
First love lasts forever

Ahana lived in a California with her family. She was in a high school. There is nothing which she needed she had good marks, appreciating teachers, supportive family and friends but no real friend also her family members were supportive toward her studies only. They never cared about their daughter. They never loved her like their own child. Even she didn't had bonding with her mother because she was a working women and when she came back from her office she had many households to do. Her father didn't like her when she was young she wasn't good in her studies. She got complaints from her school. When she was young she was a burden on her parents.

When she passed out in second standard her parents decided to change her school and little girl decided to work hard in her studies.She tried and tried even she managed to cry many times but her hardwork improves her grade . slowly she became topper of her school. Now she was liked by her family but not too much she always feels depressed, she just wanted to go somewhere where no one can see her. Externally she looked normal but internally she was broken internally she needed some love. She didn't manage to told her inner feelings to anyone. She made herself busy in her books, homework and in household . she was doing good in her life. When she got in eighth standard. She was changed completely. She had now many friend some were good some were bad but still she had no real friend. Because of her friend circle. Her behavior was changed now. She cared more about her looks but she was also focusing on her studies. So one scold her about that. She developed interest in finding love outside .She started her search about love, she wanted to be in love with someone. She wanted to feel the love . As days passed her exams were nearer. She started preparing for them and forgot about her need of love.

When her exams were over and result was declared. She filled with the joy because she stood first, her parents were proud on her. When the school reopened she started focusing on her studies but when she stuck in a discussion with her friends about their boyfriends. Her feelings of love was reincarnated but this time more strongly . She tried to found her love but she didn't manage to found it .She lost her hope of finding love or getting loved by someone.

As time passes her mid-term exams were near. She started preparing for them. It was her science exam and her seat was beside her seniors seat. Who was in eleventh standard. She took her seat and started doing her exam as she completed her exam, she sat straight on her seat and started revising her answer sheet. Her senior intrepted her and gave her his introduction. He was Tom from eleventh standard and was a student of non-medical . Then Ahana gave him her introduction.They become nice friend. Whenever they saw each other in school campus they greet each other with a smile.

One day Tom came to her during free period and asked for her Instagram account she gave it to him. When she reached home she checked her Instagram account. She got a DM from Tom. He texted her that one of his friend Jack liked her friend suzzi. Suzzie was good friend of her she was beautiful with lots of attitude, but after all she was her friend she had to discuss this with her. They decided to met at there school campus after lunch tme when next she told her friend about Jackd feeling she bursted into laughter but she agreed to meet Jack. After there launch they reached to their meeting place where Jack propsed her friend Suzzi and she agreed with him after that they talked to each other. Ahana also started talking to Tom They spent great tme with each other. Strom of Jacks heart was now become a silent sea but their was another strome of love rising in heart of Tom for Ahana.

When Ahana reached her home and checked her instagram she saw a request from a stranger named @Rock22.nov. She to his text hii! Then they started texting each other . he texted her that she saw him once in a school. She texted him back that she did"t remember where and when she saw him she also asked him to send his picture because he didn't posted anything yet. He sent her a group picture of himself with his friends and asked her who was he in that. She got confused and guessed wrong answers again and again. Then boy asked her that she is going to the school tomorrow? She replied "yes".Then he told her that tomorrow he will going to wear purple hood, I few you find me then just wave your hand.

e pasNext day she saw one was wearing a purple hood in their school campus then she texted him after reaching home. The boy burst into the laughter and told her whole truth, after listening to that Ahana got freaked out. The stranger who commented on her picture that she isn't looking good in her posts the stranger who told her to find him in school …. Was one of his friend's friend. Its was jaffer who was his senior friend of Tom. she suddenly remembered that she saw him first time when she had meeting with Tom and Jack with her friend suzzi. After remembering that she bursted into laughter,After chatting for some days they become good friends. They started talking more and more . Even in break during the school time they talked to each other. Jaffer was now only boy who Ahana liked to talk.

Jaffer was not intelligent, suave and obedient like Ahana, he was not good in studies neither he was good student nor he was co-operative. He was too mischevious. He was always in search of way to tease anyone .But after he meet Ahana he got fully changed now he was captine of his school's football team also started improvimg his grades now he become an average boy not liked by everyone but not hated by all. One day on chat he started flirting with her and she was also liking it. Conversation between them started becoming more and more romantic. They started loving each other innerly.

On 14 Feb [valintine's day] they meet each other in school and talked a lot but they did't express their love. In evening when they were chatting with each other. Jaffer texted some romantic lines to her and she lost her control over her feelings and texted him "I love you" and in reply she got "I hate you" she was shocked by his reply before she could think anything wrong he texted her that in his hearts language "I hate you = I love you'". Then Ahana took no time and texted him I hate you too. Both filled with the feeling of love.

They meet each other in school after their lunch time for 1-2 weeks,and then their final term exams were started both of them kept distance from each other they only talked to each other on instagram at 8;30 in night after their dinner time. They both prepared very well and achieved great marks both of them were promoted to next standard. But something bad happened which added some bitterness into their relationship. After their second last exam lockdown was applied on school due to corona so schools were closed. They had instagram only as a source to talk. This was a huge problem for them because Ahana's parents were too strict they will never going to buy her phone before her 12 standard. She had to use her sister Stella's phone and if she tell her she didn't allow her to use her phone. But with some courage she asked her sister Stella for her phone and she allowed her to use it in night at 8;30 just for 45 minutes . they passed 1.5 years of their relationship by only talking to each other on instagram just for 45 minutes. But still After this great problem they had unbelievable love for each other they had blind trust on each other they had countless expectations from eachothers

As time passes their relationship become more and more strong. They started taking each others dream. One day on chat they discuss their future plans. Ahana wanted to be a first class officer, but Jaffer only wants a middle class job and Ahana for his future. But Ahana was a good student always high marks so she always dream big. Ahana was an animal lover so Jaffer always asked her in a teasing manner to buy a zoo and she laughed at his joke everytime. Ahana wanted to travel the world but Jaffer just wanted to travel California. Ahana always told him that she loves animalso in future she will buy two dogs one Golden Retriver and another husy because huskies are dramatic like her and retrives are smart and paitent like Jaffer , Jaffer always told her that one he will gift her husky before she could buy it.They also decided their pets names Ahana told Jaffer about her plans one day she wanted a first class job, then she will travel with him across the world then they will buy an apartment from their savings and then they will marry eachother and buy two dogs and live with them in their little apartment foe always, and grow old there. Jffer was in love with her smartness her ctness he was in love with her everything . The day when Ahana told her about their future plans he got butterflies in his stomach and he was not able to sleep whole night at that day . Jaffer was always busy in taking dream of Ahana as her wife. He was never in love with anyone in such way.

One day stella found Ahana's insta account opened in her phone and she read her whole chat with Jaffer. She got angry and told Ahana to ntot to talk to him but she refuge to do that . Stella got angry and stopped talking to her but as timsed she

started excepting their relationship she started liking jaffer and a day come when she was completely happy with their relationship. whenever Ahana meet jaffer in community park they talked a lot until stars covered the sky.

As time passed they grew old and their bond become more strong. Ahana got her dream job and jaffer was also become a coach of football in an university They both were doing well in their life. So one day they decided to go on world tour. Both lied to their family that they were going on a business trip, with their savings they visited Bali, New York, Pairs, Belgium, India, Andaman Nicobar island, Hawaii, Lakshadweep and many other countries. They enjoyed the every movment they spent with eachother. When they were visiting India[Manali]. It's one of the most beautiful hill station of India . Manali was fully covered with a white snow. It was extremely cold outside anad Ahana wasn't wear her clothes properly so she catches cold. During this period Jaffer took care of her.he dressed her, tie her hairs, cook food for her . with thw love and care of jaffer she got well .

When she got well they attend a party which was held in their hotel. Ahana was drunken badly she even didn't managed to walk properly when she was about to fall Jaffer held her tightly in his arms and gave her a warm hugand he deeply looked into her eyes with a great concern she was looking at him in romantic way. She came close to him and gave him a kiss, it was the first time when they kissed eachother in nine years of their relationship this made them feel little uncomfortable but they were okay with that feeling she kissed him for 4-5 seconds and then Jaffer dared to kiss her back . Then they moved back to their room where lights were off and jaffer was holding half drunken Ahana in his arms suddenly Ahana started expressing her love to jaffer she started kissing his neck Jaffeer also started behaving in same manner .They had sex at that night, they express their love toward eachother and lay on each others side for hours.

When it was the time to go back they were not ready for that but they have to do that. They gave a kiss to each other. After coming back from world tour they got busy in their work but they were feeling tha they are connected now they could feel eachother this time her elder sister Stella's wedding was about to had, so she decided to invite Jaffer at her sister'S wedding to intract him with her family. Firstly her parent didn't allowed for that but eventually they agreed for their wedding

After 3 years of her sister's marriage she was also married to Jaffer and third dream got completed. They were little uncomfortable to kiss other in church in front of their parents but they liked this unfortableness and kissed eachother and this kiss stopped the strome of their heart and bring somr peace to them.

Jaffer inpressed everyone by her love toward Ahana. When he saw Ahana as her wife in wedding gown he couldn't managed his tears and they rolled down of his eyes. This tears are of his happiness of his success these are for getting everything in his life which he dreamt for .

After the wedding retuals they reached their apartment which they bought by their own savings they felt it like a paradise. When she entered the bedroom she saw a bedroom decorated with red roses and a pink huge box was on the bed, when she asked him about it. He said he didn't know know what it is she sat on the bed and opened it and she got surprised by it. [Guess what] it was a husy and a retriever in it the two little puppies came out with the jump. And she gave them a kiss and turned to Jaffer and gave him a tight hug. They talked whole night play with eachother.

When she got up in the morning she found breakfast ready both dogs were sleeping with her.She found Jaffer wo was working in kitchen. They both get fresh and ate their breakfast . As time passes they work well in their jobs and in their lives .

One day when they were getting ready for their candlelight dinner . suddenly she got faint on bed on bed. Jaffer got worried he called thr doctor and doctor told him that his wife is suffering from cancer she is in second stage. Jaffer got pang and he sat down near Ahana and waved his hand in her hairs and kissed on forehead. When in morning Jaffer told her about it she got lost . she lost her power to fight against it Jaffer gave him some inspiration when he asked him about reason of her worry she told him that she was worried about his future without her. He replied nothing would going to happen to you . you would always going to stay with me. She hugged him tightly and burst into the tears tears were also rolled down form Jaffers eyes .

jaffer took care of Ahana as he could . When her third stage come doctor told them that she had no chance of being saved she just had 1-2 weeks, in these weeks Jaffer took care of her as he could .

On her last dat when she was about to leave him forever he asked jaffer to hold her in his arms he done so as she ordered and shen gave him a gentel kiss on his forehead and told him she loved him she is loving him and she will always love him even after her death . she told him to to cry and tok care of their dogs and himself also. Jaffer bursted into tears hand kissed her on her hands and told her "I love you,you are my first and last love " then she replied him I love you too and left his first love alone in this world….

written by- bhumi

insta account[bhumikaur22]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

bhumi_kaurcreators' thoughts