
Chapter 4

Sitting on the bench in the university's oval, lost in her thoughts. The weather is in favor to her plans. She's going to confess to the person that keeps on bugging her mind all the time. She closed her eyes and sigh as the cold breeze brushes her milky white skin.

"Eris...Eris..." Eris called out for her name, the girl captivated her by the smile that she can never get tired of seeing. She's certain for her feelings towards the person in front of her and despite of her sweaty hands, she holds the latter's shoulders and look into the person's eyes. Mesmerized by the latter's orbs she find her self having trouble, trying to utter the words that her feelings wants to relay, closing her eyes she take a deep breath taking courage for her plan.

"Erica....I have something to tell you..." She whisper.

to be continued...