
Flame User X Date A Live (Remake)

A young teen have been died due to God mistake. He got a second chance to live in another world. Of course the teen accept it and live his new life there. What kind of life will he have in the world that has a Spacequake cause by a Spirit? ========================================= • English is not my first language. So there will be a lot of mistake. • I'll make this story to be a slow one without any kind of rush like the story I made before. • I'm bad at harem type of story so for the beginning the MC won't have any love interest. • No crossover world but "maybe" I'll add some character out from Date A Live world to live with the MC and a short journey to another world. • Date A Live belongs to Koushi Tachibana

Suci_Disastra · Cómic
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5 Chs

Death and Meet God



I feel so sleepy.

"Not having a good sleep last night?" my best friend friend ask me.

I close my eyes and swipe some sweat from my face. "Yeah, having so much projects can make you up for the whole night." I said to the person beside me.

His name is Mochizuki Touya. Fifteen years old same while my age is sixteen. Well he will reach sixteen in a few weeks. For now we're having a nice walk after school.

Who am I? My name is Sora Tsunakawa. Most people call me Tsuna. I have an orange spiky hair that defy the gravity and a pair of sunset orange eyes. My face is normal considering how Japanese people looks. I'm just a normal student same like my friend here.

"Any schedule for today? I already bored with Date A Live light novel. The protagonist really want to make me to punch him in the face. I want to read KHR for now rather than that." I said to him.

"Why? Doesn't he have a good heart to save those Spirit?" question came out from his mouth.

"It's not like that. But you know right the MC only care about the Spirit rather than us. Put it like this, a little girl almost crushed by a giant rock and an inverse Spirit rampaging in the city. Using human logic, who will you save first? The girl or the Spirit?" I want to know how my friend think about this.

"Of course the little girl! Are you insane?" he stated.

"Now put Shido's logic to that situation. What is your choice?"

"Do you even need to ask? Of course... Oh you're right." Now he understand what I mean.

We keep walking while I see the clouds gather in the sky. Is it going to rain? It's not like a lightning going to strike the both of us right? Nah, that won't happen.

As we walk, we saw a truck being chased by a group of police car. A rare sight to be seen.

"Hey Tsuna, want to check out the forest? We still have time before dinner."

"Just because I don't have anything to do. Sure."

The both of us went inside the forest together. The atmosphere in the forest is not very crowded. But I feel that there will be something going to be happened and that's not a normal thing. Or maybe it's just my feeling?

We keep going to reach up to the hill behind the forest. The sky became getting dark. The rumbling sound has begun to reaching our ears.

"Look there." Touya point on a huge dead tree.

"Isn't that the tree of wisdom that your grandfather always said?"

"You're right. That's also the place where the cave located."

"Really?" he nodded to me.

Now that's interesting. I want to know how it looks from the inside. The cave always used for our grandfather to date. I really want to go there now. But it seems the weather doesn't on our side today.

I look at my phone and it's almost time for my daily napping. Why the hell did I agree to came here with him? Nah, whatever. The wind began to blow hard, the sky grew darker, and the drops of water began descending to the earth as we looked down at the tree of wisdom.

"The wind... It feels so different." I look at Touya who is worried.

Indeed. I also feel the same. Like something's gonna happen to both of us. But what..? When I think like that, the ringtone on my phone rings. I can heard it loud and clear.


"Touya, I have a bad feeling about this."

"Your ringtone?"


[.. with the thunderclap.]

We wait for something to happen and turn out it's just a bad feeling. The rain stop, I can't feel the breeze anymore and the sky looks so clear.

Touya tap my shoulder while rubbing it. "It's just a bad feeling, okay? Nothing bad is going to happen. Let's go home." Maybe he's right. I guess I worry too much.

I nodded to him and when I turn my body right to the path where we're going home, all I can remember is a bright light. I can't remember anything after that.

(3rd POV)

At somewhere strange, far above the clouds. We all can see a place to rest. A Japanese style room with a small TV, a round wood table with some snack and tea on it, and lastly three person sit there enjoying the calm place.

Two of them were a highschool student while the other one is an old man. They're having a little conversation. This old man is no other than god. And these two youngsters are Sora Tsunakawa and Mochizuki Touya.

The god in front of them bowed, apologizing. "And for that reason why you both died. I apologize profusely." Touya and Tsuna are just drinking their tea casually. There is no expression of panic upon hearing that they are dead.

Tsuna has just finished drinking his tea and looks at the gods. "Really? I think I don't feel that way when I died. What about you, Touya?" Seeing his friend who had just finished his tea too.

Touya just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't feel anything at all. Maybe because my life was ripped right out of my body at that moment."

With the statements said by them both the god was astonished. "Are you not mad because of this?" He really wants to know what they're really thinking.

Tsuna shook his head and gave him only a warm smile. "Of course not. Death always comes for someone when the times come." Tsuna doesn't think much about it since for him death is something that he will get in the end of his life.

Touya agreed to Tsuna's statement. He just knew why Tsuna was so courteous in this way. That's because Tsuna has two distinct personalities. 'Good thing he said it while sitting down. Otherwise, he would've gone on a rampage and start toxing the God.'

Tsuna's personality can seem quite different in two circumstances.

First, stand up. When he stands up, Tsuna tends to be easily consumed with emotion, even if it can be a little overwhelming. He's also being a little stubborn and easy to explode his emotions whenever he wants to. Also, he is inclined to be lazy about something unless there is something interesting base on his thought.

The second was when he sat down. In this position, he is more likely to settle down and be very polite to anyone he speaks to. Tsuna can also increase his focus by doubling it when he sits down and never does anything rash in a decision making. That's why he says positive things about his death.

The God laugh at those two. "Hoho.. You two are so kind." Tsuna and Touya just scratch their head after hearing that.

"No, no, you just exaggerating the both of us Kami-sama. After all, my grandfather and Tsuna's grandfather teach us to forgive everyone who always do a bad thing, whether on purpose or not. 'At least that's the last thing they taught us about socialize.'"

Tsuna nodded. "I agree. As a person who always forgive other's mistake, I will do that."

Touya cross his finger to doubt Tsuna's word. "'Yeah, because you're sitting down right now. If not then I call bullshit.' That anime really rub you huh?"

He looked at the cup that he hold. "What can I say, I really love the concept. Even though I don't really have a guardian, I'll always try to be the best for my beloved one."

For this one, Touya would absolutely have no doubt. "Well, you look like a brother figure to me." And then he murmured. "Except for your sadistic side."


"No-nothing!" Touya quickly look at the God to avoid any furthur problem with Tsuna. "So Kami-sama, where will we go after this? Heaven or hell?"

"About that Touya-kun and Tsuna-kun, none of you are going to those place." He answered Touya's question.

The two teen only raise their eyebrow as they confused why they won't go to either heaven or hell. "Not to be rude Kami-sam, but the both of us won't go to those place? Is there a reason behind that?"

God only stroke his white beard while his eyes still closed. "As I mention before, your death is my mistake. Tsuna-kun still have time about sixty years until his death and Touya-kun is fifty five years. So I want to offer the both of you a second chance to live."

"Huh?" They only tilt their head to the same direction.

Unbelievable. That's the word appear inside of their head now. A second chance and it came from the God himself. They're happy but the God haven't finish his explanation about their second chance.

"Ahem.. And before you ask about my offer, I need to tell you that you can't go back to your old world. This is the law I make for reincarnation system in God realm." Now this make them a little sad.

The God let them take their time to ease their emotion. Only need a minute and they're back to normal. A question came from Tsuna. "Then, where will we be reincarnated?"

"You two will be reincarnated in two different worlds. This is another law of because there are some problem when two people get reincarnated in one world. And also, I'll grant anything you want as a bonus. How about that?"

Tsuna and Touya look at each other before giving their thought. Touya seems to have no objection but Tsuna does have one.

"Kami-sama, are you sure we deserve to get such a great chance like this? It's not like I'm not grateful about the offer, but I just want to make sure you're not wrong to give something very important to a low human like us."

God only chuckle to Tsuna's doubt. "Of course I'm sure about this Tsuna-kun. I am a God after all. (chuckle) And please do not call yourself a low human Tsuna-kun. I can see you have a lot of good deeds behind the society when you still alive back there."

Tsuna was speechless when he heard it. He blushed unconciously while covering his face with his hair. 'I forgot that he's a God. Now Touya will know what I've been doing for being late to back home.'

Touya only put a smug on his face after knowing the secret of his best friend. He elbow Tsuna's arm and Tsuna look at the other way where his friend can't see his face.

After the teasing, Touya and Tsuna look back at the God infront of them. "Are you both ready to get reincarnated?" they just give him a simple nod. "Very well then. Who wants to be reincarnate first."

Touya raise his hand then ask. "What kind of world I will go Kami-sama?"

"Well Touya-kun, you will be reincarnated in the world filled with sword and magic. Now for the wish. What kind of wish you want me to granted?"

Touya think for a moment and he took his smartphone from his pocket. "Is it possible for me to use smartphone in that world?"

"Are you sure Touya? That's a good choice but do you think that's enough for you before going to that world?" Tsuna felt a little worried about the decision his friend had made.

He just gave me the look that said `nothing to worry about`. "Since this is the world of magic and sword, I need information as fast as I can right?"

"Good point you have there."

"So... Can you grant my wish?"

God snap his finger and a bright light appear on his smartphone. "Easily done. I match all the applications on your smartphone so you can use it on that world. You don't need to worried about get lost there."

"Thank you Kami-sama." He bowed to the God. Touya do a fist bump with Tsuna before he went to the new world. "See you again Tsuna."

He only gave him a snickered laugh and said "Likewise. Make sure to make a harem with nine girls okay?"

"No promises."

With that, God send Touya to the new world. Only leaving him a trace of light. The God look at Tsuna and ask the same question. "What is your wishes?"

Thank you for reading!

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