

Qiang Muchen is known in college for his crazy and sassy character and to top on that, he's also known to be the school loser. Well that's all thanks to the baggy clothes and rimmed glasses under which he hides his true beauty. And another thing you should know about Muchen is that he comes from a family of supernatural being, he and his parents each have a power they posses but have to keep a secret. They also have the power to choose their soul mate through a first kiss. Having a huge crush on Lui Chen, a guy whose beauty had got him hooked on the first day made Muchen choosing him as his soul mate and also the guy he will have his first kiss with but then... A little mistake got him kissing someone else and he turns out to be the worst of the worst... a playboy, a creep and most of all, he is the school bad boy. What do you think will happen between this two? Will the bad boy be his soul mate or will Muchen end up with his crush? Find out in this intriguing novel.

Payu_rain20 · LGBT+
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1 Chs


༒︎♔︎ (First kiss)♔︎༒︎

Dressed in his white wedding suit, Muchen walk down the aisle, a huge smile played on his lips mostly for his loved ones who were all in hall starring at him and also for the man who is waiting for him in the front.

He got to him and just when he's about to take the hand he stretch to him, they all heard a voice thundered behind them.

"Muchen! Are you really doing this again?" The middle aged man who walk into the hall asked.

"Err...doing what exactly?" Muchen ask quirking up a brow.

The man walk towards him and taking out his hand fan, he began to hit it on Muchen's head.

"Wake up you fool! Wake up and stop sleeping in my class"

Muchen open his eyes to reality only to see his teacher glaring down at him and also the other students starring at him.

Did he fall asleep during class? He thought wiping the saliva off his lips and also wearing his glass properly.

"Why exactly do you tend to sleep in my class!" The teacher yelled at him.

"Am sorry professor Mo, it won't happen again" he said.

"You said that the last time too. Aren't you scared to flunk this class?" He yelled spitting on him.

"I would if it were math or other core subject but it's history, so f**king boring" he thought this within.

"Am sorry sir, I promise to keep on sleeping....I mean to refrain myself from sleeping in your class " he said causing laughter from some of the students.

"You really are a hopeless case" Professor Mo said before going back to his position and after addressing them on their projects, he left the class and soon every one began to disperse while some linger to chat.

"Sleeping Qiang Qiang" Li Jie, Muchen's only friend called as he came to join him.

"Don't even get me started" Muchen said.

"I won't but I just want to know how it felt having Mr Mo spit on you while he lectured you" Jie said.

"Terrible, that man is a talking disaster. I don't even know why I signed up for his class" he said.

"That's because you flunk maths and you need an extra subject to make up for it " Jie said to him.

"Whatever, as soon as I can am quitting his class for....." Muchen stop talking when people screams outside the class caught his attention.

Jie took hold of Muchen hand pulling him out of the class so they could witness the spectacle going on before it's over.

But this didn't turn out to be a spectacle cause the four hottest guys in Tong Xiu college who were passing by were the one causing the noise.

👥"They are all just perfect!"

"Is Qiang Boqin lips for me?" 👥

👥"Take me in your arms for one night, Zhang Wei"

"Am here for you Lui Chen, any time you want me" 👥

👥"Be mine, Aang Chuanli. I love you so much"

"Their name suits them perfectly, my Terrific four"👥

The girls screamed out saying praises their way and Muchen found his gaze going to Chen.

The most handsome, his super duper crush and the guy who will soon be his soul mate.

He had his face fixed on his phone while the other guys kept waving at the girls causing some of them to faint.

Muchen scoff at them and just at that particular moment, he caught Wei starring at him, Wei smirked at him before looking away causing Muchen to wonder why he did that.

Well he's known to be a flirt and a big bully in school, he isn't like his Chen who is as gentle as a dove, he thought grinning foolishly.

"Snap out of it! I know you are crazy about Chen but don't let it show" Jie said.

"I just can't help it! He's just so perfect!" Muchen said shaking his body in excitement.

"He looks like a Zombie doing that!" Someone said to his friend as they walk past the both of them.

"And you look like a moron with that smile on your face" Jie retorted which wipe off the smile on his face.

"Exactly my thought bestie" Muchen said giving him a high five.

"But to be sincere, you've got to improve with your dressing. You keep hiding your sexy little body beneath this baggy clothes, how will Chen ever notice you?" Jie asked.

"He will, soon enough Chen love will be mine" He said walking off while Jie followed suit.



"Seems like you both have gotten gifts from your girls and boys fan again" Boqin said walking in with some gift bags which had Wei and Chen name on it.

"Probably a sexual letter inviting Wei for a f**k again, remember the last letter he got from that Xixi girl? She sure was bold " Chuanli added, eating a snack since eating is his hobby.

"How are things with her? Are you still f**king her?" Boqin asked.

"Ended things with her three days ago and now am being stalked by her" Wei said showing them his phone which had a lot of missed messages from Xixi.

"Wow....she sure is one who doesn't give up on a guy" Boqin muttered.

"I might feel flattered if it's me she wants but as it turns out, she only wants more of my d**k" Wei said throwing his phone on the chair while he went through the gifts bought by those who are also after his d**k.

"Aren't you gonna check yours?" Chuanli asked Chen who was busy selecting a music to play.

"Not interested" Chen replied.

"You are always not interested even when a hot blooded female is in front of you, you are still not interested. Should we just set you up with a guy?" Chuanli asked Chen who threw him an angry look.

"Oops! That fell out wrongly, am sorry" Chuanli said as he continued with his snack.

"Am just not interested in dating or f**king any one as you three put it" Chen said before leaving the lounge.

"I don't know why he's always worked up over nothing!" Chuanli said.

"He might probably be scared of dating someone" Boqin chipped in.

"Let's just leave Chen alone, he's probably going through some things we can't fathom. Help me bring his gifts" Wei said...



"You are just so cute, I love you Chen and tomorrow you will be mine" Muchen said as he stare at a picture of Chen on his phone while rolling with so much enthusiasm on his bed.

"Prepared for the D-day tomorrow?" his mother ask as she came into his room.

"Of course. Am gonna clock twenty tomorrow and I will get to have my soul mate, isn't that amazing?" Muchen ask as he sat up starring at his mom.

"It is and I want you to choose the right guy. Just like I found your father, I want you to pick a perfect guy who will cherish and love you for eternity" Jennie Qiang said to her son.

"That is no problem cause am sure you will like the guy I've set my eyes on but tell me more about what will happen after I've had the first kiss" Muchen said.

"Well after the first kiss comes the attraction and then attraction blossom into love" Jennie replied.

"Was that how it was for you and dad?" Muchen ask and she nodded.

"Just as it was right for me, it will for you" Jennie said while Muchen cuddled close to give his mom a hug.

"Happy twentieth birthday in advance my sweet" Jennie said.

"Thanks, mom"

"And remember that your super power is in your fist, make sure you don't use it on anyone or they will notice" his mother warned.

"I know and that's why I don't get into fights with anyone, why can't I just see the future like you?" He muttered.

"That's because we that are blessed with this power are given different kind of it, so let's just be grateful about the powers we have" Jennie said while Muchen nodded wondering how Chen will feel if he some day finds out about his super natural abilities.



With a gift wrap in his hand, Muchen made way to the Terrific four lounge.

He stood by the door way and put his ear on the door trying to hear Chen voice from inside which he did.

Nervously he turn to stare at his gift while practicing what he will say to him.

"Have been in love with you for a while now and I know this confession of mine must be sudden but then I love you...will that be good?" He muttered scratching his hair while thinking of another way to approach him.

"That's the most terrible confession have heard in all my life" Someone said startling him and he turn only to see Wei there.

"Are you planning on giving that to Chen?" He ask starring at his gift.

"Mind your darn business!" He said wanting to leave but he pulled him back.

"A piece of advise. People like you aren't Chen's type and even if you are, he wouldn't give you a glance cause you are damn ugly, your hair, your face, your clothes are all a failure" he said which almost brought tears in Muchen eyes since he know that Wei is right.

"So just leave before you end up disgracing your self. Take it from me that Chen would definitely say no to you" Wei added.

"Jerk!" He muttered and turn to leave only for him to pull Wei back again.

"What do you want?" Muchen yelled at him.

"I know this must sound a bit crazy to you but can you hug me?" Wei ask suddenly.

"What! Are you crazy?" Muchen ask.

"It's only gonna be for a while" he said wrapping his arms around him while Muchen eyes widen in shock.

Muchen was about to push him away when he heard a girl say,

"So is he the reason why you decided to dump me?"

"Oh! Xixi it's good to see you again" Wei said still having his arms around Muchen.

"What's good about seeing me when you broke up with me on the phone?" Xixi asked.

"Do I really have to tell you face to face that am sick of you already? Well it's a good thing you are here now cause am with my babe. Love, say hi to her" Wei said turning to stare at Muchen who was starring at him like he is the most craziest person on earth.

"You must be crazy to think that I will...Arrgh!" He let out a scream when the door was suddenly push open, It push at him back making him collide into Wei who still had his arm around him.

Wei slip which got him falling flat on the floor while Muchen fell on him and due to the impact of the fall....

He ended up kissing him!!!

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️