
Day of White

May spring showers bless your union

And summer rays shine down on your happiness

May fall find you entranced in your love all the more

And winter keep you settled in your embrace

So when spring rolls back around, you can do it all again

May your second year hold the firsts

The first blow up, first come back, first milestone 

May your third year contain proof of your married life

A lived in house, a happy spouse, with everything right in the world

So that your bonds will hold, lasting till you grow old

May your fourth year be spent as a unified front

Fighting together instead of each other

May your fifth year remind you of the sweeter things

You made it to 5, halfway to 10, and it shows 

There are many more to reach before the end

May your faith lead you where you stall

And your spouse help you up when you fall

May your union hold fast in the face of adversity 

And shielding each other, yet ready to withstand it

Fore marriage is a promise, to have and to hold, forever more