent sent the gown. That, unfortunately was guaranteed to get her mother more excited than she already was.
"It does not matter. The treaty will be null and void once I give the love of my life my virtue," she told herself and decided to play along with everyone praising her pompous fiancé.
Descending down the stairs, all the maids looked at her with admiration and pride. Their princess looked perfect in every sense of the word but it was her radiating smile that warmed their hearts. They had hardly seen her smile in the past seven weeks.
"Wow! Zaria, you are gorgeous!" Prince Cullen beamed watching his sister descent down the stairs.
"I think we need to increase your guards at that ball. The other princesses already hate you, they will definitely kill you now when you are looking like this," he teased, making his sister giggle.
"Good morning, Brother," the princess greeted joyfully before planting a kiss on his cheek.
Her brother looked curiously at her. "You are in a good mood. I take it you are head over heels in love with King Vincent again?"
"Off course! Only love can make her radiate like that," Queen Helene beamed.
"I thought you did not believe in love, Mother?" Princess Zaria asked her hypocritical mother.
"I said it was not our priority as royals, but loving Vincent has always made you happy. I am glad you you two have gotten over the lovers quarrel," Queen Helene responded, unable to hide her excitement. "Madam More will be here with your wedding dress when you return tomorrow," she added.
At the kingdom of Ranic, Princess Cathrine got into her carriage, equally excited about the mask ball. With all the coaching from her kingdom's prostitute and a vocalist to imitate Zaria's voice, she was ready to start a journey of becoming the queen of Tario.
Princess Sarika on the other side, had booked herself at the masked ball venue one day in advance. She wanted to be there when everyone arrived but most importantly be able to see the Tario carriage carrying King Vincent arrive. That way she could make a note of his attire before he put on his mask and mingled with the crowd.
She let out a victorious laughter when he saw him dismount. Princess Gwen next to him was a confirmation she did not need that her target had indeed arrived. She watched them put on their masks before heading inside, but she had already seen them. That was the advantage of being there first.
With her mask on and very careful not to be obvious, she approached them. Intentionally missing a step, she almost fell on him, quickly made a mark on his tuxedo before apologising and walking away. Too small for everyone else to see, that mark will make it possible for her to make him out in a room full of multitudes.