
Five big shots kneel in front of me and call me mom

25 years ago, Gu Yuan who had a terminal disease was found to possess one kind of kind rare powerful gene. In order to allow the gene to pass through the generation, she donated out 5 ova before her surgery. 25 years later, she awakens. Her 5 ova had now turned into outstandings and famous men. Mmmm....who is it that laughs at her for being old-fashion, have nothing at all and penniless? The world-renowned tycoon prince accompanied Gu Yuan for supper. The media was in an uproar, is the prince going to be in love? Tycoon Prince: That's my mother. The media tycoon who controls the world media, stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw for Gu Yuan. The whole audience was in an uproar, an unknown girl going to marry into the noble family? Media Tycoon: That's my mother. The film emperor with thousands of fans who received worldwide attention broke his 8 years practice and for the 1st time ever unexpectedly composed music for Gu Yuan. The whole internet was in an uproar, is this film emperor's love of the century? Film Emperor: That's my mother. 17 years old beautiful young boy genius with IQ that beyond compares named the asteroid he found after Gu Yuan. The world was in an uproar, is this love between an older woman and a young boy? Genius Boy: That's my mother. ...... All the supporting males and females who had ridiculed and bullies Gu Yuan before cried: She actually has how many good sons?! Finally, when the handsome world most eligible top billionaire accompanying Gu Yuan for shopping, the crowds immediately shout loudly: She must be his mother! His mother! The aloof top billionaire: She is the mother of my sons. Note: Original story does not belong to me but to its owner. Translation is all done by me truly except for few chapters. If the translation isn't up to par, please be forgiving, I'm still an amateur at this. Thank you. :)

secretyooo · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs

Chapter 15

Ji Qisen led Gu Yuan's to a dining table that made bamboo tables and bamboo chairs, flowers and vines lingering around, and the sound of bird language. After the mother and son sat down, Gu Yuan remembered the man just now.

"Who is that person, why is he so annoying?" Now thinking of him, Gu Yuan felt disdainful, how can there be such a person, a wicked charm and an evil spirit, at first glance she knows he is not a good person.

A big man, still wearing pure white clothes, does he think he is making a TV series?

"His name is Nie Yu." Ji Qisen glanced at his mother and informed her of the origin of Nie Yu in detail. He also told her stories about Nie Yu's junior high school and college, Nie Yu several girlfriends' experiences, and finally said: "It was said that he likes to date celebrities now."

Gu Yuan immediately understand: "It's the kind of heart-shaped face, red lips, soft as egg skin, big eyes and high nose bridge?"

She found it on Weibo, and it has gotten a little bit popular now

Ji Qisen looked seriously at Gu Yuan, a girl who was his mother medically but who was out of touch with the real world for twenty-five years, and he felt that he was responsible for her.

He must educate his mother well so that she cannot be fooled by some fancy bad guys. Also to avoid her from led astray by others and to not let her be abducted by a bad man.

Thinking of the day if Nie Yu pursued his mother and became a couple with her, Ji Qisen felt that the picture was too dark and he dared not look at it.

This is something he absolutely cannot tolerate.

So Ji Qisen once again told Gu Yuan about some of Nie Yu's problems. He was so devoted in bad-mouthing Nie Yu that he twisted the word. Ji Qisen told Gu Yuan that Nie Yu was the president of the top media group and he can't count how many women have associated with him before, and Lu Zhiqian, who Gu Yuan hates, is a signed actor under his group's entertainment company.

After Ji Qisen said them, Gu Yuan become even more resentful to Ni Yue. Let say at the first meeting, she was one level in hating him, but after hearing her son stories, she becomes seven levels more in resenting him.

Gu Yuan clenched her fists, expressing deep hatred for Lu Zhiqian's top boss Nie Yu, and regretfully said with emotion: "How could there be such a swinger, didn't his mother teach him how to be a man?"

He was at the same age as her son, how could her son be so wise, smart, gentle and filial!

Didn't you see, there is a huge gap.

Ji Qisen very much nodded in agreement: "Mom, you must understand that it is not twenty-five years ago. Knowing people and knowing each other, it's different, you should be more careful."

Gu Yuan nodded sharply: "Okay, next time when I meet Nie Yu's, I have to hide away."

That's great.

Ji Qisen was finally relieved. At this time, the dishes were served. Unlike the Western-style meals of the Michelin chef at home. This is mainly Chinese-style, with elaborate craftsmanship, a rich bamboo forest atmosphere, elegant garden views, and ingenious meals, Gu Yuan was pleasantly surprised.

At that time Ji Qisen's mobile phone rang.

Gu Yuan now also understands the function of the phone, but no one has called her yet, so she curiously urged: "Son, your phone rang, answer it quickly!"

Ji Qisen picked up his phone and glanced at the screen.

Only a few people know his mobile phone number, and only a few can disturb him at this time, so he already can guess who called him when the phone ringing.

It was his father Ji Zhentian.

Ji Qisen got up: "Mom, you eat first, I need to go out to take a call."

Gu Yuan was quite curious about the phone call. She hadn't made a phone call yet, but she guessed her son must have something serious to discuss and nodded: "Oh, then hurry up, otherwise the dishes will be cold."

Hence Ji Qisen went out to take a call while Gu Yuan is enjoying the food alone. After eating for a while, Ji Qisen hadn't yet come back. She wanted to go to the bathroom, so she asked the waiter for the direction, and got up to the bathroom.

Who knows when she walked to the toilet, he saw a white figure.

The long legs of the young man in the pure white slim suit flexed slightly. Leaning on the lush green bamboo at will, the legs wrapped in white suit trousers are elegant and slender. The sun shines on the bamboo forest, with his hair raised and a smile on his lips, he looks lazy and cynical.

It is also beautiful and unparalleled.

Gu Yuan looked at him in the sunlight. He had a pair of narrow and long eyes, slightly upwards, which added a few evil looks. What's important is that those eyes were light brown, which was a little lighter than the eyes of ordinary people.

This reminds her of her mother who has passed away. Her mother's eyes are lighter than the average person.

Somewhat uncomfortable in her heart, such a swinger has the same colour as her mother's eyes.

"Little girl, what's your name?" Nie Yu opened her thin lips slightly his voice was lazy with a strong sense of playfulness.

"I don't want to talk to you." Gu Yuan sneered coldly, quite disdainfully.

"Why is Ji Qisen not letting you talk to me?" Nie Yu looked at her pretending to be indifference and couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes." Gu Yuan have disapproval on her face: "So please don't disturb me, and I won't disturb you!"

"What's your relationship with Ji Qisen? Is he's chasing after you?" Nie Yu felt fun in making fun of her.

Gu Yuan heard this and almost spit out blood: "Do you not understand what are people saying? Ji Qisen is my relative, a blood-related relative. Use your brain full of shits to guess better at other people's relationship, you know?

"Relatives? " Nie Yu raised his eyebrows: "Does he have relatives? Why haven't I heard of them before?"

"Are you familiar with Qisen?" Gu Yuan heard this and looked at Nie Yu with some doubt.

When her son saw Nie Yu, she felt something was wrong. The two seemed to dislike each other, like an enemy, but this Nie Yu was quite familiar with her son.

"Hehe." Nie Yu grinned with a smile: "Not that familiar, we just know each other since four years old, and we often fight."

With a playful smile on his lips, he bends his body forward. He wanted to tease the little girl and scare her. It's best to watch her cry and see if Ji Qisen feels hurt.

And Gu Yuan shouted secretly-

Sure enough, it is an enemy! An enemy from childhood!

Gu Yuan looked at Nie Yu and took a deep breath, and decided to educate the child on behalf of his mother. This person has been reduced to a social scourge, and her son is dealing with it. This is also a mother duties to remove obstacles for her son.

So she looked at Nie Yu seriously and educated him: "Nie Yu since you and my Qisen have known each other since childhood, why are you so hostile towards Qisen? My Qisen is very kind. You both are of similar ages. Can't you both become a good friend? "

When Nie Yu was about to make fun of her, he immediately choked in his throat.

Why, why did the young childish girl's eyes shine like the instructor? Why is she teaching him like a hen protecting her chicks? l

Gu Yuan saw that Nie Yu was silent, and the laughter on that face also froze. She suddenly felt that what she said should be valid, so she decided to make persistent efforts.

"Nie Yu, Auntie believes that you are a good child-like Qi Sen. You both are about the same age, and you both also smart and excellent since childhood. Your father is also a good friend to Qisen father. Since both of them can be a good friend, why don't you both be a good friend and get along, Don't fight and don't cause trouble, do you understand? "


Nie Yu spurted on the spot and laughed.

Gu Yuan looked at Nie Yu who was laughing, and her face was red and angry: "Am I wrong? Why did you disturb Qisen from childhood? My Qisen is such a good child. Why do you always find trouble with him? "

She doesn't care who is right or who is wrong, anyway, Qi Sen is her son, her son must be right, this bad guy Nie Yu must be wrong!

Gu Yuan clenched her fists in anger, gritting her teeth and frown: "What are you laughing at?"

Nie Yu finally reacted to her ignorance. It was interesting to see how she reprimand him. He stepped forward slowly, blinked handsomely, and said with a smile: "Little girl, only two people in this world can teach me. Do you know who it is? "

Gu Yuan: "Who?"

Nie Yu: "One is my mother, and one is my wife."

Gu Yuan: "???

Nie Yu pinched her chin and smiled: "Unfortunately, I don't have a mother or a wife."

Gu Yuan looked at the shameless Nie Yu and suddenly remembered that his son was also never had a mother before.

They turned out to be poor children.

She said with some sympathy: "Actually, I can be your--"

When the voice fell, she heard Nie Yu say, "Why, do you want to be my wife?"

Gu Yuan was immediately annoyed: "Don't joke around!"

How could she be fond of a child of the same age as her son!

However, Nie Yu looked at her angry face, and even deliberately teased her. He simply stepped forward: "Who is joking? I mean seriously, I want to pursue you."

With that, he stepped forward, smiling, with a flirtatious face mocking the girl.

At this time Gu Yuan was standing next to a bamboo plant, and when she saw this, she subconsciously steps back.

Nie Yu stepped forward. At this time, Gu Yuan had already step back until the end, and there was a bamboo tree behind her. She was a little scared and could only scare him and said, "Don't mess up, or I will let my son beat you to death!"

Nie Yu laughed, deliberately ignored her words and said, "You are so young and have sons? Amuse me!"

In between, he raised his hands and put it at the green bamboo behind Gu Yuan, and he was trying to caged Gu Yuan.

Gu Yuan was anxious. She came from twenty-five years ago. She was still a conservative person in her bones. How could she ever handle this situation?

Anxious and angry at the moment, she raised her hand.

Just listening to the "slap", Gu Yuan slaps Nie Yu's face.

A handsome face and five-fingerprint immediately stood out.

Nie Yu: "You, you dare to hit me!"

Gu Yuan took the opportunity to run, raised her eyebrows proudly, and almost threw out her tongue: "Hehehe, I just slap you and you deserve it! Dare to disrespect me in the future, I will just slap you like that!"

Nie Yu has been the arrogant man of heaven since he was a child. Where has he been wronged? He raised his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "How dare you!"

However, when this was said, he heard a cold voice scolded: "Nie Yu, you are too much!"

Gu Yuan looked up and saw her son.

Great, she quickly rushed over and shouted: "Son, Nie Yu bullied me!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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