
First Night Together

They walk together anyway, but there is unbeliavable deafening silence between them, especially when there is no car at all at that time. No words are spoken at all. They only walk beside each other; both only looking ahead instead of initiating a conversation.

Sensing the utmost awkwardness rising in the air, Jiwon begins to brainstorm to find a legit topic to talk, before Junhoe starts instead, "Will you actually sleep at home tonight?"

Jiwon automatically halts his step and looks at Junhoe, "Sleep at home?"

Junhoe also stops walking and nods as he turns to look at Jiwon too, "I mean, you have never sleep at home during night as far as I have been living there."

Jiwon smiles lightly, "Sure, bud. I will try to start sleeping at home every night."

He continues walking and Junhoe follows after with a beam as he can finally share a night with Jiwon.

"What is your hobby?" Jiwon begins this time, though he knows it's a lame topic to talk.

"Just... Singing, I guess?" He shyly chuckles, "But my friends said I'm noisy, so now, I'm really trying my best to lay low."

Jiwon forms a smile, "Lay low? Aha, is that why you seem quiet with us?" He smacks Junhoe's shoulder lightly, "Come on, man! Just be yourself with us. We are okay with you being noisy or whatever you are."

Junhoe giggles, "No, you don't even want to imagine it, I swear."

"Then, show me what you've got," Jiwon challenges him.

Junhoe sighs, "If you insist."

And he starts singing loudly whatever song comes into his head and unexpectedly, Jiwon also joins him in singing with such enthusiasm. Later, the both of them even dance together, though it's more like snobbish dance.

But, who cares? 

The both of them are enjoying themselves together like this. Both are laughing at each other for looking so stupid being like that. Until Junhoe realizes they are not alone.

He spots two men in black suits not far, observing them closely.

He quickly stops, various thoughts come across his mind about the identity of the two mysterious men. Jiwon also stops after realizing that he is being excited all alone and turns to where Junhoe's eyes directed to.

He smiles and pats Junhoe's shoulder, "It's fine. They are Mino hyung's guys."

Junhoe's eyes round in shock, "Boss'?"

"Yeah, Mino hyung hires them to watch over me. It's fine, they will not do anything to you," he explains to Junhoe calmly though the other is sweating to think of his future.

"Boss is fine when you are with me?" He asks, feeling worrisome, as he doesn't want to get in trouble that quick.

He needs to be there longer to be able to gather information and evidence as much as possible.

"Of course. You don't have to worry. We are just walking together. That's nothing," he says though he wishes they are doing 'more'.

"I guess, yeah, you are right," he sighs in relief before the two of them starts walking home again, "Does that mean, they are always there to watch over you?"

Jiwon nods with a small laugh.

"Doesn't it suffocate you? To be wqtched like that?" Junhoe asks with a look of concern.

Jiwon just shrugs, "At least, I feel safe. It's not like they watch me at home too. So it's fine," he turns to Junhoe and smiles, "Speaking of which, how does it feel to watch me like that before?"

Junhoe swallows his saliva hard, "Huh.?"

"I'm just kidding," he giggles though he feels like he just embarassed himself again and gets quiet thena to softly murmur, "I'm sorry."

Junhoe has his eyebrows furrow at the turn of emotion. "W..why?"

"You unfortunately have to see lots of indecent things with me. I really bring bad influence to you, don't you think?" He says with a sorry look and Junhoe just snorts, "What the hell are you saying?"

"I'm serious, kiddo," he suddenly grabs Junhoe's head to make the younger face him, stopping their steps to the house.

He caresses Junhoe's hair softly and murmurs again, "I wish I have Dumbledore's power to get rid of those views you saw of me. Go away, those memories!" 

Junhoe feels his heart picking up a fast pace to be that close with him and the heck Jiwon is doing to him. How could he forget when he is that close to him?

Jiwon makes the gesture of getting rid of memories from Junhoe's head and he alone feels fun doing it. 

"Now, those memories are gone, right?" Jiwon's eyes drift to Junhoe's, and just like that, their eyes are locked together.

Both are engrossed into each other mentally.

"Is this the reason you want to walk home with me?" Junhoe asks, his hands firmly holds Jiwon's hands that are gripping his head, "To make sure I ignore what happened before."

"Of course, brat!" He forces out a chuckle as his heart is undeniably racing feeling Junhoe's rigid touch, "This pure eyes shouldn't have seen anything of that sorts. Okay?"

Junhoe frowns at the way Jiwon seems to treat him like a child that he replies, "I watch porn every night anyway—"

"Yahhhh!" Jiwon screams a bit too loud that Junhoe gets startled and lets go of the older's hands but he grins afterward to see Jiwon's nervous look.

"Yeah, nevermind. I'm honoured to be added into your porn collection," Jiwon admits his defeat and Junhoe teasingly laughs, "I didn't really mean it that way though."

"I'm not sure if I've said this, but you really do own nice set of eyes," Jiwon utters, deliberately trying to change the topic.

Or maybe not— "I wouldn't want these eyes to watch that inappropriate views." I would prefer you to do it instead of only watching it—

Jiwon gulps nervously at his own inappropriate thoughts.

"Thank you, I guess," Junhoe looks away but he really can't help forming a delighted smile while Jiwon's eyes unknowingly still following his. "But just so you know, you've said it before. But I don't mind hearing it again."

Jiwon chuckles as his heart turns calmer, his eyes finally lose track of Junhoe's because his eyes disappears from laughing, "I really have to ask this."

Junhoe looks at Jiwon again, waiting for his question.

"Do you perhaps, have a compliment kink or whatever it is called?" Jiwon asks and Junhoe snorts again, cannot believe his ears.

"Compliment kink?"

Jiwon nods, "Yeah. I mean, everytime I see you getting joyous when people compliment you. Or so, from what I've seen."

He feels a blush covering his cheeks, "You...have been watching me?"

Jiwon is flustered, but he nods anyway, like what can be wrong about watching his roommate?

Junhoe smirks, feeling a bit on the top of the world that he gets the attention from his — crush, guess so.

And he walks again, leaving dumbfounded Jiwon who wonders about the small smirk .

But he brushes it away and catches up to Junhoe. 

"We are almost home," Junhoe mutters as he can already saw the mansion from their direction.

"Right," Jiwon replies as he looks to the front and sighs a too bad.

The rest of walking home is completely quiet as the two are immersed in their own thoughts. When they are snapped out of it, they are already in front of the gate.

"Junhoe," Jiwon suddenly calls him, so Junhoe turns his head to Jiwon, "Yes?"

Jiwon fondly smiles, "Thanks."

Junhoe confusedly looks, while his hand rummages through his bag to find the gate key. "For what?"

I thought I will be super embarassed to face you ever again, but you prove me wrong. 

I actually thought you would reject my request to walk home together, since you would be disgusted by me.

Or maybe, you would not share laugh or smile with me, since you are grossed out by what you saw before.

But I was wrong.

"I have enough fun walking home with you," Jiwon quietly says before proceeding to unlock the gate with his key, stopping Junhoe from continuing to mess with his bag.

"I stole it from you earlier," Jiwon reveals, "Didn't you notice it?"

Junhoe lets out an astonished "What?"

Jiwon giggles, "I have very quick hands, you know." 

And he leaves Junhoe who is the one dumbfounded this time.

Meanwhile, in the mansion.

Jinhwan dunks down a glass of whiskey while watching a variety show on the TV. Lying down beside him on the couch is Donghyuk who is reading a fashion magazine.

From the kitchen, Yunhyeong walks to the living room before he notices two figures in front of the gate, as shown in the CAM at the wall beside the door.

He slowly approaches the CAM and forms a sweet smile seeing Jiwon together with Junhoe.

"I guess, these two are really bonded together now," he comments with a soft laugh before going to join Donghyuk on the couch.

"Who, hyung?" Donghyuk asks curiously as he puts the magazine on the coffee table, naturally leaning his head on Yunhyeong's lap.

The doctor ruffles Donghyuk's hair softly, "The roommates."

Jinhwan finally has his focus turned from the TV, "Junhoe and Jiwon?"

"Jiwon hyung's home?" Donghyuk lets out a relief smile when Yunhyeong nods to his question.

Yunhyeong utters happily, "Hope Jiwon really sleeps home tonight. I feel so bad for our Junhoe. He must be really lonely sleeping by himself."

"Why didn't he sleep with me then? I'm also sleeping alone," Jinhwan unexpectedly whines, "That workaholic also loves spending his night at studio rather than home."

Yunhyeong and Donghyuk laughs as Jinhwan is pouting right now.

"But like seriously, I was really worried about hyung. I mean, he really looked horrible before," Donghyuk voices out his concern, "It really looked like he was ready to risk it all, by going to see Mino."

Jinhwan sighs hearing the name. 

"I really hope everything's fine," he says though he really hates whenever he thought about the toxic relationship between Jiwon and Mino.

"I really don't want Jiwon hyung to face the horrible things he used to experience back then," Donghyuk sighs too, "But I guess, when you are used to be treated like that, it just grew...on you, or something..."

Yunhyeong pats the younger's shoulder, "Dong... I really want to remind you that it's not your fault. At all."

"But then, because of that, we two met," Donghyuk smiles to Yunhyeong though his heart gets hurt when he remembers how terrible Jiwon looked at the time.

Jinhwan smiles a bit but it falters as his mind unconsciously travels to that time too. At the hospital.

When all of them found out about what happened to Jiwon that he hid it well from his friends' knowledge, and the time they first found out that he turned to be a masochist.

The three of them, Jinhwan, Yunhyeong and also Hanbin, came running to the hospital after hearing the news that Jiwon was hospitalized. And found Donghyuk to be crying beside Jiwon.

His face was filled with bruises and bandages, but he still plastered a painful smile and said, "I love it anyway, the pain that he inflicted on me... So, I'm fine. I'm fine, guys."

The door slides open, pulling them all back from the memory, and they hears Jiwon's cheerful voice, "Oh, you guys are still up?" 

Jinhwan presses his lips together at the sight of cheerful Jiwon. He really hopes Jiwon will not hide his misery and share with them instead.

At the same time, Junhoe appears behind Jiwon and closes the door quietly. Jiwon's eyes make their way to Yunhyeong's direction and reluctantly flashes a dim smile to see Donghyuk's head on the doctor's lap. Cutely.

And so he walks to the couch and mildly separates Donghyuk and Yunhyeong from each other. Of course, the others take it as being playful as he is. But no one knows how broken he is, inside.

Both Yunhyeong and Donghyuk slap him jokingly while whining, "Damn, Jiwon! You reek of alcohol!" "Gross, hyung! Go wash your mouth first, can't you?"

Jinhwan laughs seeing them before deciding to join in the fun, "Jiwon, wants another round with me?" And holds up his glass of whiskey. Feeling drunk a bit.

"Hyung~!" Both Yunhyeong and Donghyuk wail at the oldest among them then.

Junhoe smiles watching them and leaves to his shared bedroom with Jiwon. He is just excited to spend the first night with Jiwon.

After some time, Jiwon finally enters the room. Junhoe is in the bathroom, so he walks to the bed, giving a short glance at Junhoe's bed before going up his top bunk.

He lies down joyfully while flapping his legs, feeling so glad to finally land here on his own bed after a fucking while.

It somehow gets him thinking, Why didn't I sleep here anyway?

Ah, I was scared of the consequences.

The consequences of losing my roommate. If ever anything wrong comes in between us.

Junhoe finally comes out of the bathroom with only towel covering his lower body and Jiwon cannot help staring at that bulky body.

He smiles as old memory came to him, Seems like he worked out a lot then. He looked like an anchovy when I saw him for the very first time. When he was still a kid. Damn, I feel so old everytime I remember that.

And he looked pretty rigid when I saw him for the second time, at the back alley.

While staring, Jiwon finally realizes, I am afraid of that consequences, but why now I'm doing the worse?

He still stares when Junhoe goes to the wardrobe to change.

I guess there is no reason for him to be in danger. As long as Mino hyung doesn't find out that he's my new roommate.

Ah, it's not because of that. Let's just hope he doesn't fall in love with me—

Jiwon automatically explodes, all by himself, because of the legit nonsense thought he had just now.

Says the one that cummed while thinking about him!  You are the one who is likely to fall for him, you idiot, Kim Jiwon...

​​​The sudden laughter catches Junhoe's attention. He walks to his bed and asks, "What is so funny, hyung? Mind to share?"

Jiwon gets flustered once again to realize that he just makes a fool by himself.

"O-oh, nothing. Don't mind me," he responds with a small silly laugh and Junhoe lands his body on his own bed then.

Jiwon is still with on his mind debating about everything that happened today. 

Why in the actual world that he cummed for thinking about Junhoe?

He slaps himself, "Get ahold of yourself, Kim Jiwon!"

While he literally begged Junhoe to destroy the view of him getting fucked by Mino, he is actually begging his mind to get rid of the reality that he cummed thinking of Junhoe.

"Are you okay, hyung?" Junhoe's groggy voice shocks the shit out of him that he blurts out, "It's all because of that fucking eyes—"

Jiwon frowns at his own embarassing self. What the hell did I say out loud?

"Should I get rid of my eyes, hyung?" 

Jiwon laughs at that unexpected question, "Yah, what the fuck?" And he throws a pillow down to Junhoe's bed.

Junhoe just snickers as he also thought it's ridiculous.

"Will you actually make yourself blind if I tell you to?" Jiwon asks jokingly.

And Junhoe responds with a fake snoring sound.

Jiwon smiles.

Aish, I really don't know what is this feeling. 



Just like that, the night changes shift with day.

Junhoe can't believe that he is finally staying the night with Jiwon, in the same room. Together. 

And he is also happy that Jiwon starts spending his night home, as he promised him.

But that's not it.


One night after several days. He found out something that broke his heart in and out.

It is just like normal night. Both Jiwon and Junhoe have small conversations about stupid things and all before both drifting to sleep, or maybe not.

When it past 3 a.m., Junhoe is awake after hearing sound of car engine arriving their mansion.

It must be Yunhyeong hyung. He did say he will be home late for several weeks. He is really a busy man.

Junhoe is about to go back to sleep, before he hears the sound of soft footsteps. He quietly turns to look and is surprised to see that Jiwon is going to the door and silently opens it. And comes out from their shared bedroom.

Junhoe's eyebrows furrow before assuming that maybe, Jiwon just went to the toilet.

But he cannot distinguish his curiousity. And so, he gets up.

Yunhyeong closes the door and sluggishly walks to the couch before slumping himself there. 

He is drop dead tired. He closes his eyes and quickly transports to dreamland.

Not even noticing that Jiwon stealthily approaches him with a worried smile to find him that tired.

He quietly crouches down and looks at Yunhyeong not even undressing himself or anything before sleeping. He sighs, after spotting that the other doesn't even bother removing his socks.

Jiwon caresses the doctor's hair, "You must be really exhausted. Yunhyeong-ah, you really have worked hard. Thank you, really," and leans his face against the couch to stare at Yunhyeong's face more clearer and closer, "I can just stare at you all day long like this, and never gets bored. That's how much I'm crazy for you, idiot." Though I'm now conflicted of my own feelings. Because of my roommate.

Trying to deny his feelings, he cautiously lifts his hand to softly touch Yunhyeong's face. Just that small action gets him smiling like a little kid. That is enough to convince him that Yunhyeong is still the one person he longs for, not some new person that just popped into his life. But he immediately pulls his hand away, not to wake the other up.

With a deep breath, he leans slowly to plant a fond kiss on Yunhyeong's forehead and swiftly pull away right after. Too timid and coward to let Yunhyeong know or realize this.

He proceeds to remove socks from the doctor's legs and carry him up to his own bedroom. 

"Why do you always crash on this couch? It's really bad for your back. You are a doctor, you should have known better," he speaks lowly to himself and smiles stupidly, "Do you even have any idea that I carry you upstairs every night?" You really have no idea.

And Jiwon also has no idea that Junhoe witnesses all of this, hiding behind the wall. With teeth gritted and fist clenched.

So, it's him...


Author's Note:

I hope everyone is still with me.