
Flames Of Love

Fe Di found out she was being cheated on by her boyfriend and stepsister on her birthday. On that same day series of tragical series occur and in the end her stepsister murders her. However was that the end for her? ... No! Fe Di wakes up to find out that she has travelled many years into the past in the era of the Qing dynasty and transmigrated into the body of Mi Juanxi, an eighteen year old servant girl at the palace. Mi Juanxi had a timid but stubborn personality before she died however the new Mi Juanxi was different. Timid? She could pretend to be one if she wanted. She was actually a sly and scheming little girl who didn't seize to payback anyone who troubled her. ... Guan Jingxuan was the one name that the people of Wudong feared the most, this name made people tremble. Why? Guan Jingxuan was the tenth prince out of the eleven princes and he was known to be the most ruthless, cold, aloof and heartless prince or even the most heartless person ever. However the people of Wudong had never seen his true appearance and there were many rumors that he never appeared in public because of his ugly appearance of a beast. ... Mi Juanxi felt like she was hallucinating when she meets two people who look exactly like her ex boyfriend and her stepsister from her other life. Was life playing tricks with her or was this a chance given to her to finally have her revenge. She needed the help of a very powerful person so she could become a stronger person. ... Mi Juanxi was the most beautiful and attractive lady in the palace which made other servants, concubines and higher ups jealous of her. They always tried to brew trouble for her but who did they think she was? Someone they could easily trample on? Sorry! They were completely wrong! ... Mi Juanxi soon encounters the rumored ugly prince, Guan Jingxuan and experiences how heartless and ruthless he was when he suspects her of trying to kill her. "Heh, little girl, want to play tricks on me again?", The wicked smile at the corner of his lips widen as he watches blood trickle down her neck, the little knife in his hand continues to stab into her flesh. ... What will Mi Juanxi do when nine princes and other powerful personalities start to chase after her? ... Things start to change for Mi Juanxi when Guan Jingxuan suddenly starts to treat her well after taking the initiative to kiss her. "Didn't you always want to have a permanent powerful backer? Take me", Guan Jingxuan pulls her closer to him by the waist. "Sorry but I was never interested in love", Mi Juanxi doesn't escape from his arms and looks him in the eye as she speaks. ... The once timid girl suddenly changes into a whole different personality and has almost the royal princes around her fingertips including the cold and aloof tenth prince. Will fate bring this two together or was it never meant to be? Read, 'Flames Of Love ' and follow Mi Juanxi and Guan Jingxuan on their journey.

Dessy_Success · Historia
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18 Chs

A new pet

Mi Juanxi had not been able to sleep a wink at dawn, she sat up and glanced at her brother who was still sleeping.

She shook her head and then stood up, it was now the third day since she had arrived here however she still did not get to see what she looked like.

Today she would find her way to the forest where the herbs could be found and make sure that she got it by hook or by crook!

Mi Juanxi searched for her father's bow and arrow and after finding it, she sneaked out of the house.

She had lost her mother in her other life, she wasn't going to allow that to repeat itself.

On her way Mi Juanxi began to wonder exactly who had slept with her that day, that person was definitely someone of a high rank. Unfortunately she had not gotten to see how he looked like or even how his room looked like. Fortunately she had managed to escape or she might be dead by now.

Mi Juanxi snapped out of her thoughts when she realized that she was already in the forest, she paused and lifted her fire lamp and continued walking. Now all she had to do was to find the herbs, if any animal dared to show up, she would shoot it with her arrow.

After searching for a while Mi Juanxi finally found the herbs she was looking after about an hour or so.

"Kacha!", Mi Juanxi reached out her hand and teared lots of herbs.

She turned around, ready to leave when she heard some rustling behind her followed by soft groans.

' Could it be an injured animal?', she wondered.

Mi Juanxi pushed away the leaves and made her way through, she saw something which left her amazed.

It was a young white lion cub, it was very small but hairy. White lions were very rare in her past life however what about now? This was the past so maybe they were not really rare.

The cub was so cute that Mi Juanxi reached out her hand wanting to rub it soft and fluffy fur however the poor thing was scared and moved back.

It was at this moment that Mi Juanxi noticed that the cub was injured at one of its leg, the wound seemed fresh. Upon taking a closer look, she saw a broken arrow through its leg.

"Oh no!", Mi Juanxi gasped with her hands covering her mouth, the poor little thing must have been chased by humans who wanted to capture it.

"Come closer, I don't want to hurt you. I just want to help", Mi Juanxi took a step closer wanting to grab the cub however it also moved back.

It then dawned on her that she was wearing a bow and an arrow, maybe that was why the poor cub was scared? There was no way this little thing would hurt her right?

Mi Juanxi took in a deep breath and reassured herself that everything would be fine without the bow and arrow.

She took it off her body and threw it away, a bit further away.

"See? I really don't want to harm you, now come closer alright?", Mi Juanxi tried to put on the most sweetest smile.

Seeing that the cub didn't seem to trust her, she chuckled and within a second she grabbed the cub by it's neck.

Mi Juanxi let go of the cub when it scratched her around her arms but by then she had already managed to pull the arrow out.

The cub saw that the arrow had been pulled out of his leg and now the pain was gone, he glanced at the scratch on her arm.

Mi Juanxi was blowing air on the scratch when she felt the cub climb onto her and lick the wound.

It was ticklish so she started to giggle, the cub roared in his little voice and pushed his little body against her.

"You like me? Good for you, since you seem to be an orphan then how about I adopt you?", Mi Juanxi lifted it and brought it closer to her face.

The cub roared once more and licked her face.

Mi Juanxi chuckled and stood up, grabbed her bow and arrow and continued her journey with the little cub in her hands.

Meanwhile at home, Mi Juan saw the sad look on his mother's face and kicked the chair beside him. If he had known that his sister had only come home to steal their father's bow and arrow then he would have kicked her out.

Now his mother and father were heartbroken and his mother was sobbing in their father's arms.

Mi Juanxi remembered that she had almost forgotten one very important thing, she had not taken a bath for three good days!

She saw a small but beautiful river when she was almost out of the forest, she decided to take a bath there.

From what she had seen in movies, one could definitely bath anywhere aside the palace right? She would be arrested or fined for bathing in this river right?

Mi Juanxi glanced around and after making sure that there was no one around, she placed the cub down and warned it not to run around.

She also put down the arrow and the herbs, she took off every single piece of clothing except her underwear.

She untied her hair and it fell down all the way to her butt.

She was bare at the top, if one looked closely they would notice a not so big or small love-shaped birthmark between her breasts.

If any man were to see Mi Juanxi now they would definitely fall in love with her sexy and alluring body with extremely pretty face of a goddess.

Small but sexy standing round shaped breasts, extremely big rounded hips, sexy thighs and big butts.

Her skin was so beautiful and as white as snow, one might even think it was glowing.

Mi Juanxi soaked herself deeply in the water, it felt so good and warm.


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