
First Term: Survival

*Excerpt* “I’m not going anywhere.” Sky said cutting him off as she gave him a cold, rage-filled smile. The male also smiled back; his grey eyes filled with delight. “Then I challenge you.” He said. Sky pulled her fans from their belt. “Fine. Dain Caellustria is the witness. I’ll get him and meet you at-” “Why go anywhere?” The male asked conversationally as Sky felt air moving above her head. She jumped to her right as a blade of air slammed into the ground. She dodged again as a yellow gray bolt of air flew at her. Left, right, back, down, over, she moved. She knew she couldn’t keep this up though. Unfurling her fans, she ran at him, dodging as she closed the distance. A big, blue-gray cloud appeared in her path and seeing it, Sky hesitated a second too long. One of the smaller darts bit into her left side. She was too angry to feel it, even though it tore deep into her flesh. The cloud started moving for her. As quickly as she could, she spoke the words for the magic shield spell. It exploded into being around her just in time. The cloud hit it and a violent wave of magical energy ricocheted back at the male. He doubled over as it slammed him into the wall. This was her chance! Sky surged forward breaking her shield spell and sliced at him with her fans. He grinned and spun, a sword flashing into existence in his hand. Hastily, Sky twisted to the side. The male’s thrust went past her. He swung sideways at her. Sky blocked with her right fan while she struck for his neck with her left. She felt a pop in her right wrist as the male jerked back out of her reach. Spinning forward with her fan blades out, Sky pressed him back. She kept up a furious string of attacks but everyone she made he countered at the last second. Then she realized it. He was toying with her. Seeing the expression on her face change, the male smiled and began attacking in earnest. It was all Sky could do to block. As she spun to the left to avoid his sword, a dagger that she hadn’t seen traced fire down her back as it cut her deeply. Sky staggered panting as she tried to catch her breath. “You know, you’re pretty good.” The male jeered. Sky looked at him. He was smiling again but it didn’t reach his eyes. They looked like death. “You’re just no match for me...

SandiBell · Fantasía
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100 Chs

So Much for Friends 2

West placed a hand flat on the table and looked at it. His jaw worked. He let out a sigh.

"I'm- I'm going to buy you for Dain." He said finally. Sky calmly carried the three waters to the table. West stared at her in surprise at her demeanor. She said nothing so he continued. "He is fonder of you than is good for him, so I know he'd treat yo-"

"No, I'm not telling you who my father is." Sky said with a proper smile as she placed the cups on the table. "I'll go wake Dain." She was walking past West when his hand wrapped around her arm. His expression was severe.

"You owe me." He said with a hard voice.

"Yes, but I don't owe you the rest of my life." Sky's hands started to shake so she hid them behind her back.

"You wouldn't have a life if it weren't for us. You would have been executed."

"Does that mean that I have to be a slave?" Sky asked feeling the once familiar numbness slipping back over her. "I'd rather you just kill me." West jerked back, his face betraying alarm.

Hastily, he snapped, "Demi, Sky, don't say things like that!" Sky shrugged.

"I left home to escape a life of slavery and mistreatment. And now a person I considered as a friend just told me that he and my only other friend want to enslave me. I am allowed to say my opinion on the subject even if it is meaningless." Sky eyes were empty as she stared at West.

"I don't-" Dain's voice said haltingly from behind her. "I don't want you to be my slave. I've told him that." Sky's eyes widened at Dain's words and instantly became over bright. She dashed at them as she turned to face Dain.

"Thank you for saying that." She wiped at her eyes again. Dain's face paled as he looked at her. Then he raced over to her and pulled her into his chest.

"You can cry if you want. It's fine." He said to her. His eyes found West's and Dain glared. "You've made her cry now. Stop trying to buy her for me." West grimaced, raking a hand through his hair

"We've talked about this, Dain. Grandfather said-"

"I know what he said, and I don't care." Dain said coldly. Sky looked up at him. She barely recognized him because of the steely look on his face. West likewise stared at him.

Finally, West recovered and said, "I know it's not what you want Dain, but this is the real world. She is a human-"

"I don't care. I won't accept her as my slave! If you don't stop this, I'll…" Dain trailed off with a frown.

West smirked, "You'll what?" Sky felt Dain's right-hand clench in the back of her uniform. He looked down and met her gaze. His expression hardened again, and he turned back to West.

"I'll challenge you to make you stop." Sky stared at him with eyes the size of saucers then she glanced at West. His face had become carefully blank.

"Fine, challenge me, then."

Dain took a deep breath and said, "West, I challenge you." West's expression became surprised again. After looking at him brother for a moment, he turned to the bags he'd brought. West busied himself removing four of the boxes.

"Okay," He said briskly. "Grandfather and Great Uncle will be the witnesses." His attention was fixed on the food as he set the wooden silverware beside the two opposite places. "These are for you, Dain." He pointed at three of the boxes. "I am going to eat in my rooms." He picked up the bag containing the fifth meal and swiftly left.

Sky bit her lip and watched the door close on his retreating back. Then she risked a glance at Dain. He was staring at the door, grim-faced. She pushed back against his arm and obediently he released her.

"Dain, I'm sorry. I didn't want this to-" Dain turned to her with a sad smile.

"It's alright. He's been wanting this for years." He walked over to the boxes and began opening them. "He's right. I'm completely starved." Dain said with a more genuine smile.

"But he left because he's hurt." Sky protested. Dain shook his head and looked at her.

He replied, "He left because he doesn't want me to see how happy he is." Gesturing to the now open boxes, Dain asked, "Which one do you want?" Sky came over and looked at them. She picked one up and put in front of her seat. Dain pulled one of the remaining boxes over to himself and began devouring it.

"Why would he want to fight you?" Sky asked, picking at her food with her fork.

Dain sighed, "I- I don't really want to talk about it. But really don't feel bad. We would have had to fight with or without you." He smiled at her. It didn't reach his sad eyes. "I'm really happy to see you." He added before ravenously consuming his breakfast.


Week 9 Day 3 Ruken

When Sky ran into class on the following morning, on Ruken, she immediately wondered if this was the end. Aven and Jin stood grim-faced at Jin's desk. No one else was in the room.

"Were- were there more cuts?" Sky asked breathlessly. She'd woken up very late and had had to run all the way from her rooms.

Hi All!

Go Dain! Woohoo!

This is the Last chapter of our Mass Release Friday!

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