
Fish Out Of Water

“It’s Duke Raymond, oh my god he looks so handsome in white!!” a lady exclaimed. Just hearing this warning bell Eloise, peered to the right. A beautiful man dressed completely in white tux walked confidently into the ballroom. His black eyes wandered amongst the crowd, searching for a certain someone. {‘Why is he here!!’} Eloise bit her lips anxiously. {‘Either way, lets run before he catches me,’} she pulled up her fluffy ruffle skirt to her knees and ran like the wind. All of a sudden she felt her skirt being pulled from behind. “How audacious of you to pull a lady’s skirt,” she shouted and pulled without taking a glance back. “My, my, I think I stepped on a cockroach, what shall I do? Shall I roast it for tainting my shoes or should I chop its head off,” a hoarse voice jokingly said from behind. {‘Shit, I’m dead,’} she glanced back in slow motion. “This..... My lord, can you let go of my skirt,” she pointed to his foot that was firmly stepping on the bottom of her skirt. “Why not, I am just expressing my emotions to the lady who expressed ardent feeling to me in her letters,” he said with a smug smirk. The crowd gasped. “She wrote him a love letter!! That shameless wrench,” some lady shouted out loud. Hearing this, Eloise’s eyelid twitched, “sir... no, Lord, I think you misunderstood. I was only expressing my heartfelt gratitude with my ‘thank you’ letter,” she enunciated each word. The duke chuckled. “Oh is that so,” he strode closer having a tight grip on her skirt, “are the words bat-shit-bastard, ring a bell. I read it in your letter,” Eloise gritted her teeth, {‘so you plan to use my word against me, huh? We’ll see who wins,’} she stepped to his side, showing her back to the entire crowd. “MY LORD! Where are you touching me?!” Suddenly she shouted, gasping her bosom. “How audacious of you. I RESPECTED YOU SIR!! How could you do this,” she screamed and ran away while he was frozen in shock. The entire ball room was in disarray. “Lord Raymond is a pervert!!” P.s I dont own the cover art

Maokitten · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
80 Chs

Chapter 33  - Rescue

"Raymond," a soft voice whispered to his left.

Startled, Raymond glanced that way. The sight alone made his heart ache immensely. His canines expanded into fangs, and his eyes turned a bright red.

'What have they done to her?..'

The lovely young girl was complexly covered in soot. Her beautiful silver white hair was messily chopped off near the nape of her neck and her wide necked dress was torn off, exposing her milky white shoulders.

'How dare they!'

His legs moved without command towards her. He hugged her tight close to his body. Only after feeling her warmth did his raging heart calm down. His eyes went back to its original colour.

'If I had been her sooner, this young girl would not have gone through so much trouble..'

His breath hitched. "Sorry... sorry I'm late."

She simply shook her head, rubbing her cheeks on his shirt.

"Eloise.... look up..." the young girl refused to and kept her head lowered.


Feeling her stammering breath, a strange fear gripped his heart. 'Is she perhaps hurt in any way?' he did a quick scan on her. Only her legs seem to be hurt, otherwise she was in great shape. 'Then why is she not talking? Why is she not giving me that quirky smirk? Who?.....'

'Who took away her smile?'

He gently cupped her cheeks, feeling the warm wetness. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

She refused to answer, burrowing her head deeper.

"It's okay now. I'm here. I will not let anything happen to you."

"But... so many died... so any innocent men died because of my mistake... so many," she gently sobbed, biting her hand.

'Tears... she is crying!'

When he first saw her she was crying as well. Back then he felt nothing. But now watching her tears roll down his heart lurched. 

The rage he had held back till now bubbled up.

"It's okay... I will take care of everything" he gently caressed her head.

Her sobs became louder at his words. "You told me to jump.... I can't swim. I don't know how to and it was dark and I kind of panicked so.. so. The lunatic captain he held me hostage so I tried to blackmail him with his snake... Now because of me.. because of my interference they....."

"shhh," he cupped her face and made her face him. Her sparkling blue eyes were filled with tears. "It's not your fault. Get it?"

Her doe-like eyes crinkle and fat tears rolled down, gliding down his fingers.

Raymond gently wiped it away and kissed her forehead. "You were very, very brave. Without you these young women and children would not have lived till now,"


"Yes, you distracted the pirates until we got here. You saved then Eloise. You saved so many of them."

"I did?" she glanced up at him with her eyes wide open.

"Yes, you did! YOU did it! If it wasn't for you, we would have not been in time and these young ladies would have lost their virtue. You saved them." He continuously appeased her whist kissed her forehead.

The young girl's sobs slowed down a bit, and she tiredly leaned again him.

"Let's get back shall we,"

She nodded, hugging her shivering shoulders.

Raymond swiftly pulled off his coat and wrapped it around her slim shoulders. With just a small hitch, he lifted her up in his arms and carefully hugged her close. "Is this okay?"

"Y—yes," she stammered.

Her shoulders were trembling and her legs were shivering. 'She must have been so scared...'

He hugged her close and placed a reassuring hand on her head. Even so, her shivers were nonstop.

'I have to distract her somehow.'

"we'll be back in our ship in no time. Your mother might get worried if you are late. Oh, and... Your maid she is safe too. But when she knew that you were taken, you know what she did?"

"What?" she curiously looked up.

"She punched a pirate and yelled at his face to bring you back. Two other strong servants had to come to stop her rampage. That little girl has got some spunk alright."

Eloise chuckled, wiping her nose on her sleeve. "Yeah, she is kind like that. When refuse to wear a dress she would literally fight tooth and nail and shove me inside. That girl is unstoppable,"

"I guessed so... that girl deserves a raise."

"Ha-ha, I know. I have a crate full of gold anyway." she glanced up finally. Her eyes were slightly red from rubbing continuously. Her cheeks were flushed pink. But her right cheek was completely red with few finger marks.

Raymond paused. His fingers gently glided over smooth cheeks. "I will never let this happen to you again. Never...."

"Hey, chill. It's okay. I'm safe and you saved me. Don't make it sound like you are giving me a vow or something," she casually chuckled.

"But I am.. I am giving you my vow."