
Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

A world with magic, mythical creatures, mystical herbs, labyrinths, and treasures. A world where the strongest adventurers get to be the ones to enjoy fame and riches. A world where various rankings decide your worth. This is the world where Shye Crowley and his sister were born. As the children of two fairly known diamond-ranked adventurers, Shye and his sister, Maia, enjoyed a prosperous lifestyle. Unfortunately, after departing for a mithril-ranked quest in hopes of ranking up, their parents couldn’t return. Years passed and life went downhill fast for the siblings. Fortunately, a fateful encounter bestows him a system that could change their fate.

Meowder · Fantasía
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472 Chs

White Clover Auction Commences

The proud sun hung high in the sky, signaling the start of yet another new day; a special day for those in a city called Blackburrow.

As the start of the White Clover Auction drew near, the participants swiftly made their preparations to ensure their safety, especially those who were planning to purchase a few top-tier auction items.

Naturally, Shye was one of these people.

He didn't know where his 650,000 silver coins would take him since this was the first time he would attend an auction, however, he does believe that he could at least purchase one good top-tier item.

In his mind, he already concluded that this seemingly easy mandatory quest had to be some sort of preparation phase for an exponentially harder one.

Hence, he decided to prepare for the worst.

Hopefully, after he achieves the ruby rank, his improved self will be able to handle the next quest.

To increase his chances of doing so, he had to be successful in this auction.