
Vernon Filam


What happened?

Oh right!

I died.

I figured I would just be teleported into my new body or something. Should've asked how the transmigration would happen.

Anyways let's see which poor soul got their body stolen…But when I tried to move I was met with a searing pain all through my body.

"Arghhh!" It was unbearable as if a molten metal rod was being poked at every part of your body. I could only wince in pain as I took in the new surroundings.

I could now see that I was laying on a bed, quite a spacious one at that. The bed sheets and blankets were all wrinkled up. I guess having your body being taken makes you move a lot.

The room I'm in is absolutely massive. The damn thing is probably bigger than my entire apartment. Expensive looking furniture was present all around. It looked like what you'd expect an aristocrat to live in.

Ah crap did I become an aristocrat? As long as it's not someone related to the five great houses I'll be fine. I'd hate to be anyone, and I mean anyone related to those bastards.

The pain I'd felt when moving had diminished to an unnoticeable amount. Somehow I had failed to notice this behemoth of a mirror in front of me, when I was observing the room. It was comically large needing to be put at an angle since it was too tall to be up straight in the bedoom. I raised my body with some difficulty to see who I'd become.

And what I saw made my heart sink to the deepest pits of hell.

White messy hair that seemed to reject all light that dare touch it. Sharp and bright red eyes that seemed to glow. Pale white skin with no conceivable flaws. A beautiful specimen of a human.

Going by the descriptions of characters given in the novel and my memeories this was undoubtedly….

Vernon Filam

Third son of the great house Filam

Stain of the five houses

The one abandoned by the gods

An antagonist in "Hero's Path"

Appearing in the early parts of the novel, he was a typical reoccurring 'villain'. He was the character I hated the most in the novel. Vernon was almost always the one behind every problem. He stood in the protagonists way whenever he could.

All because he couldn't stand to see another reject like him thrive and flourish. He didn't learn to be better and improve like the protagonist. He chose to bring others down to his level to make him feel as if though he wasn't alone. To make everything worse, in the end he just gets off Scott free living a life of luxury due to his family name.

Simply another reason for me to hate the author.

How the hell am I supposed to fix the ending as this guy!? I have to do all the things this guy did so that my plan on fixing the ending can come to fruition.

Plus with his weak and talentless body there was no way for me to participate in the events after the early parts of the story. Everything takes a large curve in power after the early stages, except Vernon of course.


Not to mention this weak bastard has no ability or skills. Even though he's a member of a great house! Every other great house descendants have an ability and numerous skills.

There's no reality where I fix this shitty ending as long as I'm this guy…..


Hearing the familiar ding. I quickly turned to my left and saw a sentence floating in the air.

Well it wasn't floating by itself. The sentence was encased in a transparent blue rectangle. Which was completely flat.

The sentence read: "can you see this Niel?"

Seeing the sentence which was most likely from llop I could only respond with confusion.

"Uhhh…yeah, I can."


"Ah, great so everything went well then! So Nie- Oh! I guess I should call you Vernon now huh. Anyways I'll be providing with the standard issue starter transmigration pack!"