
The King of All Birds

As soon as Ziz stepped out of the column of golden fire, Yemaja began rubbing her hands together like a famous old rapper who, ironically, was also associated with birds. 

The golden phoenix was more than a head taller than her in this form; appearing to be around 6'3. (They had shrunk themselves when they came to earth so that they wouldn't stand out.)

Ziz had pale skin twinged with a light golden complexion.

He appeared to be an Asian man in his early to mid twenties with a rather radiant demeanor.

His long golden hair was tied behind his head in a single braid that came all the way to the floor.

Contrary to his phoenix form, his eyes were a bright green color like grass on a summer day. But those precious gems sat behind a pair of circular gold-rimmed sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.