
Following Him Around

She had never come early to class. But today when Essie arrived Vanita was already in her seat, with eyes glued to the doorway.

"Hey, are you that excited to see him. It was only yesterday when you vowed never to think about him " Essie said

"But it was also yesterday that he kissed me" Vanita blushed just thinking about it

Essie looked at her hopeless friend & decided to let her be.

Essie sat down and looked at her friend "Ahhh you are done for " but before she could continue with her statement Vanita's face changed.

Ahe immediately turned her head down and bit her lower lip.

"what the hell is wrong with you? "Essie shouted as she turned her eyes to the door to see him pass by.

"Hmm ...so you think just because he kissed you, & sweetly called your name that he likes you. Wake up girl this isn't a fairytale where you just get the prince "

Vanita had started feeling gloomy hearing her friend's words when she saw someone tap Essie's shoulder.

Essie was still reprimanding her friend when she had someone tap her shoulder. She turned around upset shouting "What do you want?"

But when her eyes meet the person she was silenced just like Vanita was.

"His eyes are so dark just like the sky with no stars at night yet still beautiful, what am I doing? Essie snapped out of it.

She put on her most wonderful smile & rephrased her statement.

"How may I help you? " But his eyes had shifted from her to Vanita & they seem to shine just like precious pearls. "Seems this guy is contagious," she thought.

"Can I sit here today? he asked

"..." Essie wondered what he meant.

Cause it was only possible if she left meaning he was telling her to leave the seat for him.

She looked at her friend who was completely in a daze. she thought for a while before picking up her belongings "Just because I love you "she said to Vanita and left the seat.

He sat down quietly and looked at her.

"Morning Vani? "Rimuel said

"....." Vanita said nothing

He thought she hadn't heard his question so he repeated it but she still said nothing. He gave up and sat quietly

The moment he had sat down his scent insulted her nostrils shutting down her senses. She looked at his face & tried to answer his question but no words came out. Finally finding her voice she answered.

"Am....okay.. " she replied

He turned his head to say something but the teacher entered stopping him.

The Exam began, but unfortunately for her, it was her worst paper since it had calculations. Vanita had never been good with numbers even when she tried her best.

She hadn't studied last night since she was so excited to see him and now karma was haunting her.

He saw her face frown from the corners of his eyes looking at the questions.

She looked at the questions and they all seemed too hard to understand.

He tapped her hand and whispered "Follow my lead "

She looked at him wondering what he meant. Then she saw him open his question paper and point to a question then look at her.

She looked at the question and realized it was the first one on the paper. Realizing what he meant she immediately smiled and got her pen to answer.

He smiled back and started writing answers in his booklet making sure to move at her pace so that she would follow.

He always stole a peek at the teacher so that they couldn't be caught as he successfully helped her.

She finished the last question with a smile and closed the booklet.

The moment she closed her booklet, he closed his too & stood up to give it in with the others.

she later followed him and gave in hers too. They returned to their seats.

"Thanks," Vanita said

He didn't say anything but instead nodded.

When everybody was done the teacher let them go. Everybody started to leave but Vanita didn't even lift a finger. To scared to move since Rimuel hadn't moved an inch.

When the class was almost empty he turned his head towards her and said "if you need help again just ask me "

"Ahh... I won't " she immediately yelled She didn't want her crush to see her as a dumb girl. Before he could react she continued "Today I wasn't prepared. But it won't happen again "

He knew why she had refused his help again but didn't mind so he smiled.

"why is he smiling? Does he think am dumb" she thought

"OK "was his reply

"But still... thanks for today you saved me from an F " she smiled

He looked at her face and he was contented with what he had done.

He stood and got his bag to leave. When she saw this, she took her things too and followed him outside.

Noticing the glances from the other classmates she stopped in her tracks.

He seemed to have noticed her stop, turning around he looked at her and said "Vani let's go "

Without even thinking twice she followed him towards the cafeteria.

They ate in silence among the silent cold stares of his admirers.

"You sure have a lot of fans, " Vanita told him

He looked around and met the gazes upon them then said "I don't care. But if they make you uncomfortable I can tell them to stop"

Her eyes widen in surprise at what he had said "No.... please. Just let it be " She kept her mouth shut after that and finished her meal.

"Let's go prepare for the next paper," he said as he stood up.


While feeling foolish she asked herself why she was following him around like a puppy. But she still followed him

"Ahhh... that's my best friend. How annoying "Essie exclaimed

The rest of the exams were so easy for her. Maybe it was because Rimuel had decided to seat next to her every day or she had become smarter since she sat next to a genius.

But all in all, she had finished all her exams successfully.

"Why isn't he giving me back my seat? " Essie asked Vanita

"Maybe he doesn't want to part from me" Vanita answered

Essie looked at her friend " Just be careful, not everyone helps for free"

Vanita didn't mind and left the restrooms.

It had been a while since he decided to sit & eat with her. They always talked to each other when necessary but still felt contented.

"Are you attending the school party this weekend?" he asked

She looked up to meet his eyes and nodded and replied with a yes

"Will you be attending too? "

"I will since you are coming "he answered

Her heart almost skipped a beat. Why was he always attacking her with his direct answers." Since am going " was he a gangster to be so forward she thought.

"I have to leave. See you this weekend Vani "Rimuel stood up & left

As she watched him leave she wondered why he was the only person who called her "Vani"