

Liam has reluctantly agreed to marriage to honor his grandfather's wishes. But his intended bride, Bianca Reese, a rising star in the public's eyes was not taking her calls. meanwhile... Outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, Raelle awaits to marry her childhood friend, Kim Davis. But when a devastating phone call shatters her dreams, Raelle faces a heart-wrenching truth. At the Civil Affairs Bureau, Liam and Raelle, each desperate for help, agree to get married. But, while they thought it was a flash marriage, destiny had other plans for them...

Goddess_Luna01 · Ciudad
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21 Chs


"Put your hypocritical tears away. It's disgusting!"

Listening to the sudden accusation of Claire, Grace, and William be some even more furious.

William looked at Raelle confusedly. When did she become this fierce?

Normally, she was not one to retort to anything done to her. But, it seemed this was a different person altogether.

"You don't even feel ashamed! If you don't cancel this marriage and marry Kim, then don't say you're a daughter of the Collins."

Raelle stood up from the cold floor. Her chin held up high, and she smiled. Her cheek burnt fiercely, however, she gritted her teeth without making a sound.

She stood straight and looked at Williams with hatred. She sneered. "Good! I have had enough of a hypocritical father like you! For years, I have put up with every one of you!" She pointed to them furiously.

"Have you ever treated me like your child?" She asked, her eyes sending daggers of ice at William.

Raelle's voice was loud. The last respect she had for him had just died. She held nothing back as she spoke. "Sometimes, I wonder if I am your blood. You only remember Raelle when you need a boost to your useless reputation. Or-"

"RAELLE! Don't you da-"

"Or else what!?" She interjected, cutting off William.

She scoffed. "Would you hit me? Tell me.

"That's not new. I am used to it now."

Raelle was hurt deeply. How she ended up in such a household, she couldn't tell.

"I'm a threat to your reputation now, right? Now you're eager to throw me out of the Collin's Mansion. Today is good then!"

Turning to face William properly, she vowed. "I Raelle Collins, serve every time with you, Mr. William Collins."

She didn't bat an eyelid as she said those tough words.

Williams couldn't react and he stared at her blankly.

Raelle couldn't be bothered. All she wanted to do now was to pack her bags and leave.

Though she had told Liam that she would go home for two days, after that, she'd return to live with them as a couple.

But now, it didn't seem like she needed to be here long or she'd be arrested for murder.

Leaving the Collins family shocked and immobilized by her words, she stormed upstairs and began to pack her suitcase.

When she was done, she went to the attic. After searching for a while, she picked up an old dusty box.

She smiled, tears pouring down her cheeks as she dusted the box.

It was a gift from her mother, but she had taken a vow not to open it till the day she got married.

After retrieving the box, Raelle took her suitcase and made her way downstairs.

William was the only one downstairs. He stood up when he saw her come down.

"If you step out these doors, you will be stripped of your position of the Eldest Young Lady of Collin's family. And you shall forfeit your inheritance!" William threatened.

Raelle scoffed but didn't stop walking.

"Save your meaningless inheritance for your daughter." She said, she finally stepped out of Collin's living room.

Raelle walked out of the mansion's gate without looking back. She was determined and proud. She knew that in the last 17 years of her life, this was the most dignified and correct choice she had made.

Instead of being chased out, she would walk out the doors with her head held high.

Even though it was painful to think that she might never step into Collin's Mansion again, as she had memories of her mother there, Raelle was determined to make new memories.

Fanning a taxi, she made her way to her husband's house.

A new life awaits her.


Teddy had been sitting quietly for so long. He wished he could leave. But, he remained seated, watching his boss work his ass off.

After some hesitation, he cleared his throat and said, "Boss, why did you marry a random lady?"

Liam scowled at him. The murderous glare made Teddy feel parched.

Determined to speak, he found his courage. He said, "Marrying her was a wise choice. I know you think you only married her because of your grandfather. But, I believe it was destiny that brought you two together."

Liam glanced at Teddy before returning his gaze to his work. Teddy was right.

"Fate is never wrong, sir. Though it does things in different ways. Ways we least expected." Teddy paused to sigh and he continued. "I know she's the one for you, sir."

Teddy's voice carried a feeling of assurance. It made Liam believe him, even if he didn't want to.

"Do you think I'd make a good husband?" Liam asked skeptically.

Nodding his head, Teddy said, "No one is perfect sir. And I believe Madam understands that." Teddy's words were true and Liam couldn't find any fault in them.

"We all learn on the job"

Liam sighed as he considered what Teddy said.

He was thinking he did what he did to make his grandfather happy. But in truth, something in him pushed him to propose to Raelle.

Even more, he would be the one to live with her.

Would he be able to make her happy? Would she be able to live with him?

Too many thoughts ran through his head at the same time.

Marriage had never been on his list. He'd barely had a relationship, so he wasn't so sure how much of a good husband he'd be.

"Teddy..." Liam said with a deep sigh. " I hope I learn. I do."

For the first time, he was determined to learn something. He didn't know what it was, but he felt a strong will to become a good husband to Raelle.

Teddy parted his lips to say something but decided against it.

"I'd be upstairs Teddy," Liam said and leaped to his feet. He walked out.

Teddy sighed as he took over his boss's seat and continued the work.

"May he find happiness" Teddy muttered a silent prayer.