Has anyone ever noticed that it's
The little things that scream for the most attention?
A small 'hey' void of caps and punctuation
No follow up, no background, just that one word
So small it could be overlooked entirely
But look for the signs, the lack of them
Three little letters to hide the storm of thoughts
Nondescript and uniform to hide the disarray
So common that if you didn't care...
The silence would tell them all they needed to hear
It raises no flags, triggers no warnings
Just a simple greeting from a friend
Or a last send off, letting you know that
In those final moments, you were worth contact
Worth the chance to talk them down
I know for one, that whenever I'm in pain
I use these three little letters myself
There's so much hurt
That I fear it will leak out without meaning to
I'd rather just touch and go, without burdening another
When I don't really know what I want to say
When I probably just want to break down and cry
While I hear them talking about everything and nothing
Because I want to be connected with them the most out of everyone else right now
But I still don't want to bombard them right off the bat
Anyone who knows me, would agree
That I bottle things inside and keep my distance
But it's the people that know that ask me
The same 'are you ok' every time they see the three little letters
Because that's the code letting me know I can finally let go
The last thing I want to do is seem selfish
When I'm so torn up on the inside to begin with
I don't want to take more than they can give
Buy what happens when everything I give of myself
Can only be summed up with three little letters?
When I'm so low that I worry a misstep
Will damage me far beyond what I can no longer repair
So tired of 'sending signals' or checking my vibe
I need help, I need to cry it out, I need a hug
So please, the next time you see three little letters
Don't ignore them, someone needs you too
Guys, mental health is so important and so underrated, if you notice/do this, please speak up! If you see a 'hey' respond. If you send one, send another! Stay safe and stay healthy my loves.