
First Stygian Diviner:Apocalypse

“ You must level down to the rock bottom of hell”, a demonic voice said when he was summoned to the other side. Seth Johnson was 16 when he was sacrificed in a cleansing ritual organized by his parent’s cult, to find himself reincarnated and transmigrated to a new world that was already on the brink of extinction. People were divided by their magic power’s ranking to live in different regions and sat on ascending levels in the sky. Being born again as Isiah Duncan, the brother of Lucas Duncan the prodigy who brought the apocalypse to this world was confusing to him, he who had no powers to survive, until he was forced to level down instead of leveling up, using the diabolic core of magic instead of the divine one … --------------------------- Tags: reincarnation, transmigration,male lead, fantasy . Schedule : daily updates( 2 chaps/day). Chapter length: 1 k .sometimes more. The cover :the new cover is mine, I don't allow anyone to use it , it is made specifically for tgis webnovel. The characters in this cover are :Isiah Duncan and Eijar . -------------------- bonus chapters: 10 golden tickets: 01bonus chapters 50 golden tickets: 05 bonus chapters 100 golden tickets :10 bonus chapters -------------------------- Check out my other works: For male lead: *First Stygian Diviner: Apocalypse *I Brought Apocalypse:Villain's Supremacy For female lead: *I created the villain *The body we shared . -------- Follow me on instagram: isaac_black2013 Discord server :https://discord.gg/VNH4pKgyT3 ko-fi page : https://ko-fi.com/isaacblack

Isaac_black · Fantasía
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362 Chs

Prologue 1


Seth Johnson knew precisely where he was even before opening his eyes; the pain he felt this time was real; every organ in his body was in the process of failing, the screams were loud, the prayers too.

Every single thought that crossed his mind at that moment reminded him to hate the people who got him here in the first place. He opened his eyes because the pain was unbearable, and he was too scared to stay motionless.

His eyes captured his mother immediately; she was standing next to his father and their friends, she was trembling like an autumn leaf, yet she kept her face straight while leaning towards her husband, who remained strong until the end.

"I hate you." Seth whispered from between his injured lips.

He could have been here without a single injury, but he chose to confront, argue, and go the extra mile to change them, but he never knew that corrupted souls could not be fixed.


The prayers were too loud to purify. Every word that came out of their mouths felt like knives upon Seth's skin.


There he was, standing in front of eight thousand people from different countries and ages to witness this spiritual cleansing.

As the chanting music started, everything in his mind was becoming twisted; Seth felt his heart pounding, his breathing became difficult, and everything would undoubtedly worsen.

He closed his eyes because the bright lights were shining brilliantly, making it too difficult for them to remain open.

He started to think about the video game he had played with his virtual friends for the past three years. That was random, but somehow it calmed him until he heard someone from the audience shouting, "Let the show begin!"

He wanted to scream, but the most he could muster was a hoarse cough. A white sheet was covering his mouth. Nervously, he looked at his mother, but at this time, she remained unbothered.

He closed his eyes, and different memories flooded in. He recalled the web novel he had been reading for the last two years.

"What are you waiting for?" Someone else shouted, breaking him away from his thoughts…

Seth Johnson is the only son of Martha and Edward Johnson; he is sixteen, and it was on these two factors that the cult decided to sacrifice him for their ritual.

Growing up in such a family was too hard for him. It felt like they were living in a world that revolved around something he could not understand; countless parties, dinners, and meditation trips that always resulted in him crying in his room because he was too scared to join them in their actions.

Even when he was too little to understand, he knew precisely that hurting another person was not okay.

When he was eight, he went on a meditation trip with his parents into the forest; there were no other kids, he always asked his parents about it, but they consistently avoided giving him an answer.

Back then, he always thought that as long as he was safe and sound, Seth wouldn't think about or intervene in their rituals, and that's how he ended up here... eight years later.

Just the day before, he received his first confession of love from one of his classmates. This was a big deal for a boy his age, but he couldn't help feeling uneasy as he always thought of himself as scum.

Seth knew perfectly that he couldn't run away from this; perhaps his entire life purpose was to stand in front of all people at this moment.

His mother assured him that he won't feel pain once the anesthetic started to numb his body. It took so much time for it to do its work, but the heaviness of his own heart was becoming more threatening to his life than being here. 

He opened his eyes again, and this time he looked at the crowd joined in this theater.

He recognized the place immediately, this was the local theater, and it was placed in the middle of the city. 

The building was ancient, significant, and precious due to its history.

It was not his first time standing on this stage.

When he was 10, his school organized a play, and he acted in the lead role. 

Who knew that he would be standing here again, only to be mercilessly killed. 

Because of the darkness, he could only see the people standing near the front of the stage, but he knew exactly their number. Everyone that joined his parent's cult was here... all the eight thousand people seeking redemption. 

The lights were focused on him. To the crowd, he was the star of the show; they were all joined here to purify their souls by offering him to the other side...

The other side that everyone so desperately wanted to believe existed. 

He wanted to talk and beg for his life, but the sedation was too much, so much so that he couldn't form any proper words. 

This was making him go crazy; he looked at his parents one more time and felt his heart drowning under concrete; there was a look of pride in their eyes; it felt like this was the only thing he had succeeded at in his life.

Seth cried; his world was shaking; being a good kid to them never mattered; he never mattered until this particular moment. 

He thought to himself, 'Pride? Of course not ....you were their biggest failure, you never believed in the cult's teachings, and as a result, you had to be terminated... They had to set an example for their disciples and even used your death in their favor.'

Seth was intelligent, smart enough not to fall for their corrupted ideals his whole life, wise enough to know the world as it is, not through their deceiving eyes, and for that, he had to be punished. 

His only fault was being brilliant.

That moment...

Seth killed them in his head and enjoyed it enough to smile at the end of their show...

hiiiiii guys ,

i wish that you are all good and that you were enjoyed by the first chap, it is an introduction to our mc, i hope that you like it.

The updates are daily and if if you have anything to say, just say it...i am all ears .

i have great ideas about this story , i am planning to upload it for so long with either twice a day or once day .

support me on the WSA with powerstones , reviews, comments , views, gifts, golden tickets.

and i promise you that i will level up as a writer

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