
First Light Of A New Age

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SPBasilio · Fantasía
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113 Chs


Unidentified Location, Unidentified Location, Unidentified Location, Unidentified Location.

First Year Of God, First Day, First Five Days, First Month.

The streets were bustling as the high moon sets for the first time since the start of a new millennium. Parties were all happening in and out of every home to celebrate the start of a new millennium, while the undesirable ungifted people and other races were being forced to do labor just because they were powerless to change any of the standard in the world.

Magic since the dawn of time rules over the weak and reign supreme above all. Those who possess magic, no matter the class or race, will immediately be uplifted to the upper parts of society. Discrimination was in an all-time high, no matter the era. After all, those who possess the supernatural will have the power to move the mountains, split the sky, and control the land. Fortunately, only a select number of people know this kind of magic. After all, even if they reign supreme, they first have to learn how to use and harness their power. It is a hard path.

Unfortunately, the power of the mages creeps into and every corner of the world. They immediately hammered every single kind of resistance down. Now that they are almost everywhere and their power creeps in and into every part of the society. Change looking like very impossible. The dominance of these magicians, wizards or whatever they are called marches invincibly.

The powerless have lost their hope, but not all have lost it. Once, from hundreds of years ago, a prophet arrived and brought a message that at the start of the next millennium, the day of liberation shall come forth. A few believed him and when the prophet was caught by the authorities, they immediately executed him.

It was now the time the start of a new millennium and those who still remember the words of the prophet were all praying to their respective gods and goddesses. Perhaps this time liberation shall finally come forth…..


High Tarxan Nation, New Tarxa, High Elven Ville, Tarxan Palace.

First Year Of God, First Day, First Five Days, First Month.

Celebrations were happening on each part of the magnificent palace, left and right from royalty to the first-class citizen. Many magnificent magical fireworks lit up the sky. The mood of the people was sky high. After all, who wouldn't be happy at the start of a new millennium? It is the start of a new era, new things shall come forth. With each millennium that has passed, it blessed them with unimaginable wealth and power that stretch from kingdoms to kingdoms.

It was high time for celebrations, drunken men and women fell one by one as the first-class citizens and the aristocrats drink themselves until they fall asleep. One would think that this type of event happens everywhere. Unfortunately, that is far from reality.

Outside the outer walls lies the slum, where most of the population was kept and to be left slaughtered by wild animals. They were given no protection by the first-class citizens and the aristocrats. So it was up to them to fend for themselves. Every available material that could be used as weapon they used.

They smashed anything that threatens the higher part of society to smithereens. Which came to be disadvantageous for the lesser ungifted folks. Advancement of technology were limited and sometimes were requisitioned by the first-class citizens to protect their own kin.

One would see that there is truly no chance for the 2nd class citizens or the lesser ungifted folks to change their faith. Fortunately, there is once chance in their entire lifetime where they could change their faith. That is when they come of age, where they might awaken the supernatural or magic in their body. Granting them unimaginable power if learnt how to use.

Once in a year, the legions of first-class citizens marched out of the safety of their walls to adopt children that came of age that have awakened their magic. Unfortunately, very few of them awaken their power. They would then use those people who awaken their power to breed amongst themselves so that the chance of continuation of the bloodline would continue.

The first-class citizens have a type of ritual where they could share their own bloodline with the person who they have adopted, and in doing so, the bloodline would become one where the dominant blood takes over the other. Which the one who is awakened for a long time. In doing so, the person who they have adopted would also become their kin and would lose all their blood connection to their biological family.

However, the power that they have awakened that is unique to them won't be lost. It's just that the first-class citizen only wants to continue their blood instead of being influenced by the weaker blood of the newly awakened one.

Panning back to the palace, one could see that the first-class citizen were all but asleep at the celebration. They dwell in hedonism and moral degeneracy of their lifestyle just because they consider themselves superior to others, so that would mean that nobody could challenge them. So they could do whatever they like to a lower-class citizen, but they would have to first seek permission from a fellow first-class citizen.

The problem is they are all degenerate of their own kind when one views it from a third party perspective. They engage and engage in everything that gives them pleasure, while the lower classes work their heads off just to earn a living.

However, it might seem like that they are all a useless hedonist bunch, but beware they hold unimaginable power that could easily kill a person within seconds, and they aren't afraid to use it when things don't go their way.

Unfortunately for them, the gods and goddesses have abandoned them. What awaits for them in these new eras is a struggle, a struggle for dominance and liberty. Liberation shall finally come forth and it would doom anything that opposes the liberators to eternity.