
First Floor Adventures in Aincrad

A set of short stories highlighting the experiences some had gone through on the first floor of Aincrad.

NaxisNeok · Derivados de juegos
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10 Chs

Robert Mitchell (cont.)

The sun hung low, casting shadows through the dense virtual forest as Robert Mitchell, a middle-aged man with graying hair, ventured beyond the Town of Beginnings. With his trusty two-handed axe, he aimed to find solace and a direction in the forest beyond the Town of Beginnings, threading through the wilderness.

Strolling down the simulated trails, his thoughts meandered back to a hiking trip with his two sons, the vibrant autumn hues accentuating the vivid memories in the real world. Crisp air, laughter echoing through real-world woods, all seemed to materialize in the digital realm. The sound of leaves crunching under his boots brought a familiar warmth to the virtual stroll.

A particular spot flashed in his mind – a serene pond surrounded by tall trees. There, he and his sons had turned a simple pastime into a lively competition, skipping stones across the water. Ducks floated undisturbed by the friendly rivalry happening on the shore.

"Do you remember this, Dad?" asked one of his sons, a mischievous grin accompanying the smooth stone he picked up.

"Of course," Robert replied, a warmth in his voice. "Let's see if you can beat me this time."

The memory echoed as a bittersweet melody in his mind as he continued through the digital forest. The paradoxical beauty of this new landscape mirrored the vivid scenes from that day. It recreated the sights and sounds, yet left Robert yearning for the tangible world. The bond forged outdoors with his kids, the shared joy of skipping stones and watching ducks, now felt like a distant echo despite the realism of this world.

In a clearing illuminated by the sun, Robert paused to reminisce about the trail he once hiked with his sons again. The bark on a nearby tree felt rough as he smelled the air. This world while virtual was meant to be a new reality for everyone trapped here. How could anyone accept that when they might have all the reasons in the world to prefer the real world to this fantasy one? The memories of the outside world were like anchors to him, fueling his need to get stronger and get out.

"It might take me some time, boys, but I will get home." He muttered as the reminder of constant danger in this world appeared in the form of large vine monsters dropping from the trees above. Robert readied himself, drawing his axe and preparing a low-level skill he recently learned. His axe blade glowed red as he slammed it down, destroying one of the monsters in a single hit.

"Shitty cooldown time, its too long." He muttered and turned his attention to another monster nearby, blocking its vines with the handle of his axe and moving the best he could to find an advantageous spot. The forest echoed with the clashing sounds of metal against vines as Robert fought to survive.

"Buying these potions this morning was a good decision." He muttered after using another small HP potion from his inventory. "Five left, I should have bought more." He hefted the axe and swung it down, dealing some damage as he blocked away a vine.

The tranquility of the forest transformed into a battlefield, but Robert remained focused. The fight against the vine monsters became a dance of skill and strategy, his axe cleaving through the digital foes. The sun dipped lower, casting an orange hue on the chaotic scene as Robert persevered, each swing of his axe a step closer to mastering the dangers that lurked on the first floor.

As the last monster disintegrated into pixels, the forest returned to an uneasy calm. Yet, the urgency pulsing through the game remained, propelling Robert forward. The journey he set for himself was still long, an opportunity to level and grow stronger in Sword Art Online's vast expanse. While this might be the first floor, he knew subsequent ones would pose even greater challenges. He collected the drops and continued through the forest, he would set his goal to make it past the forest and turn around to return to the town safely.

"Rushing things will only kill me..." he muttered, the quiet of the night surounding him as he spoke to himself. "I need to stay alive and make it back to hem dammit!" He punched a nearby tree in frustration. This day had only served to remind him of his sons and his reason to try so hard to live, but it also reminded him how long this really could take.

I wasnt sure originally if I was going to bring any other characters to continue their story but I wanted to stick with this man longer, hard to say until when though.

NaxisNeokcreators' thoughts