
The Most Powerful Vampire King on Earth

Abaddon folded his arms as he tapped his foot impatiently.

Four whole minutes had gone by and not a single vampire in the room had said a god damned thing.

The looks he was receiving now were even more absurd than when he first sprouted his horns and tail. 

Mateo looked to be the most broken. 

Abaddon could even hear him repeating the same sentences in his mind over and over again as he tried to make sense of this situation. 

'Vampire king..?'


'He's fucking with me.'

'Should I laugh...?'

'No one else is laughing.'

'Does that mean he's not joking..?'

'Vampire king... me??'

This cycle had been repeating itself continuously with no visible end in sight.

The rest of the vampires weren't even saying anything, they were just standing around completely frozen from shock like broken little dolls. 

"This takes being surprised just a bit too far. Should mere words really cause such a reaction?"